Saturday 25 May 2024

The Roaring 20's

Morning everyone, a new challenge at Allsorts and Ellie has selected the theme 'Blast from the Past', a real fun one. We have prizes from Stampendous.

I decided the MCS Art Deco ladies would be perfect for the theme and used three along with a border stencil from Sweet Poppy which has a distinct feel of that era. Looking back at fashions over the years, it's this period that I most admire and would love to have sported some of those outfits.

Each image printed out, die cut and mounted onto the base and an envelope to match each of the three cards.

Had a little interlude in hospital on an IV this week due to Crohn's/Diverticulitis issues, scans and tests ongoing.....I like to add variety to life, but no migraine on two days (yahhhhh)! Did manage a little crafting and tried out some of my new Versafine Clair colours, so far my favs have to be Hawthorn Rose which is just gorgeous, not pink, not lilac, somewhere in-between and Artic, I'm not a blue person but it's nice for Christmas cards

Rudolph Days challenge kicks off again today and I was prepared for a change and have this to share. A mixture of Penny Black and Lavinia stamps and I reverted right back to PB days, inked the fence and trees with DI's, cleaned the stamps whilst still in place on the platform, inked with Versafine and heat embossed with detail clear EP. This allowed me to add the Pan Pastels without muting the colours of the stamping. 

Happy weekend all, if your in the UK a nice long one.


Aquarius said...

Very stylish Art Deco cards and some clever work with the Christmas card. Must try to remember that tip about embossing.

KarinsArtScrap said...

gorgeous cards Brenda and offcourse I love your landscape karin

Liz said...

Great cards, Brenda. Your Art Deco cards are so stylish and classy and I love the beautiful, tranquil scene on your Christmas card. Liz xx

Craftyfield said...

These ladies have class, Brenda! Love the Christmas scene too with a lovely wintry sky in soft shades. Have a great long weekend, hopefully migraine free! x

Pöydän kulmalla näpertelijä said...

Very elegant art deco cards. I just love that style. And your Christmas scene is so serene. Absolutely lovely.

Marlies said...

Beautiful Art Deco cards, I realy like that style. The Christmas card looks lovely too, a very nice scenery. Have a nce weekend. Take care, Marlies

Pat said...

Three gorgeous Art Deco ladies Brenda, such beautiful images. Fabulous Christmas card, I love the scene you have created. Hope you have a migraine free Bank Holiday weekend. Take care.

Pat xx

Lisa said...

What a fantastic collection of images. I love the vintage ladies and the colors are so perfect for them too. I love the wintery scene and those images too. Great color for that sky.

mamapez5 said...

Lovely Christmas card. I saw it on the Rudolph Day Challenge. A good arrangement of a mixture of stamps and very well executed. I agree that is a very pretty pink. I like the >versafine Claire pads very much and some of the colours are a bit different from other makes. Kate P. x

Chris said...

You've captured the elegance and style of the 1920's perfectly with your beautiful Art Deco cards, beautiful tranquil scene on the Christmas card. Glad you've had some relief from the migraines and have been able to enjoy some craft time.
Have a great weekend- hopefully without any mor hospital visits!

Ellibelle said...

Love your trio of art deco inspired cards Brenda, the stamps and stencil are so perfect for the theme! And gorgeous outdoorsy card too with a beautifully blended sky and pretty fence scene.

Carol L said...

Those flapper girl images from days gone by are really chic and fun and I really like the color variations with the pretty frames. The Christmas card is so tranquil and serene and just absolutely beautiful too! I hope the time spent at the hospital will help you in the future and to not have migraines in 2 days is surely a blessing. Take good care of yourself and have a lovely weekend.

meg said...

So pleased to read that you've had some relief from your migraines but sorry your Diverticulitis/ Crohn's flared up.

Stunning cards depicting the Art Deco period and a beautiful Chris card

crafty-stamper said...

Absolutely beautiful Art Deko cards and images,love the stencilled borders and fabulous stag on the Christmas card.Sorry to hear about your flare up and hope you are able to enjoy the long weekend break.
Carol x

Gail L said...

Oh, I love your stylish ladies!
The stencil is perfect!
The Christmas scene is just great!
Glad to hear no migraines!
Have a wonderful weekend!

Pauline C said...

Superb stylish Art Deco cards Brenda, I love the images with those fabulous hats, and the stencil is indeed perfect to give the feel of the 1920s. Your Christmas card is beautiful too … I love the soft colour gradation of the sky. I don’t have any Pan Pastels (apart from one shimmery white one) but the effect is gorgeous, as is the brilliant layout with the mix of PB and Kavinia stamps.
Sorry your Crohn’s and Diverticulitis has flared up, and hope you’re soon feeling better.
Pauline xx

HilaryJane said...

Yes, I agree, there is something special about the fashion of the 20's. I love your stylish ladies and art deco frame. The sky in your reindeer card is just amazing. Thanks for explaining how you did it. So sorry that another one of your health issues decided to make its presence felt this week. Hope it has settled now xx

Sarn said...

What beautiful cards Brenda. Love the Art Deco girls and your winter scene on the RD card is fantastic. Loving those colours.

Sorry to hear you ended up in hospital again this week. Wishing you well.

Hugs, Sarn xxx

Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

Queste donne in stile Art Deco sono davvero stupende, elegantissime e davvero fashion! E hai trovato lo stencil perfetto per creare le tue cards, le adoro!! E anche le buste abbinate, bellissimo set!!
Grazie per il suggerimento di embossare con polvere trasparente dopo aver timbrato con Versafine clear per colorare lo sfondo senza che si veda, io spesso sono troppo pigra per tirare fuori l'embosser e la polvere, ma dovrei farlo, il risultato è perfetto! Una bellissima scena invernale!
Sono contenta che non hai avuto emicrania in questi due giorni. Spero che trovino una medicina adatta per per darti sollievo anche dal morbo di Chron...
Qui oggi ha piovuto un po' ma poi caldo e sole!!! Dicono che resterà bello anche domani e poi da lunedì di nuovo pioggia.
Un abbraccio, buona serata e buona Domenica!

kiwimeskreations said...

A stunning trio of cards to start with Brenda - and the Christmas one is fabulous also.
If I want to clear emboss an image, I put the versa mark on the stamp first, then the coloured ink, then stamp - it works a treat!!
Do hope your gut, and the migraines, continue to settle down. They say variety is the spice of life, but that's a bit much!!

Sandra H said...

Beautiful Christmas card thank you for joining May's Rudolph's Challenge and good luck

Linby said...

Do you need me to evens ay how much I love the fashion cards lol! I had been eyeing up that stencil too!
Love your scenic card and you might have sold me on the hawthorn rose!

cuilliesocks said...

Hello Brenda, so pleased you've had some relief from the migraines, but sorry to here you as other health issues.
I love your Art Deco ladies, beautiful cards and the winter scene is gorgeous. I've not tried my new inks yet, but I also bought Artic thinking it would be a great colours for Christmas, take care, Kate x

coldwaters2 said...

Wow Brenda these are excellent and so beautiful I love those ladies and the stencil works perfectly with them I also love the festive card
lolo x

Rainey's Craft Room said...

Stunning images of these beautiful Art Deco ladies and your cards are very elegant and beautiful. It rained for most of the time at the Farmers market but there were some hardy visitors that braved the elements so all good. Torrential rain here this morning at times interspersed with a bit of sunshine, hope you are getting some sun too.

KraftyKoolKat said...

Such gorgeous Art Deco creations Brenda, an awesome scene you have built up and created too.

Sarah said...

Gorgeous 20's style cards Brenda and what a magnificent fellow on your Christmas card. I hope you've had a restful weekend after your flare up. We enjoyed two rain free days and now it's pouring again!! xx

Inkyfingers said...

What a great collection, Brenda. I love the deco cards but that beautiful snowy scene has my heart.
Hope you are having a great weekend.
Carol x

Helen said...

Just beautiful, Brenda - great colours and I love the scene you've created.

Thanks for sharing your card at the Rudolph Days Challenge.

Helen x

Mariann Jakobsen said...

Very elegant art deco cards, Brenda. I do love them, but Rudolph and the winter-scene is absolutely stunning!

Mervi said...

Gorgeous art deco styled ladies cards, so elegant!
And of course love the Christmas card too;-))m

Conny said...

Wonderful cards, Brenda. Really stylish!

Conny said...

I do love a bit of Art Deco - very stylish cards and a beautiful scenic Christmas card. I hope you stay free of those dreaded migraines and have a great weekend Michelle x

Greta said...

The cards with matching envelopes are wonderful! Those outfits would have been fun to wear! Absolutely adore your Christmas card, Brenda! The pan pastel background is gorgeous! Sorry you had to be in the hospital again, but yay for migraine free days!

Faith A at Daffodil Cards said...

OH! What beautiful image and cards from the Art Deco period. Just gorgeous. A beautiful Christmas card too. My MiL had Crohn's, I feel for you. x