
Tuesday 14 July 2009

New Penny Black Christmas preview

Afternoon all ........ guess what ........ I'm soooooo excited ........ I know little things and all that ........ Christmas has arrived in the Fens. Andy and Janice at Sir Stampalot were up till the early hours unpacking and uploading to their web site the newly arrived Penny Black Christmas stamps. And I've got some sample to try out so of course I am going to share.
It's been driving me crazy because I had an appointment for routine eye checks this morning and they put those horrid drops in so you can't see properly for hours and here's me itching to get stuck in to these stamps. Well managed to see enough to get one done, it's pretty simple until the eyes clear properly........ but you can't wait forever can you. Have ideas galore going round so I'll be back with more later.

This one is using Penny Black 3997K - Majestic which I simply inked with Versamark and embossed with detail gold, added some gold Stickles here and there and shaded with Tim Holtz antique linen. The frame is cut on the Cuttlebug from a Nestie frame and the holly Cricut Christmas solutions, which I also inked with versafine and embossed with detail gold. Added a cord bow, a greeting using Art Impression G3152 and a couple of baubles which came off of a cracker last Christmas ......... who said I wasn't a thrifty crafter ? Everything used is available from Stampalot including the new PB stamps, so if you want to get hold of yous, give them a call and chances are they'll be with you tomorrow, or at last Thursday - no pressure here Janice and Andy.


  1. Oooooh Brenda this little lovely popped through my letterbox this morning. Not had a chance to play with it yet though. Love the card you made with it. Sometimes simple is the very best and this proves it!!
    Love Lynda

  2. Really sophisticated christmas card simple and elegant and lovely. that frame is perfect.

  3. Oh, dear.. I feel a scraplift of my own coming on, lol! ;o) And a trip to see Janice/Andy! I NEEEEDDD that tree stamp! Except that I can't tomorrow! Darn.. I'm driving to Bakewell in Derbyshire to do a presentation! I'll be on the road until after they've closed! :o( I guess it can wait until Thursday. (sigh) I am so impatient!!

    Thanks for the inspiration!

    Chris xx

  4. This is beautiful, Brenda. Such a classy Christmas card. I love tree stamps, they can be used in so many ways can't they!


  5. Gorgeous Brenda, very sophisticated. The tree image is perfect.

    Pat xx

  6. I don't know about simple, this card is elegant and stunning. Glad to hear you survived the drops.
