
Saturday 24 July 2021

Better late than never!!

Afternoon Peeps, not my normal time of day to post at all and hanging my head in shame as I have missed two DT posts so need to put that right and apologise to my teamies at River of Creativity and the Chocolate Baroque DT for my tardy behaviour.  

I've been rather under the weather with an eight day migraine, culminating in another hemiplegic and loss of vision with a short sharp dose of steroids needed to kick start me, but please don't think I'm complaining as there are always those worse off. To be honest, since I started the CGRP injections, in my case Emgality sixteen months ago, the results have been amazing going from 20 migraine days a month for most of my adult life to as few as four which is over and above the drug company Lily's expectations. So much so that I am the Lily/NICE patient expert witness on their NHS videos for the drug. 

So, here are my shares. At River of River of Creativity our 'No Hearts of Mushy Stuff' theme is in full swing with a few days still to go so why no come join in. We are a challenge about all styles and types of craft so something for everyone. And my DT post for Chocolate Baroque is here, one card above the other below.

Note: Some may have seen this a couple of weeks ago, below is the one I should have posted then 😏 comes to mind

And my second CB share.....

A stormy day in Grimsby maybe, I hear they have a good population of Gulls there?

Enjoy the rest of the weekend everyone.
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  1. glad you are feeling well enough to share your post; gorgeous cards as always.

  2. Sorry to hear about your"M" relapse but good to hear you are feeling better.Beautiful cards love the Steampunk butterfly and the seagulls-we have quite a few in Hull too
    Carol x

  3. Sorry to hear you have not been well Brenda, I always look forward to seeing your beautiful cards

  4. No need to apologize, the migraine is terrible, I have it too. The important thing is that you made the effort and posted this beautiful card :)
    Good weekend
    Lady Samy

  5. It is so horrible to have days when you are unable to function at all, thank heaven for steroids, they are magic. I am so glad they have helped. Your cards are amazing. As always xx

  6. Wonderful cards Brenda...all fantastic and all so different. I have to say I am drawn to the fans! Sorry to hear you have had a bad bout of migraine and trust you are feeling better and that it will be along time before you have to experience another and it would be even better if they went away all together wouldn't it. Stay safe and take care. xx

  7. Oh goodness! So many migraines - poor you! Ihope you are feeling better now! Gorgeous cards today! Take care of yourself. Hugs xxxxxx

  8. Beautiful cards and the colours are sensational. Hope you feel better soon. xx

  9. So sorry it's been such a hard week. Hope things improve. Love your cards,such lovely varities. Have a great a day. Anesha

  10. Brenda sorry to hear you've not been too well...hopefully you're feeling better always a fabulous selection of cards and techniques


  11. Oh Brenda - that is one massive migraine - glad to hear you are on the mend, and that overall you are so much better with the new treatment regime.
    Wonderful cards as ever - love the steampunk butterfly!
    Stay safe

  12. Sorry to hear you have not been well Brenda and I am pleased your migraines have decreased by such a large amount. It must be awful to have them. Your cards are as wonderful as ever and the purple and blue on your seagull scene is so striking x

  13. Ciao Brenda, spero che anche oggi la tua emicrania ti lasci in pace! Quattro card favolose, così diverse e creative!! Si sempre ispiratrice! Ho già ammirato la prima e l'ultima sul blog di CB e mi colpisce sempre il tuo uso creativo dei timbri! Bellissime la card con il ventaglio e quella a tema musicale è davvero originale!
    Spero che oggi da te ci sia il sole! Buona domenica!

  14. Wouw wat zijn ze weer schitterend
    De kaart met vlinder vind ik prachtig
    Groetjes Gerrie

  15. These are wonderful, B! Gorgeous textures, masking, inkings, and compositions. Your imagination is always inspirational, Brenda! hugs, de

  16. Gosh so sorry to hear of your poorliness Brenda, Migraines are awful things, had a few in my time, but nothing to yours. I'm glad the medication helps.
    Your selection of cards are fabulous, each one so beautiful, I have to say the fan one is my fav, take care, Kate x

  17. So to hear you've been under the weather, but glad you are beginning to feel better now. Such a fantastic collection of cards.

    Sue xx

  18. I'm sorry to hear you've not been well but glad you are feeling better!
    These are all so beautifully and creatively done!

  19. I love all your beautiful cards <3

    Not been online for a very long time,
    just made some colouring now and then.

    Now I´m searching for inspiration online
    to start all over again with cardmaking
    and other creations.

    Here I find so much creativity.

    Sunny greetings from Sweden.

  20. beautiful and great cards Brenda

    the alc inkt with glitter we buy these at the Action... I don't know if you also have this shop in england
    it's also in belgium and germany
    these where 2 bottles for 1.00 euro. so you could understand that I had to go back when I saw that it works.
    it was all gone don't know if this comes back.
    Gr Karin

  21. Your creations are always worth waiting for Brenda as long as you are feeling better that is all that matters, you are a very brave person to put up with so much pain and yet be the most loveliest person I know. Brenda your cards are all beautiful and so very creative superb work as always
    lorraine x

  22. I love your two CB cards! And the asian card is so ingenieus! The vintage card throw me back to the beginning of my stamping, wich s nice...
    Good to hear that you have found something that gives you more healthy days! Glad you can enjoy life better that way!
    Sending positive energy (always something we all need) and hugs, Gerrina

  23. Another wonderful gallery! I remember the fan card well as it's beautiful and unusual, and it's lovely to get another viewing! So sorry to hear you've not been well Brenda. Hope you're feeling much better now. Vicky x

  24. Beautiful creations Brenda, sorry you've been ill, hope you feel better soon x

  25. Sorry to hear that you have been feeling poorly recently but glad that you have improved - migraines are so debilitating.
    A super set of cards, you always deliver whatever is happening around you.

  26. So sorry to hear about your bout of migraine Brenda! Gorgeous makes... and I still love that unusual fan card!
    Did you receive my email with the GDT project for the Stamping Sensations challenge? Let me know if you want me to re-send. x

  27. So glad it's working for you, but sorry this one was bad, Brenda. Beautiful work! Love the butterfly on the first card & the inking for the 3rd card!
