
Monday 13 July 2009

Crafters are unique people

I've only ever had two true hobbies, horses and crafting. For years we 'moved' in the 'horsey' community, still do to some degree, but believe me there is a distinct difference to those who circulate in the crafty world. No offence is meant to our lovely equine friends, but in my view 'crafty' people really are unique. Where else do you meet people who are willing to share their talents, be happy if you like their work and want to create something similar and offer what I believe to be truly genuine comments about each others work. In today's world such sincerity is rare.
So what has brought all this on, well I have thought this for some time, but today prompted me to commit my thoughts to paper or should I say blogland. A blogging friend and fellow crafter Christine of Craftings Cosy Corner send me a beautiful thank you card and I was truly taken back........ you will see my card made by Chris on her blog. What promoted this card ........ well, last week Chris put a post on her blog asking if anyone knew the details of a stamp. I did as I had it so gave her the details, but when she searched found it had been discontinued, so I did what lots us would do, stamped her up some images with that stamp and a few with one of a similar style which I thought she would like and posted them off thinking no more about it.

So I want to say a huge thank you to Chris for her thoughtfulness. I have put a link to her blog above, please check out her work, it is quite unique and wonderful and I have already done a spot of scraplifting.

As usual I can't do a post without a picture so am sharing one of a beautiful orchid that we have on flower at the moment. It is a special orchid as it was my Dad's who some of you will know died at Christmas.


  1. Oh Brenda I love reading posts such as this and I agree with you 100% about the crafting world it is awesome and I to am proud to be part of it.

    The Orchid is a beauty

    Lorraine x

  2. I agree, bloggers are unique, crafting bloggers anyway and i have found that my friends who craft and blog are kind,generous and the most caring people in the world. I love your beautiful orchid by the way :)
    Ok off to see your card
    hugs June xxx

  3. What a beautiful card Christine made for you and what a wonderful gesture on your part too. I totally agree with you about the sincerity in the crafting community.. it's a nice place to be in!
    Lynda xxx

  4. How right you are! It is a lovely place to be, and so many people here restore our faith in humanity with kind words and good deeds. Take a few minutes to enjoy being appreciated - you deserve it!

  5. Yes, you are right. Crafters are very generous and are always ready to give a kind word of encouragement.

    Lovely orchid too.


  6. Hi Brenda

    Couldn't agree more.

    The amount of help, encouragement and support I have had from so many people since I joined "blogland" is unbelievable.

    If only the whole world could be as pleasant as crafting blogland!!

    Love Jules xx

  7. Evening Brenda. I couldn't agree more. Before I joined Blogland I woud never have believed there were so many lovely, helpful, friendly people out there willing to share so much. It has definitely enriched my life.
    Your Orchid is beautiful and holds such lovely memories.


  8. Ditto all of the above, Christine's "thank you" card is truly beautiful - you are a lucky lady, but I agree with Christine that it was a lovely thing you did. Carol x

  9. oh hun you are so right as since I have found crafting i have met such wonderful people and reading your letter brings a tear to my eye,you did such a kind thing too hun to send her those images both such lovely people love cheryl xxxxxx

  10. Aww, what a lovely post. You make me feel very humble. Thank you again, Brenda. (And thank you to all your kind bloggy buds who said nice things about my card for you. It was the least you deserved.)

    God bless..

    Chris xx

  11. I completely agree with you Brenda, the craft blogging community is a wonderful community to be a part of. Everyone is welcome and made to feel at home. It is filled with kind, thoughtful and helpful people and you are a prime example of this. You have been very kind and helpful to me and I want to say THANK YOU to you for this.
    I popped over to Christine's blog and have to say the card is amazing and I am sure she loves her stamped images.
    Just to let you know I've ordered the Butterfly Poppy plate from Elusive Stamps and it may well arrive today.
    Very best wishes to you.
    Hugs, Clare x

  12. Hi Brenda, your orchid is gorgeous, I dont have that colour. Im so glad that youve been spoilt lately. With love and hugs Shirleyxxxx

  13. This is so true Brenda, it's like crafting and craft blogging bring out the best in us, I always think gardening folk and animal lovers are nice too.The boss at my local craft shop is so lovely she loaned me her big retro punch till I got mine and she gives me left over peeloff sheets, and the girls on my dt team are fab, San sent a beautiful card and a bag of goodies for my birthday, how kind to someone you've never met. In a sometimes bad world we all need a bit of nice.janex

  14. Wow, the card she sent you is beautiful. You two are very talented ladies.
