
Monday 4 May 2009

Paper Makup Challenge

The PMS challenge this week has been set by Kim and is entitled "Bookworm Style" - the clue's in the title - make a bookmark.

I have used a design that always goes down well in demos and class and at the risk of being boring have stuck with the same stamps as they lend themselves to the project. Stamps are PB 3868J and 3948K, Hero H2365 (no I don't use this on all my cards, well not quite anyway !) and Hobby Art GR1830B.

The card and bookmark are a very pale lilac pearlescent. The script has been stamped with hero soft lilac and the images with brilliance Victorian violet and detail clear emboss powder. The 'with love' greeting has been stamped with versamark and embossed with detail white.
The bookmark is cut from a darker bazzil, scored and folded double so the back element can be slotted through slits cut in the card the width of the bookmark. The decorative element with the ribbon and flowers has been matted onto the front section and the greeting stamped onto the inside of the bookmark where it slots through the card so it's visible when in place and lifted.
The bookmark simply slides out for for use or left as the case may be - as Nigel May so innocently said when he showed one I did for a C & C programme screened last week "oh look, one with a little flap", bless him - we all love you really Nigel.
Finally, stickles have been added to the flowers to give them some lift and sparkle. Please check out this post and I'd love to hear from you if you have one or two spare.


  1. Oh wow, I think this is gorgeous! I love the soft colors.

  2. Oh this is so beautiful, lovely in lilac!
    Carole x

  3. What a great card/pressie to recieve, I love those soft lilac colours

  4. Brenda, this is gorgeous, look at the details! hugs from Nilla

  5. cute card, like the idea of a book mark too!

  6. Love the way these work togather a beautiful gift. Thank you for your kind comment on my page and yes it was UTEE + Cosmic Shimmer before my melt pot died.

  7. What a gorgeous bookmark. I love the colours and the stamp you've used. Thanks for dropping by my blog x

  8. gorgeous! thanks for playing!!!!!!
