
Tuesday 1 December 2009

Stamping for the Weekend

Big Demo Day coming up and some Birthday Wishes

I am beginning to get really excited about this weekend........Saturday is Sir Stampalots Big Demo Day.......I know I seem to have been harping on about it for weeks, but it really is a very special occasion.......there are not that many craft events outside of the organised shows that have so much going on all in one place. Lots of live demonstrations with plenty of room to watch no less than seven talented ladies, all with very different crafting skills, lots of special offers and refreshment as well.

And I have even more excuse to be excited because I have blogging friends travelling to visit, in some cases quite long journeys, so you can imagine how I am looking forward to meeting some for the very first time.

This card has been created as one of my samples for Saturday following the challenge theme this week at Stamping for the Weekend where they would like to see projects made in "Lilac and Silver with the added option of a gift tag to match".

I have created a frame using Magnolia DP and silver mirri card cutting the apertures with Nesties run through the Bug. The image and sentiment are from the new Rachelle Anne Miller range stamped with versafine black, embossed with detail clear and coloured with Copics. I also added some clouds with chalk, birds, grass and flowers with Art Impression G3234,AA1378 and AA1398. Leaves and flowers are all pounced, the larger leaves using metal and colouring with Alcohol Inks.

Another litte sneak peek for Saturday

A note about the gift tag - the £20 note is not real, a hubby say's that probably illegal so if I am missing on Saturday you will know why. And before I finish some Birthday wishes - Happy Birthday to Chris (one of super talented ladies who will be sharing our day on Saturday), Vernonique, my beautiful future DIL and George our youngest lab who will be one today.


  1. Wonderful card, love the frame and colours. Wish I could make it on Saturday, maybe next time if they're let out of jail by then!

  2. what a lovely card and gift token set xx jo xx

  3. Hiya Brenda. What a gorgeous creation, beautiful colours and a lovely idea. Have a great day.
    Love Sandra xx

  4. Hi Brenda,
    gorgeous the image..wish I could come on saturday have a great day...and happy birthday to everyone especially George...
    Mandy xx

  5. Wow this is beautiful, love the image and your flowers the tag is fab too!!
    Thanks for joining SFTW

    Hugs DI xx

  6. wow thats just gorgeous!! Love the colour combo and the cute little money pouch!! stunning creation!! Hugs Juls

  7. Cute and gorgeous card Brenda, hope Saturday is wonderful, enjoy yourself and take care. janex

  8. Hi Brenda, wow love the colour youve used its my favourite, and the image is gorgeous, the details are stunning. Well done with love and hugs Shirleyxxxxxx

  9. wow Brenda love it, the triple frame is great I will have to ask you how you have done it when I see you,nice to see something thats not christmas, for me it seems to have been going on so long.
    see you saturday
    love chris xx

  10. Oooo I thought my friend Brenda gave 20's away Lol! Lovely colours for this card and tag, and very pretty image and finishing touches.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  11. Brenda, this is lovely ... such a beautiful color combination ... this will make a wonderful gift for some lucky person.

    Give George a birthday hug from me. I have a lab, Jake, who will be two tomorrow ... he's my sweetie.

    Enjoy your Saturday ... sounds like a lot of fun ... I know you'll have a great time!!

    Jo xx

  12. Oh,my,this is beautiful,Brenda!Lovely colours!
    Have a great evening:)


  13. Gorgeous card, Brenda. Love the flowers, and the colours. Can't wait for Saturday, sounds as though it's going to be great! See you then!

  14. This is just lovely Brenda. The colours are great and so is the triple frame.

    Have a wonderful day on Saturday.

    Lesley Xx

  15. Purple is my fav colour, and this just made it even more so, just gorgeous!

  16. Wonderful creations Brenda, love the colours. Have a good day on Saturday and I do hope your vision has improved.
    Pat xx

  17. this is beautiful Brenda!!!
    Great design!!!
    Blessings, Maria

  18. Such a pretty card, Brenda! I too am getting very excited.Will see you between 10.30 and 11am x

  19. This is fabulous. I wasgetting rather excited about the £20 note till you said it was a photo copy. It's probably only illegal if you try to use it but I wouldn't want to risk it. Hope you're still around on Saturday and enjoy the event.
    Beryl xx

  20. Gorgeous , as usual Brenda. Hope you have a fab time. There is a little award for you on my blog if you would like it. Thank you for being you. Hugs Cherry XXX

  21. These are stunning. Great card and I love the tag. Beautiful take on the color combo and I love the layout and papers.
    Thanks for joining SFTW and good luck.
    Gunn :-D

  22. Beautiful Brenda, I love the colours and the tag, well what can I say..fabulous idea!!!
