
Tuesday 18 October 2022

Sam and friends enjoying the Autumn harvest

Morning Peeps, it's time for our mid month inspirational posts at We Love Stamping and Stamping Sensations where we have Autumnal themes and prizes of goodies from AALL and Create and Highlight Crafts.

AALL and Create stamps on the above card with a harvest from the orchard and goodness it's been a bumper crop this year. With the intense heat and lack of rain we didn't anticipate much of a crop but even now in mid October we are still collecting various varieties of apples and pears and the freezers are near to bursting.

Ten days ago we also harvested the Quince, only the one tree but a bumper crop of 56, may not sound many but if you are familiar with the fruit you will know how big they are. The best of them have been laid up for a few weeks to mellow for Quince Jelly, others poached with apples and pears and frozen for winter pies and also a few tagine's, they work well with lamb, not that I eat meat often but there are those in the family who do.

A bit of artistic licence here with Peonies in October but in Autumnal colours. For this one I have used elements from Highlight Crafts Vintage Inc stamp collections Botanical Bliss, Petals and Lace and the brand new Love Letters USB now available on the web. The links go to the collections but all stamp sets are available individually. After lots of inking and distressing I stamped the focal image and heat embossed with details gold EP, stamped again onto some inked card and paper pieced.

I am popping over for hot chocolate (or maybe something stronger) at the Playground with the first card as the sentiment, circles and Sam the Squirrel are all stamped onto snippets.

For the above and card at the top of my post I have used AALL and Create Pheasant, Pinecone and Basic Fruits. Whilst AALL and Create showcase all their new releases on Create and Craft TV and products are available from various retailers, many are unaware that A&C also have their own on line store and the links in my posts where I used their products will take you to there. They offer a quick and efficient delivery service.

I use the little Squirrel from Key Botanicals quite often. They are such clever little creatures and I love watching them, we have lots in the garden and paddocks and they have reared several families of young, all of whom seem to stay around, so I get plenty of photo opportunities....

I was almost nose to nose with this one outside the open kitchen window last week, she (a very recent Mum) seemed totally un-phased with me being so close. And yesterday we spotted the first black baby, we knew we had at least one in our top paddock hedgerow, so are thrilled there were a pair who have bred.  It's estimated there are only about 25,000 in the UK centred in our region of Cambs/Beds/Herts where they have breeding schemes in operation, but they 
are much shyer and photo opportunities rare.

Here is a rare photo, isn't he Beautiful?

And a few Highlight Crafts Two Red Robin Squirrels and other wildlife in Autumnal settings....

Have a lovely Tuesday and my thanks as always for your visits.

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  1. Fabulous work Brenda - I do love your style! That second card made my heart pitter patter - it's exquisite!! Love your squirrel photos, and that black one certainly is a handsome wee beastie!!

  2. Wonderful cards Brenda. Love the colours and combination of stamps. Your little friend is adorable. Have a great week. Hugs Anesha x

  3. As always a wonderful selection of cards,the stamped autumnal images are beautiful,an inspirational collection of Two Red Robin cards and the most fantastic pics

  4. Amazing set of cards Brenda … the amount of detail in your stamping and inky backgrounds is awesome !! Also beautiful squirrel photographs .. I never knew there was such a thing as a black squirrel, he is just gorgeous. We have a huge crop of apples this year even though we have only one tree … sadly we only have one small freezer in the kitchen so we can’t keep a lot of them and many go to waste, though G takes some to work for his colleagues when he remembers !!
    Pauline x

  5. Gorgeous autumnal cards, all so pretty;-))m

  6. Wonderful, Brenda! Love all your autumn cards! The first one is my favorite!


  7. So many beautiful autumnal cards and such gorgeous squirrel photos! How lucky you are to have black squirrels in your paddock, that's awesome! Take care. Hugs xxxxxxx

  8. Ciao Brenda, qui fa ancora caldo, oggi 21°!!! Forse mangerò ancora qualche pomodoro :) Il raccolto di mele e pere è stato praticamente nullo, troppo caldo e tantissimi parassiti. :(
    Stupende creazioni, come sempre del resto!!! La prima card con i timbri AALL and Create è davvero adorabile, mi piacciono i colori freschi e il design con tutti quei particolari e i bei sentiments!
    La card vintage con la Peonia è deliziosa e quella seguente è davvero calda con i colori autunnali.
    Sei molto fortunata ad avere gli scoiattoli così vicino a casa, io starei a guardarli per ore! :) Bellissima la mamma, così dolce, e quello nero è davvero stupendo! Incredibile che non abbiano paura, sono così timidi!
    Starei a guardare per ore anche le tue scene naturali con i prodotti Two Red Robin, sono sempre così magiche e piene di dettagli! Hai fatto bene a mettere la prima in una cornice, meriterebbero tutte di essere appese!
    Un abbraccio

  9. Fantastic cards Brenda especially the highlight crafts one at the bottom. I have so many of the dies but not really played with them much yet. I love the photos of you visiting squirrels, I've only ever seen black squirrels in the south of France where there seem to quite a few of them around.

    Sue xx

  10. Another wonderful selection of cards Brenda, I don't know how you do it. Your black squirrel is amazing. I didn't know they existed!

  11. Your autumnal cards are gorgeous Brenda, glorious colours, beautiful stamping and designs.
    Wow! That black squirrel!!! Didn't even know that there were black squirrels let alone having seen one before- he is so beautiful and what an amazing photo!

  12. Beautiful work and fantastic squirrel shots too! Amazing to see a black squirrel. xxx

    1. Forgot to add that I’ve got some contraband in my satchel which I’m willing to add to your hot chocolate to make it extra tasty! Xxx

  13. gorgeous and beautiful stamping cards and stunning 3D work Brenda, fab images

    gr karin

  14. WOW! Amazing work on ALL of these gorgeous cards Brenda. I have a lot to learn! Love those squirrels, we have a family around us who use our walls as a pass through the garden, so funny.
    Faith x

  15. Fabulous selection of Autumn cards love all the stamps and images - we are still getting tomatoes and an apple pie in the oven this aft from our one dwarf apple tree lol-the black squirrel is absolutely beautiful!
    Carol x

  16. Absolutely beautiful creations you really are so talented x

  17. Ohhh love the black Squirrel, B. Had no idea there were even black ones.
    Stunning.. as is the nose to nose grey and your beautiful cards.
    Especially love the red robin one.. BTW thanks for telling us re free post there last week. I did a small order with your discount as well!
    Dont order up much but if some needed items there thats okay as opposed to wants!
    My mother loved quinces they grew where she grew up on the northern plains of NSW. That's quite a crop.
    Im not well hence not blogging. But read others to cheer my day. Pray for you regularly too, daily moment by moment prayer is essential not optional to me.. so trust you're travelling ok.
    Thanks for sharing, and may God bless you and keep you and all whom you love safe and well.
    Prayer hugs, Shaz in Oz. X

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  18. Beautiful cards brenda but the squirrel photos steal the show this time! never seen a black one or heard of one, how lovely is he/she? x

  19. Your first card is stunning!!! I love the colors and the design!! But I also love the photo of the black squirrel. I've never seen anything like it. We have a lot of red squirrels that we like to provide with nuts.

  20. Lots of amazing cards here Brenda, so perfect for autumn themes and lots of gorgeous products used!

    Sounds like you've had a wonderful harvesting season! It's been like forever since I had a Quince (I like to eat them raw whenever I get my hands on one) but they are so hard to find here in the US. I've only found them twice during the 24 years I've been living here but maybe I just wasn't at the shop at the right time.
    Oh, and I LOVE your squirrels! You got such good pictures of them! We have a whole family of black squirrels living in our garden/backyard now, they used to be so rare some years ago. Still plenty of brown ones too and last year there was an albino squirrel too but it somehow disappeared. Those are extremely rare.

  21. What wonderful cards Brenda, so beautifully designed and so very artistic too. I love the Autumnal framed picture, it's stunning.
    The little garden visitors are so sweet and I've never seen a black squirrel before.
    Wonderful to get a good harvest of fruit. We did well with apples and plums, but I have to say I eventually got fed up with pies and crumbles, we even gave our neighbour plums and she made jam and gave us a jar.
    Hope all's well, Kate x

  22. What a lovely post Brenda, full to bursting with my favourite things, all things/colours autumnal, homegrown produce and wildlife!! How wonderful to have a family of black squirrels and what a beautiful photo. xx

  23. I do envy your inkiness Brenda, gorgeous cards. I envy you your squirrels too, I love watching them scuttle up the trees. I used to live near Formby pine wood sphere there were red squirrels. Your black ones are so cute. Xxxx

  24. So much autumnal goodness on your post. The mention of the quince jelly has my mouth watering.
    L x

  25. Such lovely cards this time Brenda and the colours are fabulous. Thanks for sharing the squirrel photos too. I am glad you are enjoying all the bounty from your land xx

  26. Such gorgeous creations Brenda. All are so lovely in their own right. Thank you for the squirrel snaps. Awesome photos and you managed to get so close.

  27. A gorgeous warm glow coming from all your cards here Brenda - a really lovely display! What amazing photos of the squirrels too! Vicky x

  28. A fabulous selection of cards Brenda, all so different and all so beautiful. Lovely photo's too especially of your black squirrel, I have never seen one, in fact, I didn't know they existed!

    Pat xx

  29. Gorgeous collection of cards this week. Oh my goodness I have never seen a black squirrel. He is beautiful!!!

  30. Fabulous cards Brenda and I do love the gold embossing with the peonies. Fabulous photos of the squirrels, especially the black one. We occasionally get squirrels in the garden who attack the bird feeders (and usually win).
    Avril xx

  31. Your cards are beautiful Brenda! I really like all of them inspired by Autumn.
    The mother Squirrel near your window has caught my attention, and the black baby too, they are both very pretty.
    Happy new week dear friend, and send big hugs

  32. I love Fall & you've shown why with these gorgeous cards, Brenda! I love using Fall tones for the peonies! I've never seen a black squirrel & he is indeed a beauty!
