
Wednesday 9 February 2022

Down the rabbit hole and a discount for all

A quick post from me with a few more Two Red Robin makes and also a 10% discount code which you can use on the Highlight Crafts website - home to Steph Weightmans Two Red Robins. The code is Brenda10, simple as that, should anyone have any problem using it please let me know. Note added: add the code without a space, my mistake how I typed it initially.

Above I've used products from Twilight Moments and below from New Beginnings, there choices of full bundles or selecting individually those that appeal to you. The artwork called Reflections are all available as downloads on the website, most free with colour options and then there are USB sticks giving even more flexibility.

Today I ordered a Scan and Cut, my Cricut expired ages ago and I never saw the need to replaced it, but the machine I've ordered looks to be very useful both within TRR products but also lots of other potential. A new learning curve coming my way!!

I know most think of me as an inky stamping crafter, but I have to admit I am thoroughly enjoying working with these products and find it very relaxing creating little scenes, just as though they were all down the end of the garden or across the paddocks. Sometimes I think it's good to break out of your comfort zone and do something a bit different, but as the eagle eyed might spot, I've still managed to squeeze in a PB sentiment on the second scene.

There will be new goodies coming along in the next week or two so watch this space, I am also hoping Stephanie is going to add a Horse to the range before long, I could find a place in my scenes for one or two of those then it really will be home from home. 

Thanks for popping in today, your visits are always appreciated.

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  1. These are lovely Brenda, and something different for you

  2. Great cards and love the daffodils and verse
    Carol x

  3. Very pretty scenes Brenda, very relaxing to look at. Is that
    A Penny Black sentiment I see there?? If so I have a few of that type and they are so lovely xx

  4. Two wonderful scenes,the daffodils are so beautiful

  5. WOW! Brenda these are stunning cards, I absolutely love the scene with the rabbits, the daffs are gorgeous too. I must go and have a look at this craft shop, one I've not heard of. take care, Kate x

  6. I'm in love with these bunnies that I saw also in your previous post and another card! They looks really amazing and so realistic!! You skill about creating natural scenes is always gorgeous, with any media or item you use, but I can see why you love these products!! Love the little angles of nature you have created, they are magical!

  7. Oh... ho scritto in inglese, non mi sono accorta :D
    Un abbraccio, sono contenta che trovi il modo di rilassarti un po'!

  8. Two wonderful scenes,these are so lovely

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. These are both lovely,Brenda. The bunnies have "cuddle me" written all over them and the elegant daffodils give me hope for spring as the snow falls this morning. Vee xx ps thanks for discount.

  11. Beautiful cards,loving The Two Red Robins.x

  12. Two wonderfully tranquil scenes Brenda, beautifully layered and designed.

  13. Two very pretty scenes...really like the daffodils. xx

  14. The scenes on these cards are beautiful Brenda, it's good for us to try new products and techniques sometimes, good luck with the Scan'n' Cut.

  15. Gorgeous cards Brenda, love those bunnies and the daffodils are lovely x

  16. You have created 2 lovely scenes on your cards, how nice to be trying something a bit different to normal. Good luck with your scan n cut. I have one that I don't use often enough. They are so useful and I have also managed to use mine to foil, which I love. They can be frustrating until you get the hang though, but if you have used a cricut before you will know that xx

  17. Two beautiful cards Brenda, love the cute rabbit scene and the daffodils are so gorgeous on the second.

    Pat xx

  18. Your cards are absolutely Gorgeous Brenda ! Loove these rabbits, and the beautiful sunflowers. Great designs !
    I wish you a very nice weekend, stay safe and big hugs

  19. these are great and such very beautiful cards love them Brenda
    Gr Karin

  20. Both collages look beautiful! Hugs, Gerrina

  21. Hello my old friend ,so long no blogging from me ,see you still are . I also see you've fallen for two red robin ,me too.I hope your health is not too bad , my is fair to middling to crap , but we carry on . We lost a good friend this week ,he was only 61 ,just took early retirement it's knocked us for six.
    Bob and I moved house in October from Cheshire to Shropshire , a market town called Wem 10 miles from Shrewsbury . Bob is still at Royal Mail in Chester. We lost or little brown poodle at nearly 18, it broke my heart , I went for 2 years without a dog . During lockdown I bought a little white chihuahua puppy and called her Winnie after my late Nanny , she is our absolute joy , we take her everywhere , she is so friendly ,obedient and fun . When we moved I reduced my craft stash, it's growing back of course , I raised £300 for the local hospice. Your cards are really beautiful , take care Jane x

  22. These are lovely. I can't be doing with decoupage but I can see a scan and cut would make it very easy.

  23. Oh I love how you have tucked the daffs into the top aperture, very cool. Thank you for the coupon code, I shall have a look at the digital stuff. And congrats on your new purchase and best of luck riding that curve! xoxo

  24. I spotted the PB sentiment immediately--haha! Love the daffodils!
