
Thursday 1 April 2010

Stampalot challenge April

Good Morning everyone, it's seemed ages coming but at last the day has arrived when we launch our Sir Stampalot challenge.

Our very talented Design Team have come up with some awesome projects for our theme of "Fantasy". And as promised Sir Stampalot are providing a very special prize for our winner........a Cricut Personal Electronic Cutter no less plus a Pooh font cartridge......... plus we will be selecting our Top 3 who will be able to display our special blinkie.

My project is a box card, using shades of blue, a colour I don't work with that often, but somehow I felt it matched what I was trying to depict. The background was brayered and masked with Big and Juice waterfall. The fairy called Fairy Dust is from Lavinia stamps inked with versamark and embossed with iridescent. I rolled the brayer over the stamp to pick up the image and create a reflection in the water. The cherry blossom and flowers across the bottom are from Magenta CS-043 and the grass and reeds Art Impression. DP is Basic Grey. The tiny fairy at the bottom flap - which folds down - was stamped onto shrinky and colored with Brilliance inks.

A footnote:
As you might guess this post was scheduled but though I would add this bit to tell you that this little box has just found a home. Anysia who is studying Equine Husbandry at Cambridge.........I have shared pictures of her riding.......had a bad fall yesterday and has a broken femur.

They could not operate until the swelling reduced and bleeding stopped. But she is in surgery now and they say it will be about three hours before she comes back up, so have popped home to get some bits for her and collect the fairy box which will give her something to look at instead of flowers.......the hospital does not allow them. She is going to be in hospital most of Easter, so I may not be about much, but there are a few scheduled posts to go up.


  1. Gorgeous project, and hope she gets better soon.

  2. Stunning Brenda Will join in hun

    Liz xx

  3. gprgeous project Brenda...hope she will be better soon!
    xxx Margreet

  4. Hello Brenda, So sad to here your news, hope Anysia will be well soon. I love your card it really is magical. I adore the Lavinia stamps and technics they are on my wish list.
    Love Cherie

  5. oh dear so sad - do hope she is okay.
    Came over to say your project is totally amazing. It will definitely be something gorgeous to look at while she is in hospital.
    Ann xxx

  6. Beuatiful project Brenda - i love those little boxes and the stamps are purely magical
    Lisa ;)

  7. Hiya Brenda hope Anysia gets better soon! Lovely box.Have a lovely easter xx jo xx

  8. The box is simply wonderful Brenda but what a shame poor Anysia has to look at it from a hospital bed. I hope she doesn't have too miserable an Easter.

    Lesley Xx

  9. A beautiful project Brenda, I'm sure Anysia will love it when she is back in her hospital bed. A beautiful keepsake. Hope she recovers quickly. Have a lovely Easter. Hugs Suzi x

  10. absolutely adorable Brenda.
    Hope you have a good easter.
    Babs x

  11. oh hun hope she will be okay bless her your card,and box hun simply stunning will try and join in hugs cheryl xxxx

  12. Adorable card am sure it will work it's magic and cheer Anysia up.

    Love Lynda xxx

  13. Beautiful project, love the idea. anesha

  14. How beautiful Brenda. You do these scene type cards to well. Best wishes to Anysia and I'm sure this will bring a smile to her face.
    Beryl xx

  15. Hi B. this is fantastic, really pretty. Love the reflection.
    Hugz Fleur xXx

  16. congrats on the first challenge on the sir stampalot challenge blog!! It looks fab!!

    Your creation is just gorgeous!! such a work of art!!

    Hugs Juls

  17. Oh Brenda. You are having a time of it at the minute. Poor Anysia. I hope she makes a swift recovery. Your box will certainly make her smile, it's absolutely gorgeous. I love what you do with Lavinia stamps.


  18. How nice of you to give out this fabulous project box to Anysia. I hope she recovers fast. Hugs xxx

  19. Wow! brenda this is stunning ! Amazing! I really don't know what to say it's sooo fabulous!! Hope Anysia gets better soon. Have a Happy Easter xxx

  20. This is a beautiful gift for Anysia....hope she will get better soon and that the surgery will go ahead as planned!!!
    Wisch you a Happy Lovelly Easter
    Hugs Lina

  21. Good luck with the new challange blog will have to pop over in a mo and see all your work. Your box card is fabulous love the images and so useful as well. Hope your girl recovers quickly sounds nasty.

  22. Hi Brenda

    Lots going on in this post!!

    Some good some bad .. .. I am excited and worried for you all at the same time.

    I hope that Anysia is ok. I am sure your present will "cheer her up" no-end.

    Sounds like a nasty injury.

    Take care
    Love Jules xx

  23. Hi Brenda, Only me again. A bit of an apology really. When I left your comment earlier I was in a bit of a rush to go on school run. So i looked at your gorgeous creation, without reading the post. Sorry to hear about Anysia, what an awful thing to happen. Hope everything is going ok (as well as it can)
    Anyway really hope she gets better quickly - love to you all
    Hugs Fleur xXx

  24. Very pretty Brenda and I hope Anysia is feeling better soon and has a fast recovery.
    louise xx

  25. This is so beautiful and I know Anysia will love looking at it. Give her my love and hope she recovers quickly.
    Take care Brenda
    Love Tracy x

  26. It's a stunning piece, Brenda, and I'm sure Anysia will love it. Thinking of you all, and sending loads of hugs xxx

  27. So sorry to hear about Anysia and her accident. I hope she makes a full and fast recovery.

    What a lovely gift to look at on her bedside, it is truly beautiful.

    We don't allow flowers on the wards in the hospital where I work anymore either.

    Sarah x

  28. Wow, amazing card, love the scene you created.

  29. Amazing creation Brenda. So sorry to hear of Anysia's fall, she is in my prayers for a full recovery. A broken femur... OUCH!!

  30. This is stunning Brenda. Love how you stamped the image on the shrinky that is perfect for the card.

  31. This is stunning Brenda. Here's to many more fantastic creations for the Sir Stampalot challenge.
    Clare x

  32. amazingly beautiful! wow, well done on such stunning creations!


  33. Brenda,
    You may have seen my comments here and there on your blog but know that I have it feedblitz to me every time you create something and that you inspire me more than you can imagine. I have an award for you for just that on my blog.

    I hope you will accept!!

  34. Brenda, this card is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!!!!

    Have a lovely Easter.


  35. What a truly beautiful creation, you are wonderfully talented and I have to say this is one of my favorite cards, and the colors are awesome
    All the best

  36. Beautiful creation, hope your daughter recovers soon, Pauline xx

  37. This is a delightful fantasy creation, I love the reflection. I hope Anysia is well soon, this will be such a worry for you.

  38. one ot the most beautiful cards I've ever seen!!! stunning!

  39. Awesome creation Brenda!! I love that image and the colors you used!! ...Thank you for stopping by my blog! :o)
    Hugs, Tammy

  40. Lovely card Brenda. I like the reflection of the fairy in the water, love Linda

  41. Hi Brenda thought I'd send you another comment, I have photographic proof that fairies really do exsist, just look at my 2nd entry for the Fantasy Challenge, love Linda
