
Saturday 8 October 2022


Morning to you all, at Allsorts this week Lolo is our host with the theme of 'A/G with a option of Monochromatic' and a prize of tickets to Crafting Live and also lovely dies, both from Highlight Crafts.

For this weekend only there's free Worldwide shipping at Highlight here, plus an additional  10% discount if you use code BRENDA10 at checkout.

I've gone all green for the one above using an AALL and Create border stamp called Poppy Seedheads, a brayered background using Versafine Clair and stamped the image with the same ink, some added stamped numbers, Birdie and sentiment, again all using the same ink.

I struggled a tad getting a decent photo of my Highlight Crafts sample as despite it all appearing to be shades of purple in real life the photos tells a different story and all sorts of shades seem to be coming through including green glitter which is honestly isn't, so your going to have to trust me on this one. The sentiment is from my Moments inspirational stamp set launching on Create and Craft TV next week.

And before I go, one of this weeks Two Red Robin samples.

Much as I love my stamping, I really do enjoy creating with these dies, I can lost myself as I build up the fantasy scenes.

Thanks so much for your continued visits and words of encouragement, they mean a lot.
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  1. What wonderful cards Brenda - love the simple green one in particular!

  2. A beautiful selection of cards,the monochromatic,greens give me a tranquil feeling,the purples a happy vibe,of course I love your Two Red Robin cards

  3. Great theme this wek Brenda, I do like monochrome! Your cards are beautiful- especially the green one, my favourite colour and such beautiful stamping. xx

  4. Beautiful cards, even if my favorite is the first monochromr onr :) Enjoy the weekend!

  5. Such beautiful creations here, each one just wonderful, think my favorite might be the first one in shades of green but it's hard to choose. It's never easy to photograph glittered cards, is is? Either the glitter won't show up at all or it causes holographic effects. But it does add a beautiful touch to a card!

  6. A beautiful selection as always Brenda, the green being my fave, xx

  7. Fantastic collection of cards, as usual, B.
    Love the scenic Red Robin cards - but I think the first one just pips them to the post as favourite! xxx

  8. Another fabulous selection of cards Brenda, lovely monochromatic, stamped card and a pretty filigree die cut one too. Mirri card and glitter are notoriously difficult to photograph but well worth it for the effects they produce.

  9. A wonderful selection Brenda and a beautiful die on your 2nd and 3rd cards x

  10. Fabulous selection Brenda love the die-cut Autumn scene and fabulous poppy seedheads stamps
    Carol x

  11. A beautiful selection of cards Brenda, love the Autumnal scene, the colours are glorious and the poppy heads look stunning in shades of green.
    Avril xx

  12. Gorgeous cards all, my fave is the first green one;-))m

  13. Lovely cards!
    I'm about as good at monochromatic as I am at CAS & Less is More!
    I see purple for that card, I really like the green one.
    And the scenes you make with Red great!

  14. Beautiful monochromatic cards Brenda - I particularly love the green one - what a fab selectin of stamps and gorgeous colour, and I'm interested in the idea of brayering with VFC which I haven't tried. Gorgeous traditional scenes with the 2RR dies as well - very clever.
    pauline xx

  15. Beautiful cards, as always, Brendaz, love the monochrome green great stamping and the wreath with the Robin is gorgeous.

    Pat xx

  16. So wonderful! Love the monochrome card!


  17. Che dire... WOW! :) Capisco bene perchè adori le fustelle e le carte di Two Red Robin, sono davvero fantastiche e realistiche, e tu crei delle splendide scene naturali con esse!!! Ogni volta resto a bocca aperta. Prima o poi, quando potrò, ne prenderò qualcuna anche io! Adoro il frame dorato con il tralcio di fiori e foglie invernali e quel pettirosso è stupendo!!! E la scena autunnale con i cervi... sembra di poterli toccare e lo sfondo ha un bellissimo effetto quasi 3D con quelle foglie dipinte!!!
    Molto bella la card sui toni del viola, li amo sempre molto e che splendido tralcio d fiori!! Bellissimi i semi di papavero nella prima card con i timbri AALL and Create, riesci sempre a stupirmi con i tuoi accostamenti di timbri, io non uso i numeri quasi mai eppure ci stanno così bene!
    Ti auguro una buona domenica, anche se a quest'ora è quasi finita.... Qui piove e spero che non grandini perchè ho le zucche che stanno ancora maturando sulle piante! :)
    Un abbraccio

  18. A gorgeous selection of cards Brenda, all so pretty
    Lorraine x

  19. As usual beautiful cards I particularly like the green one . Great stamping and I agree with you it is fun making up scenes with die cuts Jx

  20. A beautiful verdant mono card. Love your samples, especially the last one with the autumn scene.

  21. Beautiful cards Brenda you always inspire us with your makes


  22. You make amazing scenes! I really adore the last one!

  23. A gorgeous selection of cards Brenda, as usual I can't choose my favourite. They are all very different and gorgeous in their own right.
