
Tuesday 28 September 2010

Elegant fairy

Hello peeps, hope your all well. Just a quick post with a couple of cards.

The first a touch of know me, any excuse to use a fairy and this one is such a beautiful one from Crafts and Me called Eternity. I brayered a backround using a mask for the moon with Tim Holtz Victorian velvet and vintage photo. I coloured the image with the same inks and glittered her wings. Stamped a few leaves round the top with an Art Impressions stamp, some flowers and punched butterfly. The DP is Basic Grey and My Minds Eye. This is for the following challenges:

Cupcake - Pink and Brown
Paper Sundaes - Things with Wings
Creative Card Crew - Bloomin' Marvelous
Oldie but a Goodie - Pink and Girly

My second card is my anniversary card for my hubby later this week. He always says he needs to check my blog to know what I'm up to, but he's so busy at work this weeks that's unlikely so think I'm safe to share. Not your conventional anniversary card, but he's not a hearts and flowers sort of guy and will love the colours of this one as yellow is his favourite colour and all things Nature. I masked a section to create the background and inked with TH rusty hings, mustard seed and barn door with a spritz of Glimmer Mist iridescent gold. The tree from Creative Expressions, the border Martha Stewart cornice edging and the sentiment computer generated. It is for the following challenges:

Stamp Something - Fall colours
Cards for Men - Autumn
Stamptacular Sunday - Seasons Change/Fall
Tuesday Taggers - Here Comes Autumn


  1. Hi Brenda,
    More wonderful cards! I love the fairy, she's so glamorous and the Anniversary Card is stunning.
    Clare x

  2. Hi Brenda,
    I forgot to say thank you for entering the Oldie but a Goodie challenge.
    Hugs, Clare x

  3. Wow,Brenda!!The first one is a real beauty!!What an amazing image,so adorable!
    Second one is wonderful too!
    Have a lovely evening :)

    Hugs,Kari :)

  4. wonderful card Brenda .i love the autumnal tree - i think your hubbie will too. Have a fabulous day on your Anniversary
    Lisa ;)

  5. I love that anniversary card! Not that the fairy isn't lovely too, but I really like the autumn-y colours of the anniversary card.

  6. wow this is stunning i must get myself a brayer i have wanted to try this technique for ages now xx

  7. 2 stunners, I'm not a fairy love but though colours are lovely and so are the flowers. Your Autumn tree is perfect. janex

  8. Wow, both of these cards are just gorgeous, but I especially love the fairy image! OMGOSH!! That is BEAUTIFUL! Thank you for sharing!

  9. What beautiful cards,I love the effect the brayer gives,haven't got one myself but looking at these I'd love to have a go! Any advice gratefully recieved :) it's our anniversay tomorrow,made the card,just need to blog it. Happy crafting, Julie x

  10. Wow, Brenda these are both just amazing! Love how you did that background on the second card, and I love the beautiful scene on the first one. Just beautiful!

  11. I have a little something for you on my blog.


  12. Love your fairy, Brenda but that gorgeous tree with the lovely brayered background has to be my favourite, it's just beautiful. Funnily enough it's our Anniversary too on Sunday so I've also been making an Anniversary card. Hope you have a lovely day on yours. Make sure you are spoilt just a little.
    Hugs Lisax

  13. Thanks Brenda,you are a star for sending me advice! I so want to do a moon effect,I've a lamppost stamp that cries out for it. Will let you know how I get on!:) x

  14. Both totally gorgeous, and I can't choose between them. Thanks for sharing with us at Tuesday Taggers this week and good luck!

  15. Stunnin cards, really love the fairy card. x

  16. Super creativity B. Love the fairy - so elegant and magical. Love that DI colour with the over stamping - sure it will be treasured by DH.

    Hope those doggies are behaving.

    Hugs Cherry XXX

  17. Great cards hun your fairy really is very elegant. Fabulous annivarsy card, congratulations on the day. Great to see the coloured area is more than just orange. Thank you for sharing with us at TT xx Zoe

  18. beautiful card. Thanks for joining us at Paper sundaes this week.


  19. Brenda even more stunning cards from you. I really don't know where you get the time... Just fab. Hugs Nicola xx

  20. WOw, superb cards ! Love the moon you made with the mask, the butterfly punch is great too !
    Thanks for the comment on craft and me ! :-)

  21. You are a true inspiration Brenda your carsd ate so beautiful and your masking it artwork!!

    Both are equally stunning!!
    Have a great evening...tomorrow there will be some fell projects aswell!!!

    Hugs Lina

  22. BLimey these are a couple of belters, so love the fairy one and I really don't do fairies, its such an amazing creation and the hubby one is just perfect for your man, straight to the point. happy anniversary by the way. hugs chris xx

  23. Can't see the first card Brenda but the second is gorgeous. Never would have thought to do just a block of colour like that and I love the idea of the two trees. Strong symbol for an anniversary card, perfect.
    Oh she just appeared, glad I didn't miss that one, pure gorgeous and pink, well a shade of pink anyway lol.

  24. Hi!B these are both very lovely cards,that fairy is just gorgeous and i am a big tree fan-just fab.
    hugs Lou.xx

  25. Hi Brenda
    two gorgeous cards, lovely images, sue,x

  26. Oh Brenda, the fairy card is stunning, again lovely colours you have chosen and I love the brayered background! Go see Julia, you will love it! xxx

  27. Gorgeous fairy card, she so divinely made!!!

    awesome anniversary card!

  28. Hi Brenda. What fab cards! I love your take on our pink and brown theme. Thanks for playing at Cupcake this week. x

  29. oh wow hun these are both amazing cards,love the fairy she is so beautiful and the second card wow just perfect hugs cheryl xxx

  30. First of all-HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!
    Your cards are amazing!
    I love them both!
    And I loooove how you making sun.

  31. such gorgeous creations!! Love your magical fairy, everything about that card is perfect, it has such a gorgeous elegant romantic feel about it, love the soft colours, and the dimension of the butterflies on the border! Hugs Juls

  32. Hi dear
    beautiful cards... the fairy one is great!! I like everything on it, the stamp, the colour combo, the flowers... so nice!!!

  33. Hi Brenda, wow you really know how to warm a girls heart, I love fairies to, and your card is gorgeous youve created one stunning scene.
    And Im sure hubby will love his card, they dont like anything over the top or I should say mine doesnt and thats just right. With love and hugs Shirleyxxxxxx

  34. Both cards are lovely Brenda but I love the fairy on the first one. :) x

  35. Two totally stunning cards Brenda. Wish I could capture the magic like you have on the first one and I just love what you've done with your anniversary card that has definitely got the WOW factor.

    Love Lynda xxx

  36. Beautiful cards...that fairy is so elegant and love the colours you have used. Wonderful layering on your anniversary card. Congratulations to the both of you. :-)

  37. Love your gorgeous fairy card and also love the pretty tree one. Your hubby will love it too for sure, so pretty. keeleyxx

  38. marvelous cards - love them both! I'm adding your blog into my bookmarks :)
    Thanks for joining us at Paper Sundaes this week! And thanks for the inspiration too!

  39. These are both so elegant. Beautiful work.

  40. Hi Brenda, what gorgeous cards. The elegant fairy is just stunning and the anniversary card is lovely too. Hubby will love it.

    I've just had a quick catch up just now. I have missed so many amazing cards recently! Nice to hear about your puppies too. I love Labradors, seems so long since ours was a puppy.

    Kat xx

  41. Both cards are striking - love the autumn colours!

  42. Gorgeous cards. I love the first one.

    Nikki x

  43. I really love your elegant Fairy - gorgeous image and the colour is fabulous! Cheers Claire x

  44. Hi B. A very happy anniversary, from what I gather ~ All the best couples marry at the beginning of October HeHe. Beautiful cards, and I love that punched border, take care.
    Thanks for joining our 2nd challenge at OLDIE but a GOODIE, hope you’ll join us again
    Hugz Fleur xXx

  45. Gorgeous creations Brenda!

    Love your masking technique, thanks for the inspiration.

    And Happy Anniversary! The card is a perfect male card.


  46. Hi Brenda

    He wouldn't appreciate one of my creations then LOL!!!

    Hope you have a lovely anniversary.

    Love Jules xx

  47. Two stunning cards Brenda - I love the anniversary card, but I am a huge fan of fairies and this one is just stunning. The brayered background and soft colours are magical.
    Hugs, Sylvia xxx

  48. Wow Brenda, what stunning cards. Hope you have a wonderful anniversary. Thank you for joining us at Cards for Men xxx

  49. Love how you're used the fall colors to create this fabulous card! Don't you just love the colors of fall? It's my favorite time of year!

    Thanks for playing along with us this week at Stamptacular! Hope you'll join us again soon for some more challenge fun!


  50. Beautiful cards,thankyou for joining us at Oldie But A Goodie,hope to see you on future challenges
    love n hugs

  51. Wow what beautiful cards! Simply love your use of florals. Thanks so much for joining us at the Creative Card Crew.

  52. Gorgeous card, your coloring is so beautiful! Thanks for joining us at Paper Sundaes this week!

  53. Hi Brenda, what a beautiful card. The image and papers are gorgeous. Thanks for joining us at cupcake craft challenge this week. Hugs, Denise x

  54. I just love this card. The background square's colors are just gorgeous. Love the black trees on the front. Thanks for sharing it with us during our Change of Season challenge, please come back and join us this week for the Layer It On Challenge.
    Hugs xx
