
Thursday 19 November 2009

Glittery nails

Well folks, here I am back again but on a strict time allocation as far as the computer is concerned.........ten minutes wearing sunnies in a darkened room, so you know it's gonna be short. So how much gabble can I cram into that time I wonder ?

Thank you all for your wonderful messages both on my blog and by e.mail, you are all so kind and thoughtful. My op went well and fingers crossed my sight in that eye will get back to normal, or at least to where it was before Monday happened. And providing I avoid bright lights and the computer screen I can do some crafting in another day or so.

Grief I do hope so as I now have so many pent up ideas going round with this crafting drought I need to put them into I have new goodies from Sir Stampalot which need to see some action........they have new Martha Stewart punches just arrived and some devine new Rachelle Anne Miller stamps which could turn even me into a cutie addict.

I have been longing to share this little gem with you all about my hospital activity........imagine me all cleaned up and laying on the table, in comes the consultant and his merry band of followers all donned in their sterile garb and masks. Don't ask my why, but I glanced down at my hands and I must have made some sort of face because the consultant asked me if I was what had I seem.......I ought to give a prize for guessing this one really.......nails caked in glitter. Then followed a discussion about crafting which really lightened the mood whilst they carried out the procedure (I opted to have my eye frozen to avoid a general anesthetic).

So having shared that, here is a card that was another of those I made for Stamp Addicts new programme yesterday........and it's one that Leonie lovingly pored and admired several times which really thrilled me especially as I have always admired her work. She is such a super addition to the C&C team and a joy to watch.

This card uses the JukiKins damask cube, Tim Holtz frayed burlap, Art Impression sentiment and the roses I made from the My Minds Eye DP.......the tutorial is under way, jut a bit delayed due to this weeks unplanned activities.


  1. Hi Brenda, so glad your eye is getting better..what a beautiful card!!! love the colours and the flowers are fabulous can't wait to see how to make them..take care.
    mandy xx

  2. Hi Brenda,

    I'm so glad that everything went ok with your take your time and don't do too much when you start back crafting LOL!

    This card is really beautiful - very special indeed.

    Lesley x

  3. Hi Breanda

    We've been missing you! Hope you continue to improve! and stick to the doctors orders!! Great story about the nails!! sending get well huggles! Juls

  4. So good to hear you are on the mend, Brenda! Do as you are told and make sure you are fit and well for 5th December! I think there must be some law of physics that we have the most inspiration when we have the least opportunity... closely related to murphy's law! I think glitter nails is better than most shades of ink. Red and brown can get some really funny looks!

  5. Hi Brenda, Glad all went well with the op and aren't you brave not having a general anaesthetic - they would HAVE to put me to sleep for that op lol. Fabulous card as always and I could kick myself 'cos I forgot to watch the show - am looking out for the repeat though. Take things easy and I hope your eye gets better very soon.

    Love Lynda xxx

  6. Glad to see you're back - if only briefly. Hope your eye gets back to normal real soon. I saw this card yesterday (yes I did remember) and loved it. Now I know it's one of your I can come back to it for inspiration.
    More than a bit wet here today and very windy. At least we're not flooded. It runs down the mountain and is channeled around the house.
    Beryl xx

  7. Oh Sweetie missed Tuesday post but so very glad the treatment was so quick and sounds like it went well. Know you cannot read this for a while and will be recovered when you do but sending you more (((Hugs)))

    Take care rest up and you will soon be back playing. Yep Leonie is a great addition to C&C might even start buying from them again and your card is beautiful.

  8. Hi hun

    Glad your surgery went well!!!! that crafty stash you have will make you feel better hun

    Big hugs Emma xxx

  9. So glad the op went well Brenda - do as the doctor's say and I'm sure you'll be back crafting again soon! The card is lovely! Linda X

  10. That is really gorgeous!!!

  11. Another lovely card. Glad to hear the op went well. Take care, & hope to see you at The Sir S open day on the 5th.x

  12. oh so glad this went well hun,and to hear you will soon be on the mend love the card brilliant as usaul you take care hugs cheryl xxx

  13. Glad everything went ok Brenda, although i'm trying not to think about your op while your awake Yuck!!!!!!!!!! I'm not surprised your card was well liked by leonie as it's gorgeous. Hope it's not too long before you can have a real good old play with your new goodies. And remember what I said to you before, you do Cuties really well!
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  14. Eye ops eeek - cant think about it, but so pleased it went well. Take care of yourself!! Fabulous card. Cheers Claire x

  15. Glad it all went OK, you're one brave lady to have the op awake!.
    Now all you have to do now is do as you're told so there be plenty of crafting later.

  16. So classy and elegant, Brenda. Im pleased the op went well, you take care now.


  17. It's great to hear everything went well and you're on the mend, Brenda. You can always tell a crafter by the state of their fingers!!
    Love the card, just beautiful and I agree about Leonie!!!
    Have a restful weekend.


  18. Great to hear that you got your op so quickly and that your eye just needs a rest now. You´ll have plenty of time crafting later.
    Your such a brave lady, taking the op awake!

    Take care,

    warm hugs

  19. Sorry Brenda didnt realise that youd been out of action due to an op on your eye, wishing you a very speedy recovery and we miss you. Take care with love and hugs Shirleyxxxxxxxxx

  20. Brenda,this is wonderful!So good to hear that op went well.Wish you all the best and a speedy recovery :o)
    Have a wonderful weekend:)


  21. beautiiful card Brenda, love the softness of it.
    great to have a gas at ssa yesterday it was lovely and lively does anyone good to go!!
    see you on the 5th love chris xx

  22. Brenda you are so brave, I'm really bad about touching my eyes and can't even contemplate what you had done.I hope you heal really quick but please don't push it, no blogging and commenting, thats an order.
    Your card is beautiful I saw Leonie the other day, has she left dawn b, once you get past the voice she is great, my Bob makes me listen with the volumn right down especially when the south african girls on too.
    Wishing you the very best. janex

  23. An absolutely gorgeous and stunning creation!
