
Sunday 7 March 2021

Dare to be Brave

It's the first Sunday of the month so time for our new challenges at We Love Chocolate Baroque and Stamping Sensations. Our themes for this month are 'I Love' we want to see your favourite crafting loves and 'Monochromatic'. Prizes come from Chocolate Baroque and Stamp Addicts.

My "I love......"'s are inks, grunge, flowers and inspirational quotes, the latter for this one and the one below come in the form of two from my own stamp set released on Hochanda TV on Friday called Life Is So Much Better. The background is Oxides and stencilling, CB Floribunda Net stamped with Versafine Clair and the flowers stamped onto inky offcuts, cut and paper pieced. The quote is stamped with the same ink onto a piece of vellum and heat embossed with detail clear EP.

Two for Stamping Sensations and the first uses Stamp Addicts Oriental Lilly, stamped with Versafine Clair and coloured with Kitsch Flamingo DI, the same colour used for the stencilling and the sentiment stamped with the same Claire inkpad.

The second again had Oxides in various greens onto a masked base piece, stencilled sun rays then using Versafine Clair I stamped SA Feline Family along with some random numbers using SA Distress Numbers plus a couple of index clips. 
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  1. Totally stunning cards great inspirations too x

  2. Beautiful cards Brenda. So well designed as allways! Marlies x

  3. Fabulous cards Brenda, so imaginative and I love all the bright colours x

  4. Stunning cards and techniques.
    Crafty hugs xx

  5. Wonderful cards Brenda, all beautifully designed and coloured, I especially love the card with that slinky cat just fabulous, Kate x

  6. All fabulous cards Brenda love all the stamps and backgrounds
    Carol x

  7. Beautiful makes Brenda and that WLCB one is gorgeous with the pinks and blues - I love that sentiment too! xxx

  8. They are lovely Brenda, I really will have to invest in some C B stamps, love the florals. Xxx

  9. Gorgeous cards, my fave is the Lily one;-))m

  10. Wow so vibrant today. My fave is the pretty middle card

  11. Wow! Che cards stupende! Sono davvero vibranti e di grande impatto! I colori della prima hanno una grande energia, mi piace moltissimo lo sfondo a stencil e non avrei mai pensato di fare le foglie viola ma come sono belle!! La seconda ha lo sfondo più delicato, ma è così luminosa!! Bellissimi colori! Molto interessante anche la terza con lo stencil a raggi di sole e vedo che anche tu hai usato giallo e verde intenso :D
    I tuoi sentiments sono bellissimi, Leslie ha fatto molto bene a trasormarli in rubber!!
    Qui la primavera sembra arrivata, tempo di seminare e di piantare qualcosa nell'orto. Ieri ho messo a dimora due nuovi alberi da frutta: ho la schiena a pezzi ma sono molto soddisfatta.

  12. Wonderful cards Brenda. Congratulations again on your first stamp set. Hugs Anesha

  13. you are just so good at doing backgrounds, these are all so good and yet so different. They are all great xx

  14. Beautiful selection of cards Brenda I do so love the images you have used also the gorgeous colours it all works perfectly.
    lorraine x

  15. Lovely cards Brenda and they are all so you. Lovely quotes. Take care x Susan x

  16. Beautiful inkiness here, the dimension on your first card is wonderful. L x

  17. Three stunning creations, gorgeous image, colours and designs. Great sentiments too, looking forward to the release.

    Kath x

  18. Beautiful cards!
    Love that one with kitty 😻

  19. Lovely cards, and great sentiments!

  20. Stunning creations, I totally love the green card

  21. Great to see those inspiring quote in action Brenda! Gorgeous cards as always - and I'm especially drawn to the last one with those amazing kitsch cats! Vicky x

  22. From grungy to pretty pink to a vibrant green, a wonderful variant of cards on this post, the designs are gorgeous, I love them.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  23. Beautifully done Brenda, love the inky backgrounds and pretty stamps.

  24. Your cards are always inspirational Brenda, lovely cards


  25. beautiful cards you have made again Brenda
    Gr Karin

  26. Three beautiful cards Brenda and all so different. Your quotes work so well with these designs.
    Avril xx

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  30. Three beautiful cards all with gorgeous colours and great designs Brenda.

    Pat xx

  31. Such beautiful cards Brenda, all so different x

  32. Hi Brenda . . . long time since I visited you, soz!
    Beautiful cards for the challenges, as ever.

    Hugs, Sarn xxx

  33. PS I hope your thumb gets better soon - sounds nasty and painful!!
    Hope you are well.
    Carol x

  34. Great cards--love the last one!
