
Saturday 26 February 2022

Beautiful Day

Morning Peeps, Saturday again and this weeks Allsorts theme as selected by Lorraine - aka Lolo, is 'Hand coloured or paper pieced image'. We have a lovely Tonic die donated by Colemans Warehouse as well as some images from Ruth Hamilton Design, so two winners this week.

I've got some paper piecing and colouring and also a couple of Two Red Robin shares, anyone tempted by their lovely nature inspired products can get a 10% discount by quoting brenda10 at checkout.

At the top a paper pieced creation using AALL and Create Textured Florals, it's an A5 set with this bloom, another plus sentiments and worker stamps. An Oxide background and the bloom stamped in a random circle shape in back and pink inks, then a focal bloom paper pieced using a deeper saturation of the same pink. The sentiment is from the same set as if the 'F' which I stamped onto white card, cut out and coloured the circles to carry the colour.

For my second share, I have used Ruth's Tulips, printing them our several times, colouring as best I could, we all know I'm not a colourist, cutting out and placing into a framed scene using Two Red Robins Bicycle and Stile from Cottonwood Clearing and Crookedy Fence.

And one more share, this one using Two Red Robins Botanical Beauty Tulips and Reflection sheets in two colurways, Ditsy Daisy and one of the chicks from Daisy, Dotty and Dizzy. The piece of Spring poetry is computer generated.

Happy weekend all and as always I really appreciate your visits and words of encouragement.
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  1. A beautiful selection of floral/Spring cards using stamps,paper piecing and dies,inspirational as always

  2. A beautiful explosion of colour on your first card. The spring cards are so very pretty too.

  3. Admiring your beautiful works, especially the pink Coneflower!

  4. Three amazing cards but extra loving the coneflower one. Striking colours and design and absolutely stunning x. Love to see Spring coming on the next two fabulous cards Brenda x.

  5. Three stunning cards Brenda. I don't know why you say you are not a colourist as you always make such beautiful cards.

    Sue xx

  6. That beautiful A&C coneflower really lends itself to paper piecing or colouring doesn't it? LOVE the background inking too.

    Your two other cards are full of Spring. Just wonderful!

  7. Three beautiful cards Brenda, love the vibrant colours of the first, the great scene and lovely tulips of the second and the sweet little chick and gorgeous colours of the last one. Have a good weekend.

    Pat xx

  8. All beautiful cards really love the fabulous coneflower card and stamp
    Carol x

  9. The first of these cards really stands out for me Brenda- love the vibrant colours and that fantastic cone flower- paper-piecing too (a sweet reminder).
    The two spring themed cards are beautiful.

  10. These are all so beautifully done, love them all. Thought I liked the first one best, but as I scrolled down I couldn't decide anymore, but I am so drawn to the way you used Ruth's tulips for that wonderful scene! And then I am just loving all these pretty pastel colors and baby chick on the last one! So glad we don't need to select a favorite!

  11. Hi Brenda, your cards are so beautiful, I love the Spring theme and the pretty floral images, beautifully designed and coloured too, Kate x

  12. 3 more gorgeous makes Brenda. Love them all,though the first is my favourite as that A&C stamp is one of my favourites and the way you have paoervpieced it and done the background is awesome, as is the fabulous colour scheme
    Pauline xx

  13. Fabulous cards all three. Love the tulips cards especially;-))m

  14. Buonasera Brenda, sono impressionata dalla tua prima card! Che spettacolo!! Stupendo design e il fiore stampato tante volte e poi il paper piecing... è un'esplosione di Primavera! I sentiments bianchi danno ancora più luce a questo straordinario lavoro!!! Davvero ispiratore!
    Anche le due card seguenti sono deliziose, davvero hanno un bel feel primaverile e che bellezza la busta coordinata per l'ultima!
    Qui sembra che la Primavera stia davvero arrivando, anche se stasera fa molto freddo. Spero in qualche raggio di sole anche per te!
    Un abbraccio

  15. How beautiful these are Brenda - love the magenta ans gold in the first card, and the amazing blooms in the next two.
    Stay safe

  16. All beautiful cards Brenda. The first is so bright and cheerful with the bright Fuchsia colours and very well designed with the flowers. The second looks like a dutch scenery card with the tulips and bicycle and the last is so cute with the little chicken and nice poem. Take care Marlies.

  17. 3 fabulous cards Brenda. Love the colours and the flower on the top one and the other two are so pretty with their spring flowers x

  18. Wow! A fab post full of beautiful designs but your first card just jumps out of the screen at you, it's a super design and the colour is fab!

  19. These are really beautiful cards, Brenda! I love what you've done with the Tulips! So creative xx

  20. Stunning Cone Flower card Brenda, the colours are fabulous.
    The Spring cards are so pretty, I love tulips.
    Avril xx

  21. Three out of this world creations Brenda. Your work is so beautiful.

  22. Brenda if you aren't a fab colorist, then I'm a man. Gorgeous coloring! Beautiful cards and I went to check out Ruth Hamilton's digis. Very nice, just wish she had a way to sign up for a newsletter or an account or something because I won't remember her, there are so so many digi shops. xoxo

  23. BEautiful cards Brenda and I love the nod to the spring blooms on the second and third. Our primroses are just appearing and the daffs have only just opened, particularly late this year despite the warmish weather. Today was the first time I noticed the ponies are starting to moult. Surprise will be clipped quite soon as her cushings means she has a very thick, though not curly, coat x

  24. Wonderful collection of cards this week. just for a change, I can pick a favourite which is that amazing purple cone flower xx

  25. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  26. I love the first and the other bunches of lovely spring blooms. Vee xx

  27. gorgeous and beautiful cards you have made Brenda
    Gr Karin

  28. Oh wow,they are all breathtaking in their own right.Love A&C and that image and colours are just wonderful.The other two also so pretty for Spring,love all the elements on those.xx

  29. these are so pretty cards!

  30. Beautiful cards, Brenda! I absolutely love the last one!
