
Sunday 5 June 2022

Venetian beauty and a few photos from the Wedding

Morning Peeps, it's the first Sunday of the month which means the start of our new challenges at We Love Stamping and Stamping Sensations where our themes are 'Anything Stamped with option of Roses' and 'Make it Masculine'. At both challenges there are three prizes to be won, at the first from Colemans who are sadly closing, I have demoed so many times over the years and will miss their craft warehouse, the other is from Craft Stash.

Above I used a couple of rather neglected Penny Black stamps, the Rose and Venetian Summer along with one of my own sentiments. After stamping the Rose I cut around the top elements and then placed an oval die behind the cut section so it rested over the aperture. Minimal colouring, a second oval aperture and finito.

Here we have AALL and Create Little Wren, stamped very simply onto a background splattered with some Oxide, the letter W stamped in the same ink, some washi tape and word from another A&C set.

As some of you know, Thursday was the wedding of Anysia our eldest Granddaughter which was re-scheduled from 2020. This time a totally different style of wedding to what was planned the first time round, it was the first I had attended in a Civil location but it was lovely. The venue was a beautifully restored circa 17th Century Tudor Mansion set in amazing grounds and 18 elegant rooms where we and close family stayed over part of the long weekend.

The weather was beautiful so the ceremony took place outside in the Bandstand with guests seated on white chairs.

The Brides family and siblings, Brother Zachary is getting married in August and sister Azaria next July so plenty more opportunities for new outfits and hats!

Some of my lovely offspring and other halves, there should be one with all of them when we see the formal photos. But I'm still the shortest of the bunch.

In the intervening two years baby Margo came along and thoroughly enjoyed the day.

And it's 'cheers' from me with a peach belleni!
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  1. Two beautiful cards with fabulous stamps.You had a gorgeous day for the wedding,wonderful pics

  2. Firstly - your cards - both are wonderful. Love the cool classy images and colouring of the first one and the simplicity and CAS-ness of the second one.

    So glad the weather was kind after all the wedding delays. Looks like everyone enjoyed themselves. Cheers to you too - fab outfit and amazing hat. You look great. Xxx

  3. I love your rose card Brenda!! So eye-catching and elegant!! :)

  4. Love your cards, they are both fab. What a glorious day for wedding. You have such a beautiful family. The bride was radiant. Baby Margo stole the day! So happy it all went well. Lots of hugs Anesha

  5. Lovely cards Brenda, and thanks for sharing the wonderful wedding photos

  6. The cards both are beautiful! But...they are outdone by the bride! Great that the weather was good and they could get outside! And you look 'tres chic' ! Enjoy the weekend!

  7. beautiful cards you made Brenda and gorgeous photo's

    gr karin

  8. Beautiful cards Brenda - I really do love the Parisian one, and the quote that you chose to go with it is wonderful - some days that's all you can do!
    Thanks for sharing the photos - what a gorgeous setting and a wonderful day

  9. Brenda your cards are gorgeous!! Wow the wedding photos are brilliant. What a lovely day you are all having and you look amazing!! The newly weds looks very happy as does little Margo! Congratulations to them.

  10. Oooh, such a beautiful wedding, I love your photos, very romantic. You are very elegant with this hat too. And I like your cards, they are stunning as always.

  11. Two beautiful cards the first image is gorgeous as is the bird .....beautiful photos what a fabulous wedding you all look stunning x

  12. Beautiful cards but the first one is stunning!Fabulous wedding photos and Margo is gorgeous what a beautiful smile
    Carol x

  13. Ciao Brenda, prima di tutto voglio dirti che mi fa molto piacere vedere le belle foto del matrimonio di Anysia e che il tempo è stato soleggiato!! Dato che adesso da voi sta piovendo, è stata una bella fortuna!!! :) Stupenda location!!
    Bella la foto del tuo brindisi!! :D La sposa e le damigelle hanno il tuo stesso sorriso!! Forse una delle damigelle non ha il tuo sangue, ma la somiglianza c'è lo stesso! :D Margo è una bimba così solare e deliziosa, davvero una cucciola adorabile!!!

    La card Veneziana è stupenda in monocromo, originale e decisa! L'ovale ci sta d'incanto!
    L'altra CAS è molto particolare nel tuo inconfondibile stile del momento e il tocco di washi tape aggiunge interesse all'intera creazione!

    Ti auguro una buona Domenica rilassante dopo tutte le ultime fatiche!! :)

  14. Two gorgeous creations Brenda. I tried to get that stamp from Penny Black but it was sadly not produced anymore. Thank you so much for sharing the lovely wedding photos. She is a beautiful girl, you must be proud of her. Awesome babe as well. You look gorgeous and happy in your wedding outfit. Cheers to you too, with Coke of course from me! 🤣

  15. the cards are fabulous but it's lovely to see the photos of the wedding, thanks for sharing - everyone looks beautiful.

  16. A long while ago you, way back in the early days of me visiting the PB Challenge, 'forced' me to buy that gorgeous PB Venetian Summer stamp - and it still stuns me whenever I see you use it. OK, so I forced myself to buy the stamp but it's always looked so elegant however it's used - and you did a great job. But, onto the wedding - what gorgeous photos B and so lovely to see you looking so well and happy. Love the dress and hat! Everyone, bride, Margo, ladies, chaps and the bridesmaids (dresses are simply beautiful!). Such a divine colour and so perfect with the flowers of course.


    Di xx

  17. I love the red black and white combo of your top card Brenda, both are fabulous, as always. Thank you for sharing a few wedding photos. It looks as though you had the perfect day weather wise, the bride and bridesmaids look gorgeous and little Margo looks such a cheeky little cutey with her smile. It's good to see you have a glass in your hand on both photos :) x

  18. Wonderful cards Brenda, red, black and white always looks so very elegant, as do you as Grandma of the Bride!! What a glorious setting to make some memories. Margo looks like she was having the best time!! xx

  19. Loving your cards as always clever lady,and WOW you look amazing what a great outfit and hat.Fantastic Wedding from what I can see,Beautiful dresses and Margo is so pretty,what a smile too.xx

  20. WOW!! The beautiful Bride has stolen the show here Brenda, and her handsome Groom of course. The photos are lovely, and what marvellous weather for the wedding especially in that gorgeous setting. Everyone looks so happy, and little Margo is adorable. Your outfit is stunning, love the hat.
    Now for your card, I absolutely love the first one, it's stunning, beautiful images and colours. Second card is so very pretty with lovely colours too. take care, Kate x

  21. so nice cards!
    So beautiful photos!
    best of luck to them

  22. You look smashing!
    Great wedding photos, and the weather looked amazing!
    Great cards!

  23. Fab photos and lovely to see you with the peach bellini too. congratulations to the happy couple - at last!
    Love the treatment of the PB stamp with the red accents, it looks fabulous. Great CAS card with the lovely little wren too.

  24. So nice to see a glimpse of the wedding, I can imagine it was a magical day enjoyed by all and seeing little Margo's smile I have no doubt!
    Congratulations and all the best to the newly married couple!

    Your cards are so pretty, I've always loved seeing that gorgeous Venetian lady stamp on your blog, glad you brought it out to play!

  25. Wonderful cards, love the Venetian one with the bold red and the double oval aperture, very effective. I must remember that trick. Your second card is so lovely and simple, I am loving seeing how you use those AALL and Create stamps. Thanks too for sharing some photos of a very special wedding. Everyone looks beautiful and very happy, and the sun shone, which was a lovely bonus for you all xx

  26. 2 fab cards as always Brenda - very stylish Venetian scene with the pops of red and perfect sentiment, and gorgeous treatment of the A&C bird.

    Thanks for sharing the pics of the wedding - everyone looks so well, happy and fabulous! It must have been very stressful having to rearrange and wait so long, but it all obviously turned out brilliantly on the day. So lovely to see the radiant bride and groom with Margo looking so well, and you in your glamorous outfit downing the peach bellini - cheers!
    Pauline xx

  27. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  28. Lovely cards, haven’t seen that technique for some time, looks fab with the pop of red, and the collage is fab too. Wonderful photos, looks like a very happy day indeed. Cheers! Xxx

  29. I'm a litdtle bit late getting round this week, but well worth the visit! Love your cards especially the first one, it looks stunning in black, white and red. The photo's are fabulous, beautiful bride and a lovely sunny day what more could you ask for.

    Paqt xx

  30. Cheers, you all are so elegant and so happy days to spend together.
    Gorgeous and fabulous cards;-))m

  31. Two lovely cards Brenda….thank,you fir sharing sone wedding photos….you look very glam

    Anne x

  32. Just had to come and take a look at the wedding photos Brenda- even if I'm a bit late! You all look wonderful- and so happy. Glad the weather was good after all the cold and was a wedding day worth waiting for!
    Love your hat!

  33. Gorgeous photo's - congratulations to the happy couple.
    You look beautiful Brenda.
    Lorraine x

  34. It looks like you all had a great time at the wedding! Lovely photos of your family (love your dress by the way...). x

  35. What a beautiful wedding! I don't know what was originally planned, but can't imagine it nicer than this! Such wonderfully happy pictures--thanks for sharing, Brenda! Beautiful cards--especially the bird collage!
