
Sunday 6 November 2022

Christmas wreaths

Good morning Peeps, the first Sunday of the month which means time for our November challenges at We Love Stamping and Stamping Sensations  where the themes at both just happen to be Christmas related. Two prizes at both, at WLS a collection of Christmas papers, stamps and embellishments and at the other two Christmas themed stamps kindly donated by a regular entrant.

I'm going to be MIA for part of this week, going into hospital for a spinal procedure, re-scheduled from a couple of weeks ago when they cancelled it as I had a tooth infection and on antibiotics, most annoying as I had planned around those dates, but c'est la vie.

It seems both my DT pieces are based on a wreath style, I only realised when I uploaded to write this post, but I do so love a floral/leafy wreath so enjoyed making both of them.

The top one was created with elements from AALL and Create Pinecone, Foliage, Papaver Poppies, Robin and Nuthatch and Seasons, Versafine Clair inks, some twigs from the garden and little bell embellishments and matching envie.

This one is all Lavinia, various stamps and Versafine Clair to create the circle, Pan Pastel to create the sky and ground the Stag and again a matching envie.

I do hope you will join us this month, I am sure there is lots of Christmas card making going on right now.

And as always it seems a little belatedly, the card I sent to Dee in Kenya as part of the October Card Chain Challenge, I have one on the way from Mia in Greece but we all know what the postal system is like recently don't we! The photo is a little blurry as I can't find my original photo so had to lift this from the CCC blog, but the card is all Lavinia following the months colour palette plus Fantasy.

Have a lovely Sunday.
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  1. Hope your procedure goes ahead as scheduled Brenda,nothing more disappointing than having it delayed. Two beautiful wreath cards

  2. gorgeous stamping and card Brenda

    gr karin

  3. Wow all of your cards are gorgeous x

  4. OH! Brenda, These are just gorgeous, your first card with the robin and the fab twigs, love the addition making the card very special. Your second has a wonderful atmosphere with the majestic stag, love the trees and the wreath, so beautiful. The Chain card is stunning too, so many lovely details.
    Faith x

  5. I could admire your cards all the time, all these beautiful scenes and silhouettes, they are masterpieces. I love Lavinia stamps but here are hard to get and they are very expensive. Good luck with the procedure.

  6. the cards are of course, beautiful Hope all goes well with the hospital visit and no more postponements. 3 points later would help, fingers crossed!

  7. LOVE both festive wreath cards and your CCC card is beautiful.

    Good luck with the spinal procedure.

    Hugs, Sarn xxx

  8. Hi Brenda, hope the procedure goes well and you're home again quickly!
    Your wreath cards are both beautiful, I'm usually drawn to your Lavinia cards but do have to say that it's hard to pick a favourite between these two! The Card Chain Challenge card is beautiful too, such lovely stamps and those lovely pastel colours.

  9. Wow, they all are so gorgeous cards, fabulous stamping;-))m

  10. Three breathtaking creations Brenda. The top two are so stylish and the third one is so Magical.

  11. Everybody loves wreath cards so carry on making as many of them as you want. They are both very different and interesting to look at, love the colours. Thanks for sharing your CCC card too. Good luck with your procedure. I hope it all goes smoothly this time xx

  12. Beautiful cards, I do love the wreath designs, xxx

  13. 2 fantastic wreath cards Brenda with the different products you used .. lovely and festive. Your Card Chain card is also very pretty and quite magical with its soft colours. Sorry didn't realise your procedure had been cancelled - hope it all goes ahead ok this time xx

  14. Good luck with the proceedure Brenda, and your cards are lovely, as always

  15. Ciao Brenda, mi dispiace di sapere che hai avuto un'infezione a un dente e hai dovuto rimandare il tuo appuntamento in ospedale. Spero che la procedura per la schiena non sia troppo dolorosa e che tu ritorni presto a casa.
    Adoro le tue ghirlande, sono molto dolci e davvero festive. Non ne faccio mai, ma le adoro e devo provare anche io. Amo soprattutto quella con i timbri di Lavinia, e il meraviglioso cervo, hai creato una scena davvero emozionante dentro la ghirlanda!!
    Bellissima la card per Dee, è molto dolce!!
    Ti auguro una settimana positiva! Abbracci!

  16. Stunning cards Brenda, the wreath cards are beautifully designed with gorgeous colours, and the fairy card is so magical, Kate x

  17. All gorgeous card and beautiful stamps Brenda love the stamped wreaths,Robin and magnificent Stag! Hope your procedure goes ahead as planned and all is well
    carol x

  18. Beautiful wreaths Brenda - loving the stag one in particular - that is stunning
    You received a gorgeous card in the exchange

  19. Two beautiful wreath cards, both so different. Love the fantasy card, a pretty scene.

  20. Fabulous cards Brenda, love both wreaths and I like the Idea of the robin perched on the twig. Love the magical scene on your fantasy card, the colours are so pretty.
    Hope everything goes to plan with the hospital visit.
    Avril xx

  21. Oh! oh OHHHHHHHHH! Brenda, be still my heart! All three cards are beautiful, but I am in love with your bird wreath! LOVE LOVE LOVE it with the pretty colors, small stamps, and lovely embellies! hugs, de

  22. They are so wonderful, Brenda! Love the Lavinia stamps and the colours!


  23. Wow Brenda those wreath cards are absolutely stunning and of course your fairy scene is just so sweet!!

  24. these cards are gorgeous!

  25. another wonderful selection of cards Brenda, love that wee robin one.


  26. Wow no favorites here; all are so beutiful! Love how you made the wreaths and used the Lavinia stamps! Hugs, Gerrina

  27. Playing catch up on my post reading!
    Love all the cards you have made!
    I did manage to get to a few craft shops while I was away & saw some Lavinia stamps! Unfortunately, mostly trees and small individual fairies!
    Was secretly pleased to see them in Canada!
    Hope your procedure goes well Brenda, I will be thinking about you!

  28. Beautiful stamps used on both your wreath cards, very festive.

  29. Beautiful cards Brenda, lovely wreath images and I love the robin on the first one. Hope all goes well for you at the hospital.

    Pat xx

  30. Such beautiful cards, the wreaths look gorgeous, especially loving the one with the beautiful scene inside but both are equally pretty. And what a gorgeous and magical card Dee received, absolutely beautiful!

  31. Three beautiful cards, love the scenes you created in all of them. You are welcome to join us on Monday to decorate some wine glasses. lol Hugs Anesha x

  32. Very lovely wreaths you created. Great collection if images.

    Super cute Lavinia images on that third card. Love the background colors.

  33. Oh those wreath scenes are amazing. Love them. Your Lavinia pinky card too. Hope you're doing okay after hospital honey. Hugs xxx

  34. Absolutely stunning, I love your design with the wreaths and the scene is so beautiful.


  35. Gorgeous Christmas cards, Brenda, and what a beautiful fairy scene for Dee & the CCC!! Thanks for the inspiration at We Love Stamping - I've played along for the first time!! :)

  36. I love your wreaths. I think I'd be happy stamping wreaths for ever.
