
Monday 20 July 2009

Stamping for the Weekend and Friday Sketchers

Afternoon all, bit light on the postings afraid this weekend and apologies that I've not been doing my blogging rounds as I should, but spent good deal of time at hospital yet again, not going into details suffice to say not nice and painful. And looks like more rain and if the BBC can be relied on it won't be much different for the next few days........ only upside as far as I can see is for the horses, the grass it growing like a triffid. And I guess it's just what the Aussies were hoping for as we had them on the rack at the weekend (I'm on cricket now) and now they smell a draw. (Update - we won !!)

I'm combing two challenges here, this weeks nice sketch from Friday Sketchers and Stamping for the Weekend which is based on "Rock and Roll and offers three song titles and you must depict one in your card - I have gone for Tangled Up in Blue by Bob Dylan........confess I don't remember this one, but in the 70/80s I had other things on my mind apart from music - try a new baby or four for starters ........ but ask me about Queen and some of Freddy's greatest moments and there would be no problem........strutting his stuff at Wembley in those oh so snug white shorts with frayed edges (yes I was there) that yellow tee shirt and not forgetting the white skin tight jeans, ermine cloak and crown, oh my, what Freddy couldn't do with a mic stand isn't worth remembering........oh I could go on for ages on this one, not that I'm an eternal fan or anything you realise......... put it like this, if Verdi or Andrea Bochelli's not on my i pod, Queen is the rest of the time.
Now, anough waffle and on to my card, the image is a Sarah Kay which I have coloured with Promarkers. The DP is Daisy Bucket and Sandylion. Leaves are cut on Cricut storybook, inked with Tim Holt china blue and heat embossed with iridescent powder and the Hero Arts flowers have been inked with the same TH ink and versamark then embossed with detail clear giving them Always About Colours Chris's 'peanut' treatment.


  1. This is such a sweet card! xx jo xx

  2. Oh my Brenda this is one awesome card I just love that blue you have used and the image. I can't remember this song either but Freddie oh yes I still watch all the concerts that they put on TV now and again he certainly had magnetism....just like your card lol.

    Lorraine x

  3. Beautiful card,Brenda! The colors are wonderful and the image is colored great!
    Love the flowers you have used:)
    Have a great week:)


  4. Well Brenda you certainly ROCK in more ways than one lol. Super Card!
    Love Lynda xxx

  5. Wonderful, Brenda:O) Love your Sarah Kay in blue. Beautiful DP's and flowers.
    Thank you for joining us at SFTW this week. Good luck!

  6. very pretty! Don't remember tangled up in blue either - might do if I heard it, but I remember seasons in the sun- wasn't it number one for a zillion weeks? Bohemian rhapsody was also around the same time I think - How would you represent that in a card?!

  7. What a beautiful card Brenda. I don't know, you always seem so cheerful, even when you have horrible things going on, you are an inspiration.
    The flowers you have been sent by your blogging buddy are just lovely. People can be so kind and when it is unexpected it always means more.
    Hope things improve for you soon.
    Take care of yourself.


  8. Gorgeous card, Brenda. My favourite colours. I hope you're feeling much better in time for your holidays.

  9. What beautiful flowers - you are a lucky girl, but deservedly so I think. So sorry to see you are no longer my follower - hope haven't offended you in any way. Hope you feel better soon. xxx

  10. Brenda I absolutely adore the way you have coloured your Sarah Kay image. Great card and beautiful colours.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  11. Love your coloring on this Sarah Kay Brenda, and all of your flowers are gorgeous laid out like that, fabulous papers and a great sketch you followed.
    Thank you for participating in the "Stampin' for the Weekend" challenge again this week.. Good luck and we hope you'll continue to join in on the challenges on a weekly basis. Have a great day.
    Donna xx

  12. Such an adorable card, Brenda! Fabulous colouring and paper. The flowers are gorgeous.
    Thank you for joining us at SFTW and good luck! We hope you'll join us again next week. :)

  13. Hello Brenda

    What a fabulous card, your colouring is just perfect, love the papers and image.


  14. Cute card, adorable image, love the papers they are just lush!! & your flowers & leaves are wonderful!!.
    Thanks for joining us this week on SFTW.
    Sheila xx

  15. This is beautiful Brenda, lovely shades of blue and those flowers and foliage are gorgeous. Thank you for joining in again this week with our challenge over at SFTW, good luck xx vicki xx

  16. Lovely card and cute little image. you've coloured her beautifully. Love the layout and beautiful flowers!

    Thank you for joining us this week at "Stampin' for the Weekend". We hope you had fun making you card, and that you come back for many more challenges!


  17. oh wow wow wow wow wow how lovely

    liz xx

  18. Hiya I am sooo sorry that I am so late in commenting this week I have had some internet issues which I hope are now fixed. This card is so beautiful I love the colours perfect for this song. Well done for combining the two challenges. I hope what ever you were at the hospital for helps and that you can feel better very soon.
    Thank you for joining us at stampin' for the weekend I can't wait to see what you do this week.

    X Amy X

  19. I loved this card when I first saw it and still do now :D
    Thank you for putting in to join us at stampin’ for the weekend and good luck.

    X Amy X
