Saturday 4 May 2024

Flight of the Dragonfly

Morning everyone, a new challenge at Allsorts and Liz would like to see 'More than one Fold'. Prizes come from Oakwood and Highlight Crafts. I'm out of hospital but a bit fragile so will update on the weeks special events tomorrow.

A tri fold tag card using AALL and Create Tag it Yourself dies(27), Oopsa stencil (161), Wingbrushed (1107) and Time Heals (1110). A brayered and stencilled background, pot from Containers (401) plus a few left over flowers and Squirrel from Highlight TRR collections.

Allsorts celebrates it's 15th Birthday in a couple of weeks and there are awesome prizes, know we always have good ones but believe me this will be sooooo special. So please share the logo to help us spread the word........and talking of words, theres a play on them in the logo to give you a hint of what's to come!


KarinsArtScrap said...

what a beautiful tag card karin

Mervi said...

Gorgeous creation!
Keeping thumbs up for you;-))m

Aquarius said...

These tags are gorgeous. Pleased to hear you are back home again - mind you take things easy for a while

Pat said...

Beautiful tag card Brenda, love all the gorgeous colours and images. Glad you are back home and hope the procedure worked well and that you are soon feeling the benefit. Hope you have a nice peaceful weekend.

Pat xx

Lisa said...

Your tri-fold tag card is incredibly creative! The use of AALL and Create Tag it Yourself dies, Oopsa stencil, and various stamp sets creates a dynamic and visually appealing design. The brayered and stencilled background adds depth, and the inclusion of leftover flowers and the Squirrel from Highlight TRR collections adds a whimsical touch. It's exciting to hear about Allsorts' 15th Birthday celebration with awesome prizes—can't wait to see what's in store!

Carol L said...

I never made a folded tag card like this before, but it's gorgeous with the dragonflies and pretty flowers. I love how you did the edges that looks like they were stitched together - this is fabulous! I'm glad you're out of the hospital and be sure to take good care of you now that you're home!

Chris said...

Gorgeous tag card Brenda- I keep looking at those tag dies, trying to resist temptation but you've made it even harder now!
Glad you're out of hospital, just rest up and don't try to do too much too soon!

meg said...

So pleased to read that you are home from hospital Brenda,best wishes for a speedy recovery,love the sunny colours and summery images and diecuts

Sarn said...

A wonderful tag fold card Brenda. Great backgrounds and lovely focal points on each one. xxx

Liz said...

Beautiful card Brenda, a gorgeous design.
Pleased to hear that your out of hospital, hope your recovery goes well.
Liz xx

coldwaters2 said...

Hi Brenda I am so glad that you finally had the op and that you are now recovering I do hope all went well. I love your triple fold tag card full of incredibly beautiful colours and stamps
lolo x

Gail L said...

Really like the colors and shape on this!
Glad to hear you're home!
Don't over do it, and recover rapidly!

Ellibelle said...

Such a beauty you created here Brenda with all these gorgeous stamps and amazing background!
Wishing you a speedy recovery!

Sarah said...

A wonderful tri fold tag card Brenda, so much to look at on each panel xx

Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

Ciao Brenda!! Felice di sapere che sei uscita dall'ospedale e sono certa che sarai presto in forma, cerca di avere solo un po' di pazienza adesso...
Sono anche felice di vedere che hai usato qualche fustellata TRR insieme al tuo progetto AAA and Create, un abbinamento riuscitissimo!! Il tuo trittico è davvero meraviglioso, adoro quella fustella per tags, è sulla mia wishlist, davvero originale e in nero fa risaltare così bene i gialli e i rosa che hai usato! Uno sfondo bellissimo come sono sempre i tuoi, quelle macchie a stencil sono davvero d'effetto! Stupende anche le libellule!!
Allsorts compie 15 anni?! Congratulazioni!!! Metto subito il banner sul blog.
Un grande abbraccio, a presto!

HilaryJane said...

Not one but three beautiful panels. This looks great. I shall look forward to the 15th and all those prizes xx

crafty-stamper said...

Fabulour tri-fold tag card and backgrounds,love the beautiful Dragonflies.Take it easy and hope you feel better soon.
Carol x

Craftyfield said...

Wonderful make Brenda! Glad your appointment went ahead at last! x

EmmaT said...

Gorgeous card and fold x

Pauline C said...

Fabulous trifold tag Brenda, I love everything about it. I especially love those stunning dragonflies … I’ve not seen them as I haven’t really been keeping up with the latest A&C releases, I think I need to investigate them!
Woo hoo for 15 years of Allsorts and the prizes sound like they will be awesome!
Glad you have finally got your procedure done and are out of hospital, so hope you can now start to recover and it will go smoothly and quickly xx

Sandra H said...

These tags are amazing with stunning backgrounds x

Vicky Hayes said...

You make the most wonderful triptych cards Brenda and this one is no exception with its beautiful backgrounds and images on those tag-style panels.

My goodness, what an amazing milestone to celebrate 15 years of Allsorts challenges! Vicky x

Rainey's Craft Room said...

Lovely little scenes on each of your tag panels Brenda, a gorgeous creation.

kiwimeskreations said...

Glad to hear you finally had your procedure Brenda - love your wee trifold card - so pretty and delicate

Greta said...

Oh how beautiful, Brenda! Glad you're home and hoping you soon feel much better!

Fikreta said...

its gorgeous!

Faith A at Daffodil Cards said...

It seems like I have been a VERY bad blogger, and had to come back this far to see when I commented last. My apologies. This is a stunning card, I love the shape and the beautiful work which completes it so beautifully. x