
Tuesday 17 November 2009

Few cards and eye problems

Good morning everyone, just a few more cards which I prepared last week for Stamp Addicts new show on C&C at 10am tomorrow.

Afraid I can't go into detail as not meant to be looking at the old my eyes a rest.........I have to check into hospital at 9am for emergency treatment/surgery for a detached retina which happened suddenly yesterday and led to spending the whole afternoon in A&E when I had important crafting to do.......yet another 'perk' of MS.


  1. Dear Brenda -- these are fabulous cards -- I wish you good luck with your eye problems and hope you are totally mended and ready to craft at your very best!

  2. Hope your eye treatment goes well, these are great!

  3. Oh Brenda hun
    So sorry to hear about your eye problem - really hope it all goes well with treatment and you are up & running again quickly.
    Goes woithout saying - these cards are stunning as always!!!
    Take good acre
    Debs xx

  4. I'm sorry to hear. I hope it all goes well and you get well soon. Know our thoughts and prayers are with you... But I must say these cards are lovely! as always ;-)

  5. Gorgeous cards. I love the first one. I hope all goes well with your treatment.

    Nikki x

  6. Hi Brenda,sorry to hear about your eye hope it gets better really quick...these are cards are as gorgeous as ever..take care.
    Mandy xx

  7. Wow Brenda they are fabulous, I shall be watching tomorrow morning. I do hope your eye is sorted real quick and its better soon.
    As do look forward to seeing your creations

  8. So sorry to hear this Brenda, I hope it is sorted, I'm thinking of you. Tour cards are wonderful. Look after you. janex

  9. Hi Brenda, I love the paper its gorgeous and the cards are gorgeous. Take care with love and hugs Shirleyxxxxxx

  10. Great cards, as always, Brenda.
    So sorry to hear about your eye, I hope the treatment/surgery today is successful.
    Clare x

  11. Oh Brenda take care, and do as the doctors say. My sister-in-law had to have the same op on both eyes a while back, and all is well now with her sight. Look after yourself! Warmest Wishes Claire x

  12. Oh Brenda, so sorry to hear about your eye. My reiki and thoughts are with you. Your cards are lovely and I know you'll be back creating soon. hugs, eileen

  13. Oh Brenda this is just another rotten blow - I really hope the op is a success and please please please listen to the advice of the surgeons and don't try ad get back on here too soon. I think this is the same op that Sue from DCM has had and she's had to have a complete rest from almost everything! My thoughts are with you. Take care.

    Love Lynda xxx

    PS love the cards too! Such a great variety.

  14. Oh Brenda, I do hope your eye is sorted soon for you. How frustrating. I do hope that it is not too painful!!!

    You have been so busy making sample cards and they are all just gorgeous!!! TFS.

    Lesley x

  15. Wonderful cards,Brenda!
    So sorry to hear about your eyes..hope you feel better soon.


  16. Gorgeous cards Brenda! So sorry to hear about your eye problems. I hope the op has gone well and you make a speedy recovery x

  17. Oh Brenda I am sorry to hear of your eye problem, good luck for tomorrow, these cards are fab xxxxxxxxx

  18. Oh Brenda. You've seemed so well lately. What a shame. I hope everything gets sorted it, it can be so frightening when anything happens to your eyes can't it.
    All your cards are beautiful.
    Take care my friend.


  19. Oh Brenda - hope by the time you read this you are sorted. Did you go to Addenbrookes. I worked there for nearly twenty years before retiring and spent more than enough time in that building. These cards are fabulous - thanks for the reminder. I knew it was Wednesday but had lost the bit of paper with the time on it.
    Beryl xx

  20. wow these are just amazing hun you always deliver,hope things get sorted for you real soon hun,take care of yourself hugs cheryl xx

  21. Fab cards brenda, sorry to hear about your eye, hope it is sorted soon.
    hugs,louise xx

  22. Hi Brenda, Gorgeous cards! So sorry to hear about your eye. Hope you are on the mend again soon.

    Take Care!

    Lisa x

  23. Hi Brenda!!

    Fab cards, such Lovely stamping techniques!! Spotted them on C&C today!!

    Hope your eyes be feeling a bit better soon!

    Hugs Juls

  24. Hi Brenda,
    I don't know what to say but I do hope your eye is sorted quickly and as little pain as possible. Thinking of you Brenda, and I watched stamp addicts this morning and it gave me more of an insight to what you use on your cards. I do know some of the basics but there's a lot I'm not so sure of.
    Take care brenda, speak soon love.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  25. Ow, Brenda! That doesn't sound good. >:(

    Hope you're soon feeling better and seeing clearly out of both eyes. We need you blogging all your lovely cards!!

    Chris xx

  26. Oh Brenda, hope everything went well with your treatment today.
    Your cards are just beautiful. I love the top one. Would love to try doing that kind of style but my imagination just doesn't go any further than cute cards lol.
    Hugs Lora xx

  27. Brenda, I'm so sorry to hear about your eye problem. I hope the eye surgeons can sort it out really quickly and get you back at your craft desk so you can continue to be an inspiration to us all. It's true though isn't it? "Troubles come not as single spies, but in battalions."

    Get well soon. Allyson xxx

  28. Brenda these creations are just fabulous. I am so sorry to hear about your huge setback. I wish you everything of the best for the operation ... just hang in there.

  29. Wonderful cards, all of them. Sorry to hear about your eye problem. Best of luck! x
