
Saturday 20 August 2011

In the frame

By the power of Blogger, at least I really hope so because I scheduled this well ahead as I will be teaching all weekend at Stampalot. More of the special Blog Girl days and lots of new faces from as far afield as Australia via Newcastle, as well as some familiar ones as well, all of whom I am so looking forward to seeing.

Lots of laughs, lots of chatter a lovely buffet lunch.....did I forget anything ? Oh yes and a bit of inky crafting.......and brayers will roll, although they don't all know that yet !

On to our new challenge at Allsorts where I have chosen the theme "You've been Framed", basically I would like to see you incorporate a frame somewhere on your work.

I did have two DT shares but now it's three as I thought I really should have one with Molly as our sponsors are Sir Stampalot who are giving away two Molly stamps to the winner of this weeks challenge. And it does have a little frame as Molly is painting a picture on her easel. I have paper pieced this one using some of the super Scribble Scrabble DP's. You can find all the Molly Blooms stamps here.

My second card is using Ruth of A Passion for Stamps Cosmic flower which you can buy here. I love to paper piece this image and have used Bo Bunny DP for both the flower and the frame which is cut with a Nestie. The little row of butterflies is the border/bar code edge of the sheet which I thought was too pretty to throw away. The sentiment is computer generated and I tied some of the lace and made up a pin with coordinating beads.

And finally my third share uses Penny Black 4039K Candid, stamped twice and decoupaged and framed with a nestie. The DP is Bo Bunny and the scalloped border EK Success.

Have a good weekend everyone.


  1. Hi Brenda - fabulous cards as always. See you soon!
    Hugs, Sylvia xx

  2. A beautiful selection of cards :o)
    Jackie xx

  3. Very lovely cards! The first card is so beautifully coloured and I love her "stamped" outfit :)
    Have a nice weekend!

  4. These are all very beautiful. :)

  5. Hi Dear!!
    It was a while I didn't pass, but as I wrote, I was away enjoying sea and sun! =) I'm back home now... =(
    Youe cards are great as usual!!!
    I send you a warm hug, ans hope you are fine!

  6. oh hun these are all just gorgeous beautiful detail on all of them,hugs cherylxxx

  7. Great cards Brenda!
    Love the way you have paperpieced on the Molly card :)
    Have a nice weekend and I hope you will have a great day today at Stampalot!
    HUgs, Jill

  8. Love the cards! There are soo cuttie and warm!

  9. Oh Brenda your cards are amazing, beautiful colours and images. Enjoy your inky day xxx

  10. Oh my giddy aunt Brenda, youve been very busy. These are such a beautiful collection of individual and unique cards. Lee xx

  11. ooh have a fab day Brenda - i am sure you will have fun.. i am counting the days till i come up!
    Love the cards ..little Molly blooms looks so cute
    Lisa x

  12. Hi wow they are all so pretty. How cute is the first stamp the painting is so sweet. I adore the soft dreamy colours of the second one and the last one the dotty frame is so perfect. Thanks Kitty :D

  13. Good morning Brenda!

    3 super cards today and have to say Molly is looking pretty in her greens!

    Your demo day sounds perfect! You lucky girls! Hope you have a whale of a day and dont get too tired after!

    Keryn x

  14. Hi, Brenda! All cards are great! My #1 is the green one, so cute..

  15. These are all beautiful but I especially love the image on the first card!

  16. Hi Brenda hope you are enjoying your teaching, lucky people. Stunning cards they are all gorgeous. hugs Shirleyxxxx

  17. Hi Brenda,
    It was great to see you and Ed last week, I have just made a note of your email so I will try to email that link I promised shortly.
    Love your cards Brenda, especially the Molly with the paper peicing :)

  18. Wonderful card, such different ones. Enjoy your teaching. Thanks for the visit, appreciate it. Have a great weekend. Hugs Anesha

  19. Three gorgeous cards, congratulations. Bye, Laura

  20. Hi Brenda
    love all 3 cards, the Molly image is so sweet.
    Sorry I've been A.W.O.L. for a while (been out boating on the Thame's & couldn't get internet access). We are away with all the family (at Centre Parks) next week, so hopefully will have internet access.
    Hope you enjoy your week-end teaching (lucky pupils having you teach them).
    Sandra (craftynan)

  21. Stunning cards Brenda. The first one is such a fun image, love how you've paper pieced her dungarees! The second one is just beautiful and my favourite colour too. The third one is just so elegant, the image and DP are lovely.

    Kat xx

  22. Very nice cards!! I loved this first one:)

  23. Красиво! Цветы - шикарные!

  24. What a fabulous collection of cards - all so pretty and all so different :) Love the framework and dotty papers.



  25. wow these cards are just amazing... they are just so pretty...
    thanks for sharing.

  26. So beatiful!!!! I loved!


  27. These are all lovely. My favourite is Molly and her easel - what can I say, I just love the greens and the paper-piecing is fabulous :)

  28. Oh those lucky ladies doing a class with you. Sounds like lots of fun. I really love how you use the Molly image.

  29. These are all lovely! Such a lot of different techniques too. Hope the class went well. I nedd to learn about brayers!! Ruth x

  30. These are just beautiful - as always. thanks for a lovely day yesterday and for the bookmark.
    hugs Linbyx

  31. Hi Brenda - lovely cards, love the middle one - but then purple shades are my weakness!! Hope you enjoyed your teaching weekend..Esther xx

  32. Oh Brenda your cards are amazing. Each so beautiful in their own way. Love the colors, papers and images on each.
    Blessings Bernie

  33. Lovely cards! Such great use of colors :)

  34. These are beautiful Brenda! I love the paper piecing you did on the first card!! Fabulous how you ruffled the lace on the second card, and the colors on the third are just stunning!
    Enjoy your day!!

  35. Your cards are so gorgeous - hope the teaching went well.


  36. Tremendous with the different interpretations of frames. Love the way you've used the papers for the frame on that last one & the little Molly Bloom is really great fun, especially with your paper piecing & those bugs flying about.
    Paula (PEP)

  37. I thought I recognized your cards at Debs! Gorgeous!!!

  38. Our cards are amazing. All that is beautiful on their own. I love the colors and images on each.

  39. That's nice one the best card. I like this greeting card. In choose colour,paper and images are fantastic. I really want to make it this card. Thanks for share it.

  40. This is my one of the best card. Every thing looking so beautiful. Best color combination. I like to make it.
