
Friday 2 April 2010

By the Cut and Girly April Challenge

Update: Thank you all for your kind comments and mails about Anysia. The op was more complicated than they envisaged and she was in surgery a good part of the day and needs another op, but when she is stronger. She is receiving transfusions and like a robot with all the machines she is linked to, but when we left last night had come round and recognised us all......and asked where her mobile phone was, so we saw that as a positive move in the right direction. Am away to the hospital again now, as although visiting is restricted they are allowing us pretty free access to be with her.

This month at By the Cute and Girly we have several new DT's, so welcome to you all. The theme this month is "Fairytales", a chance for you to get all those fairy any mythical stamps and products out.

Still in 'box' mode I have created yet another box/easel project and a really mystical card with a unicorn. Both use a selection of stamps from Lavinina (link on sidebar), including the unicorn and steps which are amongst their new releases.

The background for the box card was created with Tim Holtz distress inks marigold, sage and mustard seed and the stamping done with versfaine sepia and Big and Juicy spice. The fairy image has been stamped twice and embossed with iridescent powder, cut out and decoupaged. The flowers and leaves are all from Magenta CS043 set and the toadstools are from the Magnolia Tilda range. DP's are My Minds Eye.

The unicorn card has a brayered background using eggplant and Big and Juicy Spice, more Lavinia stamps for the trees and leaves plus a few Art Impression ones and the fence has been drawn in with a fine line black marker pen.


  1. Two beautiful makes Brenda stunning scenes you have created. My heart goes out to you today. Hugs

  2. My prayers are for Anysia today, hope she gets well soon xxxx Love your creations, stunning as always, and yes, already checked out the Fairytales Challenge, seems fun. Hugs xx

  3. Hi Brenda,

    Glad Anysia's op went well..must be a difficult time for you..thinking of you!!

    Your crations are gorgeous, so magical!! Hugs Juls

  4. wow wee!
    another couple of stunners, I have to say what you do withthose Lavinina stamps is so so impressive, I love both of these cards they are incredible.
    I wish you all a Happy Easter, sorry its not running as smoothtly as is should do.
    back soon lots of love chris xx

  5. wow this is a fantastic card all I can say is wow, best wishes & speedy recovery to Anysia

  6. Two stunning creations, Brenda! Hope Anysia continues to improve and makes a speedy recovery. Sending big hugs xxx

  7. I absolutely adore your fantasy cards Brenda - they're always stunning. Love the sky and moon on the unicorn one.

    Love Lynda xxx

  8. These are amazing Brenda, I am so loving the Lavinia stamp's, I got quite a few from the NEC...
    I fancy having a go at one of those box's...if you see one soon you know where I got the idea

  9. Poor Anysia. I hope she's feeling a bit better today when you see her.

    I really want to have a go at one of these lovely boxes and I think I have something suitable to alter. It was on your blog where I first saw the Lavinia fairy stamps and fell in love with them. You've now shown me some more I need. Those steps are a must to go with the doorway that I already have.

    Thanks for the lovely inspiration Brenda.

    Lesley Xx

  10. Hi Brenda
    sorry to hear about your daughter, hopefully she wont be in for too long.
    your card is stunning love the colours.
    Christine x

  11. Gorgeous cards Brenda. I love the stamps.
    I hope Anysia feels better soon.

    Nikki x

  12. Purely magical Brenda - beautiful creations. Thinking of you today.
    Lisa ;)

  13. Gorgeous creations Brenda!
    Wishing Anysia a speedy recovery
    Love Jacky x

  14. Wishing Anysia a very speedy recovery Brenda - what a worry~!

    These Fantasy cards are just gorgeous and right up my street. I haven't come across stamps by Lavinia before and now want them all lol!

    Lesley x

  15. Very lovely cards two beautiful pictures. Positive thoughts to Anysia.

  16. Big cyber hugs to you xxx
    Love your cards, they are stunning x

  17. Two fabulous creations Brenda. I love those box cards you do.
    Hope Anysia's doing OK today.
    Beryl xx

  18. Hi! B,these are both very lovely and magical.
    Hope you are doing ok? and Anysia is feeling better very soon.see you soon,hugs Lou.xx

  19. Me again B,for the 4th time.SORRY! for some reason my posts are not showing as i do them and then they all popped up at once.xx

  20. Beautiful cards brenda and glad to hear op went well.
    louise xx

  21. Woderful Unicorn creation - I love Unicorn images - so magical! Pleased to hear your daughter is through the op - take care. Cheers Claire x

  22. Hello Brenda, pleased to hear the op went well but sorry to here Anysia has to have another one, hope you can still enjoy Easter.
    Your last 2 creations are simply stunning, love them so much.
    Love Cherie

  23. Stunning work Brenda as allways!!! I hope Anysia is feeling better after her surgery...thinking of you both!!
    Have a nice easter!
    hugs Lina

  24. Brenda, missed some gorgeous work while away! Sorry! You always makes the best of the best creations! Hugs Nilla

  25. More beautifulness i love these boxes and such a great idea for a hospital gift as no flowers allowed any more I am sure she will love it I love these Lavinia stamps and what you do with them

    Love Dawn xx

  26. oh glad the operation went well hun you are in my thoughts and as for your creations wow truly stunning just wish you lived near me so you could show me how to create such stunning work,take care,and look after yourself too love hugs cheryl xxx

  27. Wow Brenda such amazing makes, the boxes are just amazing!

    Wishing Anysia a full and speedy recovery :)

    Keryn x

  28. I am always awed by your work but this one just knocks me out! It is creative, beautiful, and so skillfully put together. You are truly an artist.

    I missed the post about Anysia's fall. (House full of a four year old for 8 days) I'm putting her on my "list" hugs and reiki to you and to Anysia. eileen

  29. Amazing Brenda,2 very beautiful creations. Glad the operation went well hun I hope Anysia is feeling a lot easier.Big soft hugs to her and yourself.

  30. Boo hoo. The link to the Petals and Pearls post isn't working. It looks divine.
    Beryl xx

  31. Sorry to be a pain but it looks like the Allsorts one isn't working either. (Unless it's just me of course.)
    Beryl xx

  32. Praying for a full and speedy recovery for Anysia.... Hope you have a very Blessed Easter with family. Beautiful projects....lovin the idea of the boxes.

  33. Hi Dear
    lovely lovely card...
    I wish you a very warm happy Easter... I didn't leave anymore... my mum is not well again... so We had to cancel our holiday as you... :(
    a huge hug

  34. Wonderful cards - you really do the fantasy fairy scenes so well. Mel xx

  35. these creations are STUNNING, Brenda! that top scene is just amazing. your blog is such an inspiration!

    take good care. hope all works out okay for you and the family. xo

  36. Beautiful cards. Love them - the fairy card is gorgeous and I love the arch with the steps! Beautiful work on the unicorn - how long do you spend on these creations - they are fab!

    Thanks for the update on Anysia what a hell of a time everyone is having at the moment. Glad the first op went well, and I hope the second one is completed as soon as she is able to have it done! No fun being in hospital, but I guess its got to be done if she's to go back to her horses!

    Sending hugs to all!

    Kimmi xx

  37. wow these cards are beautiful too
    love your work

