
Monday 18 October 2021

Crackling Rose

Morning Peeps, it's mid month inspiration time at Stamping Sensations and We Love Chocolate Baroque challenges where are themes are 'Animals, Birds and Bugs' and 'Anything Autumn'. My teamies have lots of inspiration to share so please do check out the posts. Further down the second share from my post here on the CB DT blog.

We have a DT call going at Stamping Sensations as we would like to expand our team, there is a page detailing how to apply here, so please take a look as you may be one of the people who are just right for the team.

The top card is my WLCB share and please ignore the white line, it was something on the camera lens which I only notice later after the card had been mailed. The image is Chocolate Baroque Crackling Rose stamped onto an Oxide background, added stamping using  worker stamps from Just Useful and Make your Mark and one of my sentiment from Life is so much Better cut into sections so I could use a metal magnifier to highlight one word. To finish some Washi Tape down the sides.

My first SS share uses the lovely Robins in Holly released at The Craft Store TV last week and is one of my samples for the show. Stamped onto white card, coloured, some stencilled Holly leaves and placed onto a die cut frame and laid over, most unusually for me some Christmas DP. An organza bow to finish. 

This one is eldest Grandsons Birthday card back in June using Lavinia stamps onto a Gelli Plate circle.

My final share today from yesterday's post here.

Thanks for looking today, I always appreciate your visits and encouragement.
Those leaving a comment on any post on this blog do so in the knowledge that their name and blog link are visible to all who visit this blog.


  1. What a stunning collection of cards here Brenda.

    Sue xx

  2. Hi Brenda I am in love with your selection of cards, as I always am, lol, the first one is fast becoming a big favourite of mine the colours are lush, the second one just brings me so much inner delight I love Robins the papers and ribbon just add to its beauty, the third one is also making my heart sing, the Fox and Owl against that amazing sky look superb, the third is also brilliant not something I would have a go at, knowing me for so long you are probably aware of my limited capabilities go, lol, I take my hat off to you Brenda for you awesome creativity
    May I also thank you with all my heart for your understanding in how I felt about the poor cat that was knocked over, I knew you being an animal lover would empathise with my deep feeling of heartbreak, I told my partner that if it as survived and they cannot find it's owner I want to adopt it, I have et to contact the vets because of my lack of faith with people these days I have a feeling that 'money' seems to talk the loudest with most things and I hate it.
    lorraine x

  3. Wow Brenda another stunning collection of cards … every time I see your cards there is so much of interest and new techniques for me to consider and look into .. so inspiring. My favourite has to be the lightbulb moment as it is just to original
    Pauline x

  4. These fabulous cards really showcase your stamping skills Brenda, all beautifully designed. My favourite is the first one- such a lovely image and background, love the way you highlighted the sentiment.

  5. All four beautieful! Love the sunny and autumnal colours you used! My favorite is the fox one; love how you used the gelliplate for background... Hugs, Gerrina

  6. All are so beautifully done with these fabulous stamps! I can imagine Zachary loved this birthday card, it's a fantastic masculine make!

  7. They are gorgeous Brenda, 1st one is amazing, I love your background, xxx

  8. Gorgeous selection of cards Brenda love the first stamped one and the last lightbulb one too
    Carol x

  9. Fantastic selection of cards, Brenda. All so different but all equally as beautiful. Creative Blessings, Tracy x

  10. Such a lovely selection of cards, you never fail to impress. I often can't choose a favourite from your cards posted together but today I can and it is the card for Zachary, it is just wonderful and I bet he loved it. I am back from my Birmingham travels and feeling happy but very tired. Just being around children is exhausting to me these days! xx

  11. I'm loving your cards Brenda, such gorgeous images and colours, super layouts too. I especially love the light bulbs, images that could be used of all occasions and genders, Kate x

  12. Fabulous four, they all are stunning, can't pick a fave;-))m

  13. I love all your cards they are wonderfully autumnal. You know there is quite a lot of mixed media elements to your cards especially the first one your gorgeous WLCB card. xoxo

  14. Sorry but lorraine is just going to have to move aside as I am claiming your first card as my favourite. I am sure I saw it first!! Love the colours you have chosen for it. Been bad at blogging of late as The doc is not very well at present. Hugs Mrs A.

  15. An amazing collection of cards, Brenda. xx

  16. So much lovely inky goodness and lush colours on these cards. The framing of the robin is so lovely and I really like the card for Zachary.

  17. Stunning array of cards l am loving every one so creative fabulous backgrounds colours and layouts xx

  18. Ciao Brenda, sono tutti stupendi!!! Ogni volta che visito il tuo blog i miei occhi luccicano per tutte le belle ispirazioni che trovo! Vedo che usi molto i cerchi in questo periodo, con tecniche e stili diversi, ma sempre catturano l'attenzione! Molto intrigante la piccola lente sul sentiment nella prima card per CB, e tutto quel giallo luminoso intorno alla rosa dona gioia e positività!
    I pettirossi sul ramo con l'agrifoglio contornati da quelli a stencil sono davvero festivi e che bel fiocco doppio! Io ho sempre difficoltà con i fiocchi, non sono molto precisa LOL :D
    La card per tuo nipote Zachary mi piace davvero tanto con quel bellissimo sfondo e gli anmali di Lavinia. Devo procurarmi un piccolo gelli plate rotondo, trovo che sia molto versatile.
    L'ultima card l'ho appena ammirata sul blog di CB e sono rimasta colpita da come riesci ad utilizzare questo tipo di timbri per creare opere d'arte luminose e colorate!! Riesci davvero
    a cogliere le loro possibilità! Bellissima la busta coor5dinata, che classe!!
    Non è un periodo nè sereno nè tranquillo per me e così resto spesso indietro con i commenti, con la conseguenza che poi ne ho molti di più da recuperare... :(
    Un abbraccio

  19. Brenda stunning work love everything about it. Alison x

  20. these are beautiful and great cards Brenda
    Gr Karin

  21. Your cards are all beautiful, thanks for the links as I really like those stamps in your first card, need to have a look at those as always looking for good words and texts. I love robins in life and Craft and the circle effect in the birthday card is lovely. A great post. Vee xx

  22. Beautiful cards. So nice to see.

  23. Really cool how you highlighted one word on the first card, Brenda! Love the BD card for Zachary--great design!

  24. I love the cracked rose and looks gorgeous in Autumn colours, love the added stamping too. A very pretty Robin creation and the fox and owl is superb, I'm sure Zachary will love it.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  25. Everybody has said it all really.A STUNNING collection.When I grow up I want to have your talent lol.xx

  26. Gorgeous selection of cards, ive enjoyed looking at the detail in each one. Emmax

  27. A fabulous selection of cards Brenda, the cracked rose looks stunning in the autumn colours and I love the layered framing of the robins, a lovely festive image. I'm sure Zachary loved his card, and the CB Lupin card is a stunner.
    Avril xx

  28. your cards are so very pretty!
