
Monday 20 July 2009

Me, lost for words ?

Never thought I would see the time when I was totally and utterly lost for words twice in the same week. But it's happened and it's all down to a kind and generous blogging buddy. I'd love to tell you her name, it's the least she deserves for such kindness, but she wants anonimity and I respect that. In her mail to me when I asked if I could add a bit to my blog she said:

"They weren't sent to make me look kind and generous. They were sent to reward you for being so brave and uncomplaining and to make up for the world being a bit of a bummer to you at the mo. I simply wanted to make you feel a bit better".

She has succeeded, because they have so cheered me up and throught this post I want to say thank you so very very much, it seems inadquate for such a wonderful heartfelt gesture. I adore all flowers........figure this is pretty evident from my work and as you can see, these ones are absolutely beautiful.

For those of you not up to's seems innapropriate to keep rattling on about this ongoing jaw/teeth sage day in and day out - I want you to enjoy coming to my blog, not frighten you away with horror breifly, second batch of high strength antibiotics still not working and the infection got so bad over the weekend that 6am this morning the hospital carried out a horrid procedure to put a drain into my gum - I'll say no more that that - promise........ except I can't talk much and there's great relief abounding here........dinner with no mention of distressing, challenges or anything remotely crafty. That has to be a first.
All I will say about the person who has sent these flowers is that we share a mutual love of Penny Black stamps....... seems a more than adequate basis for a friendship to me and as so many of us love PB stamps, it can't shed any light on the generous blogger.


  1. Brenda, they are beautiful. What a kind and thoughtful gesture from the mystery blogger.
    Clare x

  2. Oh, wow!! Stunning flowers. You deserve a little pampering. What a lovely thing to do for someone.

    Chris xx

  3. Hi Brenda, Such beautiful flowers! What a kind blogging buddy you have.

    Lisa x

  4. Hi Brenda

    Your A&E experience sounds horrendous. Yuk!!!!

    I think you well and truly deserve these beautiful flowers.

    I hope everything gets better for you very soon. Your blogging buddy clearly thinks a lot of you - how nice!!

    Take care.

    Love Jules xx

  5. wow stunning flowers you deserve them hun so glad you are getting you teeth sorted belive me I know what it is like lots love cheryl xxxxxxx

  6. You utterly deserve this kind gesture. You won't believe this when I tell you Brenda, I've had the same procedure done without any anasthetic. I had a cyst in my lower jaw and had to have 4 root canal fillings done before the cyst was removed. The dentist put the needle in too far, burst the cyst which then filled my face and neck with what they told me was a kind of poison. I looked like elephant man. And so at the hospital they used a drain in my gum to drain off the poison and due to so much swelling they couldnt give me anything for the pain. You must have felt like you'd been to hell and back. Hope it all turns out well.
    Thinking of you
    Tracy x

  7. Hello Brenda

    Wow, what stunning flowers, and a very kind gesture from your friend. You deserve them and must have been going through agony - it doesn't bare thinking about.

    Take care,


  8. Thinking of you Brenda,hope things improve, I cried a river over my teeth but was very lucky in the end. The flowers are lovely what a nice lady. janex

  9. Oh my goodness how awful for you but these flowers are just what the doctor or dentist ordered and how wonderful to have such a friend who knew just want you needed.
    Hope things improve for you soon.

  10. Hi Brenda, Im so glad that someone has really spoilt you at such an awful time, they are gorgeous, and Im sure you were gobsmacked when they arrived. Well done and thank you that person youve give a wonderful person a lovely and beautiful gift.
    I do so hope that they do sort out your tooth, try and keep at it, even if only gives you a few more years with your tooth, as once its out, youve lost it forever, I should know Ive had a lot of trouble with all my front teeth in the past and Ive now got a plate and it isnt the most comfortable thing to wear believe me. With love and hugs Shirleyxxx
    Brenday can you let me have your address Id like to post you a card, you will find me email address on my profile.

  11. Brenda gosh you really have been suffering with those teeth of yours,hope you feel better real soon! lovely flowers and such a kind gesture from your blogging buddy xx jo xx

  12. Hi Brenda I have an award on my blog for you, I do so hope you will accept it. with love and hugs Shirleyxxxxx

  13. Hurrah!
    Welcome back!
    Lovely flowers - muchly deserved!!

  14. Hi.. me again.. And I also have an award for you on my blog! lol ;o)

    I got my first award today since I started blogging again, and I am choosing you to pass it on to. You don't have to do anything with it if you don't want to.. I just wanted you to know I appreciate you and your lovely blog. *Mwaaah!*

    Chris xx

  15. Brenda not been around for a couple of days, had to go back to work as my leave was over. Saddly only just catching up on your frightful experience. Surprised you can even blog never mind craft.

    Send love and hugs and the hope that you are now recovering.

  16. If teeth and dentist are involved you have my sympathy (I haven't been to a dentist for about 10yrs I know it's silly but I have this fear so I don't go! I look after my teeth! just don't go to the dreaded D word.

    What a lovely lady who sent the flowers selflessness is a wonderful quality good on her and lucky you to have such a friend. (you really need alot of comfort going through that horrid experience)

    Love Dawn xx
