
Saturday 25 September 2010

Plain and Simple

Version four

Version three

Today at Allsorts my great teamie Emma has set us the theme of "Plain and Simple". And I admit these two are my third and fourth attempts at 'plain and simple' and I'm still not convinced I've got the hang of and two were binned.......I know sinful for a crafter.

The black and white effort is some simple stamping and embossing onto with lined cardstock using a bird from Inkadinkao 9836 and part of a sentiment from Hero Arts 30-056. A rose made from some stash DP using my tattered floral die, a but of punching with Martha Stewart loop and a couple of pearls coloured back with Copics. This card is for the following challenge:

Fab 'n Funky - Quote me Happy

For the next one I used a piece of card that had been spritzed with Glimmer Mist honey dew mist and stamped with Hero Arts D5449 fabulous flourish using Tim Holtz dusky Concorde. The sentiment is also from hero, but an unmounted set for which I no longer have the code I'm afraid. I mounted the piece onto bazzil cardstock and punched the border with Martha Stewart zig zag and a butterfly also using a MS punch.

Over to Polkadoodles where this week the my great blog pal Claire wants us to make something with a Hidden Element. So I have come up with this little box which I made on the scoreboard and covered with paper from the Paper Boutique CD and inside bobbing butterflies and flowers. The flower on the top is made from the same paper using three punches and spritzing with Glimmer Mist pearl.

My final card is another of the lovely image from Sweet Pea poppy love. The background has been brayered with Big and Juicy Happy Birthday, masking a moon.....this image just seems to lend herself to a moonlit background. I coloured her with the same inks. The DP is from stash, Martha Steward eyelet lace border, some ribbon slides and a punched flower spritzed with Glimmer Mist dazzling diamonds. This card is for the following challenges:

Crazy 4 Challenges - Bling
Friday Sketchers - Sketch
Sweet Pea Challenge - Charmed I'm Sure (it's in the centre of the flower)


  1. They are all wonderful Brenda!

    Plain and simple is always challenging, but yours are fab!

    I've sent a mail to you :)


  2. Hiya Brenda. WOW, how fantastic are all these creations. You have been a busy bee and I love them all. Brilliant. Happy crafting.
    With love, Sandra xx

  3. Hi B

    Fabulous creations hun your plain and simple cards look gorgeous and the exploding box looks amazing!

    Emma xxx

  4. Hi B. your cards are stunning, your plain & simple cards are beautiful ~ I really struggled with this challenge.
    Hope you ok & have a fab weekend
    Hugz fleur xXx

  5. oh wow hun you really have created the most amazing detailed cards gosh what a delight for the eyes gosh my fav is the first one that bird is brilliant and the design well wow hugs cheryl xxxxxxx

  6. wow, all fabulous but it's that wonderfully simple black and white card that has me gasping. Great crafting.

  7. Beautiful creations Brenda. I love the black and white CAS card and the Sweet Pea is beautiful. I love your flowers too.
    Hugs, Clare x

  8. Great challenge and just loving your creations. I love the plain and simple sometimes less is more.... Great. Hugs Nicola xx

  9. SHE'S BACK.....
    theres no doubt about it you defineately are back and ON FIRE such stunning work, and I ADORE the black and white plain and simple one, I sometimes think less is more, but only sometimes!!!!
    lots of hugs chris xx

  10. I adore your plain and simple projects Brenda and your colours on your card for Sweet Pea stampers are gorgeous thanks for joining us again. Hugs Pascale

  11. Every project on this post is gorgeous Brenda but my own personal favourite is the first card. That black and white design is stunning in its simplicity and yes, I think you got it, Lol!

    Lesley Xx

  12. I just love all your projects. Your plain and simple cards are so lovely...I especially like the black and white one. What a wonderful idea the little box filled with butterflies is.

  13. are on a roll !! Such great creations Brenda! You never sese to amaze me!!
    Have a wounderful sathurday

    Hugs Lina
    The explodingbox is soo pretty!

  14. All of your cards are gorgeous.Thanks for sharing with us at Sweet Pea

  15. I can't pick a favourite as they are all so gorgeous, really fabulous creations Brenda. But I do have a soft spot for sweet peas and your is just fantastic, love the background, the brayering really completes the image.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  16. Your getting bussier and bussier! I love it. Awesome creations girl!!!

    Have fun and take care!

  17. OMG Brenda you have been busy since my last visit - you're definitely on a creative roll at the moment. I adore your plain and simple cards they're so classy. A great little exploding box and the last card is really pretty. I'm so glad you're starting to feel better now.

    Love Lynda xxx

  18. Hi Brenda, wow 4 fabulous projects, your first card is gorgeous I love the simplicity of it, those stamps are brilliant. The box is fantastic and your Sweetpea one is beautiful, but your flowers are stunning. With love and hugs Shirleyxxxxxx

  19. Fabulous creations as always Brenda especially like your plain and simple cards and I think you've most definately got the hang of this!

  20. Stunning cards Brenda, simply stunning xxx

  21. Love these creations Brenda, you have the greatest selection of stamps!! My absolutely favourite is the black and white one, stunning.

  22. Oh these are all gorgeous Brenda, the plain and simple ones are just lovely, it is hard though isn't it doing things plain and a little less fussy. I really struggle with it and end up just like you bining the whole lot, but I keep on trying.

  23. Hi Brenda
    so many beautiful creations. I love them all!!!!
    Sarah x

  24. Lovely, I really like the reverse border. Thanks for playing along with Fab N Funky!

  25. Wow, Brenda! You are on a roll! These are all so stunning! Love your plain and simple ones and the box and sweet pea card are gorgeous too. Love them all!

  26. Gorgeous cards Brenda. I love the black and white one.

    Nikki x

  27. Hi Brenda.

    Thanks so much for popping by. I feel quite honoured as I know you are "resting" at the minute!!
    It's definitely Autumnal here. We went for a run out this morning and it was surprising to see the colour of the trees. They seemed to have started to turn quite suddenely and the conkers are about which seems quite early this year!!
    All 4 of these are just stunning. I love the black and white tattered floral but my favourite has to be the TH swirl. Isn't is gorgeous. I may have to add that to my collection!!
    You springy box is great too. I'm quite addicted to these at the minute. Special peeps may get them for Christmas cards this year, if I can get my finger out and get them made!!
    I hope your feeling a bit better, it must be miserable to be under the weather, especially now it's turning colder.
    Look after yourself.
    Hugs Lisax

  28. gorgeous sweet pea card!!!
    thank you so much for joining us at SPS!!!

  29. Simply elegant. Love the black and whites together. Lovely ideas!

    Hope your keeping well hun. It feels like an age has gone by since I was last here!

    Kimmi xx

  30. Hi Brenda

    Thanks for popping by my blog and leaving such wonderful comments ;-)

    Glad to see you are making up for lost time with these stunning cards. All of them are gorgeous as usual!

    While I am here I may as well thank you for joining in over on Sweet Pea Stampers for our "Charmed" challenge ;-)

    Sarah x

  31. Fabulous!!...thanks for joining us at Fab'n'Funky! xx Jenny xx

  32. Timeless is so fab! I'm comforted that I'm not the only one who has to bin unsucessful efforts.

  33. Lovely work as always Brenda....I love your little box (now why haven't I thought of that lol) x

  34. Hi Brenda,
    Sorry I've not been over for a while I'm still suffering with my back,got to have physio now...These are all gorgeous I think You've got the plain and simple just perfect and the box is lovely....
    Mandy xx

  35. Hiya Brenda, wow wow wow all these cards and the box are fab But my fav is the top one its really lovely!! take care love xx jo xx

  36. Hi Brenda,

    I've sent a mail again!

    (My computer collapsed after posting on Sunday.)


  37. Oh my word Brenda what stunning creations you are showing the difference of each one yet all so beautiful, creative and inspirational I love them.
    Lorraine x

  38. Просмотрела много ваших работ... какие они все красивые..Рада знакомству.

  39. oh wow!! so many gorgeous things!!! Love your plain and simple cards! the monochrome one is just so stylish! and I love the one with the swirl on to, as always thank you for your inspiration! Hugs Juls

  40. Love the Sweet Pea image you have used!
    Thank you so much for playing along with my sketch this week over at the Friday Sketchers Challenge!
    Hugs Jeanette xx

  41. O wow Brenda, these are beautiful, love the simple cards and the Sweet Pea one is stunning !!

  42. Wow you have been busy and they are all gorgeous! I love your colouring and the layouts you have used especially on the keep it simple ones is just stunning :D
    Thank you for joining us at sweet pea stampers and good luck :D


    Amy xx
