
Tuesday 5 October 2021

Garden wildlife

Morning Peeps, I'm surprising even myself here with a third post in four days. Today sees the start of a new challenge at River of Creativity where this month our theme is Wildlife. The challenge is aimed at all types of crafting, it's been a slow build up so I do hope you will come check us out and join in.
I've gone down to Lavinia route and my card with an Oxide background and large sun shows the Hares and Rabbit having fun in the forest (or maybe my garden), I'm not sure Hares can leap quite that high but you all know I live in a fantasy world so anything is possible.
And some photos of my own in house wildlife, we are so lucky to see these beautiful creatures from the comfort of our home, we get Muntjac, Roe and Red Deer, above a Muntjac taken last year when far more leaves had fallen. Below two Red Deer, but I'm really miffed I didn't have a camera to hand when a pair of them, maybe these two, visited to feed with their Fawn last week, it was a wonderful sight.
And there are plenty of these to be had year round and I'm pleased to say there's been no sign of Myxomatosis for the last few years, it's a dreadful disease for rabbits.
Thought I would also share a few photos with you from last weekend when I had a wander round the paddock headlands, I will confess that the purpose of my walk with the girls (dogs) was purely to kick leaves, collect acorns and conkers (in true childlike fashion) and take some photos of the fungi. 
The reality of my expectations was somewhat different, having had so much rain the leaves are mostly still green and few have been shed as you can see in the photo above. Sam the Squibble (so named by youngest Granddaughter) and friends had beaten me to most of the acorns, in fact from our three Oak trees I didn't find a single one. I didn't do much better with conkers although we have three Horse Chestnuts as well. So I am thinking the Squirrels winter larders are full to overflowing and they know something about the the severity of the winer ahead which us humans don't.
But there are plenty of blackberries, I figure they are of no interest to Squirrels. Likewise the fungi.
A small patch of Lords and Ladies under one of the Ash Trees and finally below, despite all the wind during the Spring and a bad bout of June Drop, the fruit produced more than expected this year, much to the delight of the visiting Deer above.
Thanks so much for your visit and any comments you are kind enough to leave.
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  1. A delightful, fun card Brenda - beautifully made as ever :)
    Thank you for sharing the photos of your deer, and autumnal walk - always a delight to travel vicariously via a blog entry
    Stay safe

  2. Gorgeous card Brenda .. love the leaping hare ��Your nature photos are amazing .. wow what a wonderful place to live if you can see such sights from your window
    Take care
    Pauline x

  3. Wow Brenda what a fabulous post as is your card too great photos just love everything about nature enjoy your day xx

  4. I hope to come and join in this month, but so far it's been full on. A gorgeous card and wonderful photos of your garden and orchard. What lovely visitors that you have there.

    Sue xx

  5. Fabulous card Brenda and thank you for the nature walk. Lovely pictures and how lovely to live with all that on your doorstep. xx

  6. A beautiful inky Autumnal scene, I love using and seeing the warm colours of this season and your card depicts the wildlife theme beautifully.
    You are so lucky to be surrounded by nature as your wonderful photos show. We always feed the birds and squirrels that visit our garden, more so last year in lockdown, we had an abundance of Blackbirds, Jays, Magpies, Bluetits, Dunnocks and other small sparrow/finch species but alas their numbers also brought the attentions of a pair of Sparrowhawks. I know this is a part of nature, they have to feed and provide food for their offspring but to see them swoop and capture several Blackbirds in your own garden isn't a pleasant sight. Needless to say the Blackbird population is now depleted and the rest are rather reticent to come on to the birdtables etc.

  7. Another fabulous creation Brenda and your photos are lovely. You are so lucky to have such wonderful visitors x

  8. Beautiful card, lovely colours and fab inky background for your playful rabbit and hares.
    Thank you for sharing the photos, what a wonderful place to live, being a townie it's very exciting when we're lucky enough to see wild animal close up- usually only on holiday (apart from the odd fox and squirrel in our local woods!) the deer are so beautiful.

  9. Beautiful card and love the stamped scene you created and are sooo good at.Brilliant wildlife photos you are so lucky to live where you do.We do rarely see the odd fox walking through the street and we have hedghogs in the garden pretty low key to your visitors lol
    Carol x

  10. Love your beautiful card, great scene. What wonderful photos as well. You are very lucky. Hugs Anesha

  11. You are so lucky to have all that nature right on your doorstep, your photo's are fabulous. What wonderful inspiration for your crafting.
    Your card is gorgeous too, Lavinia hares are always a pleaseure to see.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  12. Gorgeous cards and your home wildlife is wonderful, the most I see is a couple of rabbits

  13. gorgeous card!
    oh love your photos!
    so nice!

  14. What a wonderful post Brenda, I love your hare card, a super scene and beautifully coloured.
    Thank you for sharing those beautiful photos of your visitors and the beautiful Autumn fruits in your garden, aren't the colours fantastic!, Kate x

  15. Love that hare leaping over the moon. The others looking on look like they think it might be affected by the full moon, but I am sure the leaping hare doesn't care at all. Lovely card and great framing. Thanks for sharing the pictures of all the wildlife you have on your doorstep. How lucky you are xx

  16. Una card così luminosa e sognante, che stupenda scena hai creato con le lepri di Lavinia! Il verde e il rosso stanno così bene insieme e il salto in alto della lepre centrale è spettacolare! :)
    Che meravigliose foto!!! Grazie per averle condivise! Non sapevo che i cerbiatti mangiassero le mele. Sei così fortunata a poter godere del tuo stupendo paradiso e vedere tutti quegli animali semplicemente passeggiando!!!
    Se gli scoiattoli hanno riempito le tane di nocciole sicuramente l'inverno sarà lungo...loro sanno tante cose su come funziona la natura!
    Anche da me ci sono state molte more quest'anno, ma da noi in Italia le loro piante hanno le spine ed è difficile raccoglierle.
    Un abbraccio

  17. Wonderful card, and lovely walk around the paddock!
    We put fence up this year to keep the deer out.
    Last year they even ate the tops off the potatoes!!

  18. such a beautiful card Brenda and fantastic wild life photo's
    Gr Karin

  19. Love the high jumping hares! Your nature pics are great I have just been saying I should go back to taking more pics and these are so inspiring. The squirrels here are on the chestnuts so fast that all that's left are the outer husks! Vee xx

  20. Oh Brenda you live in heaven with beautiful scenery, walks and wildlife right on your doorstep for me it's a dream but you are living it thank you so very much for sharing these awesome pictures, Brenda I love your wildlife creation those Hares look so happy the scene you have made is superb this is ACE work as always
    lorraine x

  21. A beautiful inky scene and such lovely intense colours too.
    Your photos are fab and a lovely treat to see.
    L x

  22. A lovely card Brenda, love the inky background for your jumping hares.
    Fabulous photos, how lovely to hare the deer visiting to close.
    Avril xx

  23. Fabulous card Brenda, lovely colours and great scene, such cute hares. Gorgeous photos too, delightful wildlife.

    Pat xx

  24. Brilliant card and love everything about these and gorgeous photos...xx

  25. Beautiful card and lovely photos. I too, can't wait to kick leaves and collect conkers but as you say everything is still so green here in East Anglia. What beautiful wildlife photos. We sometimes see the Muntjac deer first thing in the morning over the reserve just next door. We also had a good crop of fruit, and the squirrels seem rather partial to strawberries!
    Have a lovely weekend. Creative Blessings, Tracy x

  26. Hi,your card is absolutely Stunning in every way.I LOVE all of your wonderful photos,so Beautiful.xx

  27. Sure can see why you made that card--the nature around you is wonderful inspiration! Just love seeing your pictures, Brenda! Surprised no puppydogs got in front of your lens!

  28. Wonderful card Brenda and lovely pictures, thank you so much for the nature walk.

