
Saturday 1 May 2021

Spring Blossoms and Rosa, the new kid on the block

Morning Peeps, so I've been rather quiet this week, the reason is below, she is adorable but oh my, I had forgotten just how time consuming an eight week old puppy can be. Her name is Rosa (Italian Pink Rose/Flower) which seemed fitting as her Dad Milo is Italian and our other girls all have floral names. We have had her for a week now and I am yet to get some decent photos as she is never still long enough and seem to find the camera a fun challenge and pounces at it each time it comes out.

At Allsorts our host this week is Ellie with the lovely seasonal theme of 'Spring Blossoms'. We have two limited edition stamps from Chocolate Baroque for prizes, they will be back on our screens on Friday 7th May on The Craft Show (Hochanda). Lesley has two shows at 9am and 1pm showcasing different stamps in both.

Another reminder about the new challenge called River of Creativity starting on Wednesday, more info over at the challenge blog. 

My shares today both feature the same stamp sets, Happy Flowers Day and my own Life is so much Better. I used a piece of linen card for the based of the top one and brayered it with Wilted Violet Oxide, I rather like how the textured card rebuffs colour in parts. Some background stamping with CB worker stamps and the Magnolia stamped twice to decoupage after colouring. I cut the sentiment into four, several on this set are quite long between 13cm and 16cm so lend themselves to using in this way..........that was my intention when creating them as it's one of my crafty fetishes!!

For this one I stamped the Magnolia, heat embossed with detail gold EP, coloured in and added some stencilled leaves before placing in a frame and adding the sentiment.

And here is Rosa, she's a real little moocher and loves the garden, especially a bit of mud, the second one was a nice wet spot where the greenhouse water butts overflowed.

It's the May Day bank holiday here in the UK so I wonder what the weather will throw our way, somehow I doubt barbies will feature if the forecast is right.
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  1. Gorgeous cards, Brenda. I do like the linen effect, I think I have a stamp for that as well as card, and I love these colours.
    The new puppy looks so cute! I wonder how the rest of the pack reacted to her.
    If only the weather could hold... it's sunny and bright at the moment here! x

  2. Gorgeous and lovely puppy Rosa!
    Fabulous and stunning cards.
    It's typical May Day weather here, sun is shining, but there's snow in the air;-))m

  3. Beautiful design and gorgeous image used. Rosa is so cute, Bella is up on my blog, and settled in like she belongs here and has been here for months..... Have a lovely weekend. ♥

  4. What a stunning image and card it! Rosa? she looks so cute and with that beautiful clean looking coat!! she doesn't stay that way for long. Enjoy your weekend whatever the weather. xx

  5. Gorgeous cards!
    oh Rosa is so adorable!

  6. Two really gorgeous floral themed cards, loving the texture on the first one and a lovely sentiment on the second.
    Rosa is just adorable and I can see why you haven't gotten much done this week, who could resist just watching her explore and play?
    Take care,

  7. Oh my goodness Brenda, Rosa is a little darling! Those eyes! Puppies are exhausting aren't they but puppyhood doesn't last long and I'm sure she will be a wonderful addition to your household.

    Sorry that your cards are having to take second fiddle this week!! The magnolia stamp and your sentiment set are beautiful and I love how you show-cased them in different ways. Brayering the linen textured card stock results in a great distressed look and I love that you've coloured the magnolia in a paler hue than the background. The gold and pink of the second is stunning.

    Enjoy your week! Vicky x

  8. Rosa è dolcissima e bellissima!!! E che faccia da monella! :D Credo che avrai molto da fare, dallo sguardo sembra molto intelligente e credo che dovrai tenerla d'occhio :D Spero che le altre ragazze l'accettino subito, i cuccioli sanno essere molto noiosi con la loro voglia di giocare ;)Entrambe le cards sono molto belle, e il timbro Magnolia di CB mi è sempre piaciuto, è elegantissimo. I background che hai creato lo fanno risaltare al meglio. Amo soprattutto la prima con i toni del viola che sono i miei preferiti e la texture del background è stupenda!
    Qui oggi è la Festa del Lavoro, ma purtroppo il lavoro non c'è per tanta gente. Tutte le chiusure e i coprifuoco hanno ridotto sul lastrico milioni di imprese e di famiglie, ed ora tante, troppe persone non hanno da mangiare. Sta succedendo quello che è accaduto in Grecia anni fa. Molte manifestazioni e scontri, qui in Italia, il tessuto sociale sta saltando, anche se la TV non ne parla o minimizza.
    Piove ormai da una settimana, speriamo che la pioggia non rovini i fiori e i piccoli frutti degli alberi. Sarebbe tempo di mettere a dimora tante piantine per l'estate ma con questo tempo bisogna aspettare.
    Un abbraccio e tante coccole per Rosa!

  9. Two beautiful cards and I love the linen effect on the first one in particular. Great pics of gorgeous Rosa and one of her face on for a change!

  10. What pretty cards Brenda, lovely magnolias. I am afraid that Rosa steals the show today though!! She is a real beauty...that face!! Our "pups" are five this month and just about settling down!! xx

  11. Thanks for sharing the pics of your new family member, she looks so sweet. i bet she will be loved by everyone in no time, including the other dogs. Your cards this week are stunning, love them both xx

  12. Hello Brenda, well Rosa is the star of the show, she is gorgeous, and what a great photo of her hiding behind the plant. Looking forward to hear how she gets along in her new home.
    But of course your card are gorgeous too. Such beautiful floral images and designs, lovely designs too, Kate x

  13. Your cards are fabulous as always but I’m afraid Rosa has stolen the show on this occasion she is beyond adorable so lovely Keep the photos coming Love and hugs Carole x

  14. OMG Brenda I hope you don't mind but I have to tell you that Rosa looks absolutely beautiful I laughed while reading your post about her pouncing on the camera, lol, Jess always moves or turns away when I point my phone at her, lol, life must be so enjoyable with Rosa. Brenda your cards are also beautiful the images and colours are perfection
    lorraine x

  15. Two gorgeous cards Brenda and a wonderful new fur baby for your family too.

    Sue xx

  16. Beautiful magnolias and a cutie too, xxx

  17. Both gorgeous cards love the beautiful stamps and background on the first,love the embossed sentiment and font on the second card.Rosa is gorgeous and looks well settled in
    Carol x

  18. Two gorgeous cards and the Magnolia image looks stunning both ways.
    What a sweetie Rosa is, love that last photo of her.
    Avril xx

  19. Rosa is so darn cute! I can't imagine having a puppy again--so much work, but also lots of laughs & fun! Beautiful cards, Brenda!

  20. Both cards are so pretty with this gorgeous Magnolia blossom stamp, and so perfect for spring with the pretty pinks and light purples.
    Rosa is so cute and I can imagine how busy she must keep you!

  21. Beautiful cards as always Brenda..Rosa is so sweet and looks full of mischief


  22. I really love the Magnolia stamp, your creations are gorgeous, but Rosa does steal the show I'm afraid.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x
