
Saturday 14 August 2021

Never stop making wishes

Morning Peeps, before I move onto our new challenge a few words about Kath who we lost last week. Devastating for her family, a huge loss to the craft world and everyone who knew her and on a personal note I grieve the loss of a friend. She crossed paths with so many of us and your heartfelt words on my Allsorts post last Sunday are most appreciated not least by her family who are very touched seeing how much she meant to so many.

So at Allsorts it's the last of our two week themes over the Summer period. Lorraine is our host with the theme of 'Add some Sparkle' and our prize this week comes from WOWVOW offering a £15 voucher from the varied range of goodies on their website.

Fairies for my DT pieces which of course are Lavinia, at the top a simple design with an oval inked through a mask and then the Toadstool, Fairy and Buds stamped with it still in place. A sentiment which is a really old one from Stamp Addicts and the buds and wings glittered.

A chipboard tag inked with Oxides, a masked moon and the Fairy and foliages stamped in black and glitter added to the wings and Chinese Lanterns.

Have a good weekend everyone.
Those leaving a comment on any post on this blog do so in the knowledge that their name and blog link are visible to all who visit this blog.


  1. Sorry for the loss of your friend. I love both these creation. The tag is just amazing. Have a good weekend. hugs Anesha

  2. Two gorgeous Lavinia fairy cards with lush backgrounds.

    Am grieving with you over Kath’s loss. Sending hugs your way.

    Sarn xxx

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Kath was an inspirational blogger and l will miss her lots....this is a lovely card the image is just so beautiful Brenda as always your talent shines through x

  5. Gorgeous both creations, so beautiful and lovely;-))m

  6. As you know I love the Laviniastamps! So both cards are beautiful, but the serene and CAs style on the first make that my favorite... Enjoy the weekend!

  7. Lovely card. The colours are both pretty and restful. Hugs Mrs A.

  8. Two stunning creations Brenda, you can't go wrong with Lavinia and a little bit of sparkle.

    Sue xx

  9. Exquisite work Brenda - love your sponged backgrounds with the drama of the silhouette stamping. Your touches of glitter and sparkle are perfect
    Stay safe

  10. Stunning card Brenda...those wings really sparkle...there is something about a Lavinia fairy. Sorry to read you have lost a good friend and fellow blogger. xx

  11. Sorry for the loss of your friend Brenda.Love the tag but the stunning card is my favourite-love those stamps
    Carol x

  12. Such a beautiful card B! I'm trying to write a few words about Kath for my own blog for tomorrow's post and the floodgates are open again. Your words are lovely and it's clear how the loss of Kath will reverberate for some time.


    Di xx

  13. What a beautiful sentiment on your card and I love the sparkles on your CAS design, so striking. A lovely tag - so colourful and sparkly too.

  14. Two beautiful Lavinia creations Brenda. Especially loving the first one with the pop of red but the tag really is equally beautiful!

  15. These are beautiful, love the soft inked oval on the first and the beautiful inking on the second. Wish it was easier to see the shine on the photos as I reckon it is pretty special on the first card. Love how you have used white to highlight on the second xx

  16. A lovely bit of sparkle on your card and tag. Fabulous colours on them both too xx

  17. Two beautiful Lavinia cards Brenda


  18. Ooooooh! Lovely! I especially LOVE the colors in your tag and the inking around your round mask. Beautifully done, Brenda!

  19. Che tristezza la perdita di Kath! Mi dispiace davvero tanto.
    Le tue creazioni fatate sono straordinarie come sempre, l'ovale crea davvero un bel punto focale per la fata sul fungo! Bella scelta di colori, catturano l'occhio! Il sentiment ondulato è un'altra ottima scelta.
    La tag è la mia preferita di oggi, che splendidi colori vibranti!!! Una scena meravigliosa con la fata che suona la sua tromba-fiore e quell'edera che scende dall'alto stagliandosi contro la luna! Gli Alchechengi (le lanterne cinesi) danno molta eleganza!
    Un abbraccio grande, buon weekend!

  20. Two beautiful creations, Brenda. Lavinia stamps are just amazing.
    It's lovely to know that Kath's family realise how much she meant to the blogging crafting community. She will be missed by so many of us. xx

  21. So sad to loose a friend. Love the sparkle added to the fairies--beautiful cards, Brenda!

  22. Sorry for the loss of your friend Brenda.
    Your cards are beautiful. Love the fairy scenes. Marlies

  23. gorgeous card and tag Brenda love your flower and farie cards
    Gr Karin

  24. Lots of gorgeous sparkle on both projects Brenda, lovely fairy scenes and beautiful designs.

  25. Sorry to read of dear Kath's sudden passing dear B. So hard for you and all at allsortschallenge, thinking abx praying for all who loved her, such a faithful and true friend.
    Stunning cards, esp love the second one with the clever masking just making it stand out.
    Pray you're well for you, too dear B.
    Thanks for sharing, and may God bless and keep you and all whom you love safe and well.
    Prayer hugs, Shaz in Oz. X

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  26. Hi Brenda, sorry for the loss of Kath. This is so sad.
    Your Lavinia creations are so beautiful, love them both!


  27. Both gorgeous but the tag just jumps, stunning colours, xxx

  28. Two beautiful creations Brenda I love the tag the colours are lush, the first card is my favourite the wonderful image and the sparkle around the outside is brilliant
    lorraine x

  29. Sweet and lovely cards, love the colours too. xx

  30. Two lovely makes Brenda, I'm guess that irl the shimmer and sparkle is very eye catching but I can never catch it in a photo either. xx

  31. Both great cards, Brenda, you always do wonders with Lavinia stamps. x

  32. Two magical creations, love the CAS design of the first and then your background on the second looks gorgeous. I love them both!
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  33. I was thinking that the comments left on last week's Allsorts post would have been a great comfort to Kath's family. She meant a lot to our crafting community.

    Your card and tag are stunning with just the right amount of sparkle!

    Vicky x

  34. Just scrolling through your blog - had to stop and comment on these beauties! I'm a big fan of Lavinia stamps and I love both these beautiful creations.
