
Saturday 20 August 2022


Morning Peeps, it's the second of our two week challenges running through August at Allsorts and I am your host with an Anything Goes theme and option of Roses which are beautiful in the gardens at the moment. Two prizes, a House Mouse stamp from Oakwood and three images from Ruth Hamilton Design.

Above a Create and Craft DT piece for Oakwood using an MDF plaque with acrylics, crackle glaze, border stencil with texture paste and crackle glaze (coloured with oxide spray) and Oakwood Bunch of Roses stamps and matching Die plus a couple of their word stamps.

This one using Ruth Hamilton Design Rose Bud printed onto Highlight Crafts papers along with a coordinating one in the background, the word Summer from AALL and Create Seasons and letter 'R' from Grungy Alphabet stamped, punched out and covered with Glossy Accents. I used snippets of green and white card for the panel, sentiment banners and letter 'R' so am popping over the the Playground with this one, taking plenty of strawberries with me for a few daiquiri's. 

And the Roses continue with a tag which was one of my samples for yesterday/today's One Day Special on Create and Craft, the collection comprises of Vintage Inc stamps which I have used in the background, dies with coordinating reflections and the tag I have used is from a new set also in the shows.

As promised a few from the wedding of Zachary and Faith last Sunday, it was a fabulous occasion albeit a tad hot in temperatures of 37deg. Son Alex pictured below was best Man and there were four Bridesmaids but the grounds were vast and having to use my wheelchair meant I wasn't able to get around as much as I might have wanted, so I only managed to get a photo of one of them, this one Azaria along with Jordan....their wedding is next July. The tail suits were dark grey so no idea why they look blue in some of my photos!

Many thanks for your visits and words of encouragement, they always mean so much.
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  1. Beautiful photographs Brenda thank you for sharing them…they couldn’t have wished fir better weather


  2. Gorgeous cards/ projects in pretty colours from peachy pink through to a deep vibrant pink. Beautiful wedding pictures

  3. Beautiful cards Brenda, but then, I have never seen a card of yours that isn't beautiful! You are such an inspiration.
    Lovely wedding photos - that heat must have been phenomenal - we had some pretty warm days last summer, but nothing like that!

  4. wow! Love the bright colours on the plaque and all the detailing, it's just stunning. A soft pretty card using Ruth's design but the tag is just as it says "so pretty" with a gorgeous array of colours.

    Fab wedding photos and I love that orange (sorry if that is not the correct colour term!) running through the outfits and flowers.

  5. gorgeous and beautiful card and a gorgeous rag Brenda

    that was hot 37degrees and in a suit but the photo's are gorgeoys so are the bride and groom

    gr karin

  6. Your rose cards are so lovely. Thanks for sharing your photos, everyone looks beautiful!

  7. Beautiful cards and roses-love ther wedding photos couldn't have picked a better day -the bride looks beautiful
    Carol x

  8. Your rose- themed projects are beautiful Brenda, as are your wedding photos, looks like a wonderful celebration despite the heat!

  9. Ciao Brenda, grazie per aver condiviso le belle foto del matrimonio di Zachary e Faith, sicuramente ha fatto molto caldo per voi in UK, poveri uomini in giacca e cravatta! :D
    Stupenda card per Create and Craft, davvero d'effetto con tutte quelle textures e il fuxia! La card con il bocciolo di Ruth Hamilton è molto dolce e delicata e la mia preferita è la stupenda tag rosa con i boccioli, la lavanda, la farfalla e il bellissimo sfondo! Hai dato un bellissimo effetto tridimensionale!
    Buon weekend, riposati dalle fatiche!
    Alice xx

  10. Fabulous projects as always Brenda, especially love the bright pink plaque. The wedding photos are fab too and the bride looks gorgeous. The men must have been roasting in their suits! xx

  11. Beautiful work as always Brenda. You found the most perfect paper for Ruth's rose and this week's theme!
    Beautiful photos from the wedding too, everyone looks fabulous and what a great color scheme they chose! So beautiful! Congrats to the bride and groom!

  12. Such beautiful wedding photos on such a wonderful day too.
    Fabulous rose themed cards, lovely texture and details on the first one.

  13. You cards are exquisite Barbara (and thank you for tuning in to my thought processes and coming up with roses as the optional theme!) I love the photos of the wedding - always such a joyful occasion! Vicky x

  14. WOW - such beautiful creativity in your designs. Absolutely blown away by the first one.

    Thanks for coming to play in the Snippets Playground. Here's a nice ice cream Eggnogg cocktail for you!

    Thanks for sharing some wedding photo's. The bride looks stunning and the weather was glorious. I wish them a happy life together.


  15. Many beautiful cards - that first is quite stunning! Love the mixed media with all its texture and bold color. A lovely wedding.

  16. Your cards are just stunning Brenda, the floral images are gorgeous and such beautiful colours.
    Beautiful photos, and the bride's colours are gorgeous. She's a beautiful bride and a very handsome Groom.
    Lovely photo of the Mums and Dads, I think you might be the lovely lady in the coral dress and fabulous hat. Thanks for sharing them, Kate x

  17. All three cards are beautiful!! But the first ... wow what a great background! Lovely photo's! Glad you could go! Enjoy the weekend!

  18. Beautiful Rose design cards. All individual. Love the last one especially. What a lovely day they had for the wedding. Hugs Mrs A.

  19. Looks like a gorgeous wedding! Your cards are beautiful!

  20. The wedding pics are beautiful.
    Your card are too, love the cracked paint on 1st one.
    If you talk to Ruth please tell her I cannot comment on her blog. For some reason Blogger is not letting me comment on certain blogs, asks me sign in but I am already signed in to Google. So frustrating. X

  21. Beautiful plaque, card and tag Brenda, lovely colours and images. Gorgeous family wedding photos the brides dress is beautiful, the weather and location look fabulous.

    Pat xx

  22. I adore all your cards and tag Brenda, especially the first one with the MDF plaque.

    What beautiful wedding photos, a very pretty/handsome family. Love your outfit.

  23. Gorgeous cards as always Brenda - the detailing on the plaque is fabulous, the RH design and the CC tag both so pretty and delicate. Beautiful photos of the wedding, the bride and groom look so beautiful and happy, and everyone else looks so well turned out and happy - wow it was hot to be wearing wedding clothes in 37 degrees!! Lovely wedding outfit for you too ... it must be so lovely to have family weddings to go to ... I hardly have any family, and the few I do have aren't close so I never got an invite to either of the 2 weddings that happened this year.
    Pauline xx

  24. Beautiful cards as always and oh those photos are just stunning.Thanks for sharing.xx

  25. A wonderful set of beautiful cards as always. The wedding photos are stunning such a pretty wedding and love her dress fabulous hugs Carole x

  26. Your cards are stunning as are your photos your family are beautiful x

  27. What stunning makes Brenda! I especially love your first one - swooning over the pink. And the wedding photo are fabulous - such a pretty bride - and you look lovely, love the hat!


    Di xx

  28. Your cards are beautiful! Absolutely stunning wedding photos! So lovely to see you and Eddy x

  29. It's me again - you sneaked into the Playground - wahoo! LOVE your snippets card - so soft and very pretty. I wonder if you did paper piecing - it's great.


    Di xxx

  30. Cards and tag are wonderful, as are the wedding photos!
    So glad you got to go!
    Hope you stayed hydrated in the hot weather!

  31. What beautiful cards Brenda, timely too as the roses in my garden are just having another flush. Super snaps of your lovely family and it did make me smile to see the well tended emerald green lawns. You looked gorgeous too and I trust the nails matched that fabulous dress! xx

  32. Lovely collection this week. I particularly like the bold pink and lots of texture on your first card. Thanks for sharing some pics from the wedding, everyone looks so happy and gorgeous and what a stunning venue xx

  33. Gorgeous cards Brenda, and beautiful wedding photos. it looks like you had a wonderful day.
    Lorraine x

  34. Fabulous cards and beautiful tag, all gorgeous.
    Wonderful wedding pics, oh so hot!

  35. love the roses art. and the brides dress. Really a suitable dress for her.

  36. I love all your roses, perfects designs!
    Such beautiful wedding photos, wow, on such a beautiful day. I like your hats, this is great tradition.

  37. OH! What wonderful happy photos Brenda, a beautiful Bride and handsome Groom, that's what a wedding needs, AND Grandma attending too.
    Faith x
