
Wednesday 2 December 2009

By the Cute and Girly month 3

By the Cute and Girly and Sir Stampalot Big Demo Day reminder
What a brilliant month it's been at By the Cute and Girly with some absolutely fabulous projects, cards, scrapbook layouts, gift boxes, some knitting all proving what a talented bunch you are.

The host for this month is our teamie Julia who has come up with the great theme of "Lets go to the Movies". Well all of the Inspiration Team really have pulled out the stops here so please do go over to the challenge blog and take a look. There are links to all their blogs so you can check our how they made the creations.

The first one I am sharing with you is my take on my all time movie favourite Gone With the Wind. A adore this movie and watch it at least once a year and often tuck the book in as well.......what a sado I hear you say, but afraid it's never lost it attraction for me and I find it incredible how a movie made in 1939 has such fantastic colour and remains so popular even to those of us who were not even born until years later. I also have a wonderful illustrated book based on the making of the movie which my daughter gave me years ago when she was small and the picture below shows my card laid on an open page of that book where you can see the same picture as the Stampsmith stamp I have used, proving it's creative authenticity.
The main image is 'that kiss ' famous amongst all GWTW fans which they will recognise, with Scarlett still mortified at having to wear mourning black in respect of all those lost at war. But Rhett had just bought her a jaunty little green hat with a feather to cheer her up, which just happened to match the curtains in the background, hence the inspiration for the colour theme of my card.

The image has been simply stamped with black stayzon onto gloss cardstock and a very light colour wash added with Marvy pens. The sentiment, also authentic from the movie to the word is of course what Rhett said to Scarlett just prior to 'the kiss'.........slush, slush I know, but what a love story this one is.

The swirls were cut from Cricut Home Decor, the DP is I believe Fancy Pants and the roses made from the same DP, then lace and cord added.

The rose tutorial I promise is on it's way, I did all the prep work and pictures, but due to my eye op and limited time on the computer have not been able to sit in the glare long enough to bring the post all together. But I promise it won't be long and for anyone able to come to Sir Stampalots Demo Day Saturday, I will be making them all day long.......what a wonderful way to spend the day.


  1. wow hun realy love this what a brilliant picture and the detail is just amazing so beautiful hugs cheryl xxxx

  2. This is a gorgeous card, I love the colours and cannot wait to see the tutorial for the roses I would love to make some of those, however they look tricky.

    Carol x

  3. Hi Brenda. A lovely classy card.
    Love Sandra xx

  4. Ohhh, myyyyy!!! That is such a stunning card, Brenda. I absolutely love it!! Can't wait for the rose tutorial, but then..... tomorrow is another day.

    Sorry! Couldn't resist! lol ;o)

    Chris xx

  5. Brenda this card is so beautiful! I love Gone with the wind!

  6. This has to be my favourite of yours this month Brenda, absolutely stunning card.

  7. Hi Brenda,
    I love the film and and love the card..really beautiful..
    Mandy xx

  8. You know I love this one Brenda. Such a fantastic image on a very elegant card.
    Beryl xx

  9. beautiful! I love your choice of colours and the sentiment too!

  10. Another gorgeous card Brenda. I so wanted to come to the demo day at Sir Stampalot but I'm off to collect our new touring caravan on Saturday. Never mind hopefully Janice will put lots of pics on her blog for us to see. I'll look out for the rose tutorial any how! Take care. Linda X

  11. Another winner Brenda. Lovely elegant card... again! I'm hoping to get a jump on the rose tutorial by getting Sir Stampalot on Saturday and seeing it live! I've been a fan of your roses ever since I saw them on your cards. See you soon I hope. Allyson X

  12. Hi Brenda,
    Can you remember we once mentioned how we both have the same favourite movie - Gone With The Wind? Well I absolutely adore what you've created and I can really say that this is the most beautiful thing I've seen in a long time. You captured the magic and the romance in this project. It's pure perfection.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x
    p.s. wish I was coming to your demo day.

  13. Oh I do love this, absolutely gorgeous.

  14. Oooh Brenda - very Chic. Just catching up on what you've been up to this week - all fabulous!

    Love Lynda xxx

  15. Hi Brenda,

    As you know I absolutly adore this card!! Love the film too..used to watch it with my gran!! Love the papers the image the layout!! fab card..I am very envious of the person that will recieve it!! Bug hugs!! Juls

  16. Gorgeous Brenda. Love your take on going to the movies. Love the vintage feel of this creation and how true is that sentiment.

  17. This card is adorable Brenda really capturing the feel of this fabulous film. Really wish I could make the demo, would love to see your roses. I'll have to wait for your blog tute.
    Have fun
    Pat xx

  18. So stunning, a truly beautiful card Brenda!

  19. Stunning!
    Wow!! Brenda this is amazing!!!!

    Blessings, Maria
