
Sunday 28 February 2010

New Penny Black

Good morning from the wet and windy Fens. It's been raining almost non stop since Wednesday, some of the paddocks are under water and it shows no sign of letting up, so if anyone has a spare boat put my name on it.

As some of you will know I was a very lucky girl last week and spent an afternoon in the company of the very talented Elizabeth Allan from Penny Black when she visited Sir Stampalot's new shop during her trip to the UK. All the new Penny Black stamps are in stock and my card for this weeks Penny Black challenge following Carols sketch uses two of the new stamps together with my take on an idea and technique Elizabeth shared with us. There was a bit of a photo shoot as well and I will share with you later in the week.

I started by creating a background with Penny Black 2410K Penmanship using Tim Holtz shabby shutters. The iris stamp is Penny Black 4041J Purple Folds which I stamped several times, coloured with Marvy pens, then inked all over with Versamark dazzle frost which makes the watercolours bleed, then sprayed with Glimmer Mist pearl which further merges the colours as well as creating a lovely sheen. When the images are still wet they are very pliable and can be manipulated to create more dimension. I cut one of the images down to create a smaller flower (the stamp itself is just the one iris) then decoupaged both.

The sentiment is PB 3418D Great day, the DP's some of the new Kaiser craft ones and yes I confess all, the punch is another new Martha Stewart eyelet lace round the page set. The butterfly is also made from a PB stamp 3819D polka wings, stamped twice onto vellum and glittered.

Don't forget to check back tomorrow when the winner of this weeks Hero candy will be announced.


  1. OMG! Brenda this is STUNNING, I love your technique with the Lillie's. The instructions are fab, I might have a pop at this with my new poppy stamp. Thanks for sharing. Sound like you had a great day at Sir Stampalot's with Elizabeth. Hugs Suzi.

  2. Oh Brenda what a beautiful card just love it

    Liz xx

  3. This is gorgeous, thanks for sharing!

  4. Hiya Brenda. You are one very talented lady. Your cards and creations are just so professional and beautiful to look at. Absolutely stunning work. Thank you for sharing such wonderful things.
    Happy Crafting.
    Love Sandra xx

  5. Absolutely beautiful, Brenda. The flower is just stunning. You're so clever!

    It was lovely to see you again yesterday. We had a great time at the shop & gained much inspiration, not to mention new goodies! I was planning to start putting them to use today, but in trying to decide where best to accommodate them I got sidetracked into a long-overdue stash re-organisation! Ah, well. When I've finished I might actually be able to find things again!

    Have a great week. x

  6. Hi Brenda, this is just brill, I love all the techniques you used, just wish we had a place like Sir Stampalot closer as I only know the basic's and would love to join classes to learn more tech's...

    By the way my Son Adam started his placement from clllege on Friday, he's doing Animal management and every week he has to do a day's work experience, he has been placed in the stables just over the road from our house, now Adam has not been around horses before, he's more interested in reptiles to be honest but he said he enjoyed it and is looking forward to next week, bless him he must have worked his butt off, he went straight in the shower and then to bed...

    Fantastic card..


  7. Oh Brenda, thats stunning, I love that beautiful stamp, Iris's are so gorgeous. With love and hugs Shirleyxxxx

  8. I love Iris's, and your creation is absolutely spectacular, the techniques sound amazing too. I love the butterfly, if I buy the stamp I don't think it will look as good as yours, but I love butterflies, so i'm popping over to Sir Stampalot for a look.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  9. WOW this is absolutely beautiful!


  10. very beautiful card..i love it very much

  11. Wow Brenda, a stunning piece of work. Love your colouring and your colour combo. Hugz

  12. Wow Brenda these techniques spin off your tongue like they are soooo easy! This card is just amazing, the effect you have got is really nice and the colours are just so beautiful. I am building the ark as we speak but you are only getting on if you hold some classes lol.

  13. Hi Brenda

    Sounds like you got the worst of the weather this week. After a very wet Friday it's been ok here, although today was forecast very wet, it missed us!!
    I adore your iris, it looks so real and that background is gorgeous.
    Your visitor sounds like a real inspiration.


  14. Superb! Just got in from the Stevenage show - spent a fortune... can't wait to play with the new stuff but need more tea first!!!

  15. I'm now wishing I'd bought that stamp too! I recognise those papers. Think I have some the same!!! It was so lovely to see you yesterday. I've been playing with my stash and should have something to post by tonight. Meg really enjoyed it too. She has been scrap booking most of the day!

  16. This is amazing. The iris looks fantastic.
    Clare x

  17. Hi Brenda, Wow this is a gorgeous card! Such a beautiful image. I know what you mean about the weather. We have also had a lot of rain and the garden is saturated.

    Lisa x

  18. That Iris looks so real Brenda. It's just stunning!

    Love Lynda xxx

  19. oh hun this is gorjus,love the flower and you amazing detail such beautiful colurs hugs cheryl xxxxxxx

  20. An absolutely stunning card Brenda the Iris is so real looking!
    Carol Ann xx

  21. Hi Brenda

    How amazing is this?

    I love it!!

    My Mum's favourite flower and probably my favourite colours (my favourite changes from day to day LOL!!).

    You are so talented.

    Hope you are having a good day.

    Love Jules xx

  22. Wonderful card Brenda, I love the flowerstamp, love the colors, so many beautiful!!!! Happy sunday...HUGS!

  23. Stunning Iris's Brenda - they are absolutely beautiful!Great colours, lovely card. Cheers Claire x

  24. hiya brenda
    ohh wooow Amazing card You are so very talented.
    I wouldnt know where to begin.Its just perfect.
    Enjoy the rest of your evening
    angel wishes tracey
    ps. thank you so much for sroppping by my blog today i love to see that you have left me a comment it means so much to me xx

  25. This is stunning Brenda. I particularly love the colours you've used. You've posted some fabulous cards and projects this week. I've loved catching up with your blog.

    Kat x

  26. THis is really very nice - I love the colours and layout!


  27. Another fabulous make love it!

  28. Wow Brenda how are you hunny? You wont be surprised to hear im behind with my blog hopping again!. i have enjoyed catching up with your latest makes since my last visit, they are all fabulous. Hope you've have a good weekend, enjoy your evening, hugs Linda x

  29. I love how the flower pops out of the Card.
    Hugs, Sandra

  30. Brenda your flowers are gorgeous! What a stunning card!

  31. Gorgeous card. I love the iris stamp - my favourite flower. It's now on my wish list!

    Nikki x

  32. Oh love how the iris is popping off the card.

  33. HI dear
    very very smart, love the 3d flower...

  34. Hi Brenda

    What a terrific card, love all the detail and the butterfly is the perfect finishing touch.

    Hugs Ali x

  35. What a beautiful card. I love Irises and the sparkley butterfly is wonderful.


  36. wow hun just stunning!!!!

    and such a beautiful stamp

    Emma xxx

  37. Oh my Brenda this is gorgeous those Iris look as if they are real and I love that stamped background another beautiful card.

    Lorraine x

  38. WOW!!!! You are making pretty cards one after a nother!! AMazing work allways I might add!!
    Hugs to you

  39. This is just gorgeous Brenda - reminds me of spring days that hopefully will be here soon! Take care - Linda x

  40. Brenda you have excelled your self with this and I LOVE the colours too!

    Love Dawn xx

  41. What a beautiful the butterfly!!! TFS


  42. I love the flowers and the dimension you gave them. Lovely!

  43. This is really pretty. I love the glitter, rhinestones, flowers...everything is beautiful.

  44. gorgeous card! I love how you made the dimensional iris

  45. Love the colours and a lovely card, my dad would love this, he's into lovely flowers

  46. Oh WOW Brenda this is stunning.

  47. This is one of the most beautiful cards i saw and thanks also for sharing how you made it!

  48. Beautiful card, I love the purple and green together.

  49. Oh Brenda,another beauty! Love the iris,but my fav part is the butterfly! Beautifully done in glitter! Glad you enjoyed your visit!

  50. Oh wow how brilliant is that - that flower could be in a vase - it is incredible.

    Beccy x

  51. gorgeous!! great colours! and I love the glittery butterfly! Hugs Juls

  52. WOW lovin that flower!! just gorgeous card xx jo xx

  53. Iris's are a beautiful flower yet so hardy, I saw some growing so well in a damp pile of rubble on a walk, they are always welcome in my garden.
    Gorgeous card. janex

  54. wow stunning card that gorgeous iris......thanks for joining in the fun this week at PBSC...hugs kath xxxxx

  55. Absolutely wonderful card Brenda, full of stunning details and techniques. The iris and the way you've added depth and colour to it is the most beautiful flower I've seen in a long time. Just gorgeous!

    Lesley Xx

  56. wow what a stunning card so gorgeous,
    Love Cherie

  57. Hi Brenda

    Gorgeous card and i love your colour combo its fab

    Take care

    Sal xx

  58. Amazing Brenda. The iris is fabulous - you have coloured it to perfection - and the card design is lovely.
    Beryl xx
