
Saturday 20 March 2021

Daffodils for the first day of Spring

Morning Peeps, today at 5.37am the March Equinox marked the first day of Spring in the Southern Hemisphere so as host for this weeks new challenge at Allsorts that had to be reflected in my theme. As usual it involves flowers for which I make no excuse as I think after the long, long Winter we are all ready to see 'Spring Flowers'

This week Clare from Pinksy Doodles is our sponsor and designed this pretty new Daffodil Vase for the occasion.

Two cards from me using the same image and both paper pieced using Clare's papers which you will find here and here. The sentiments are from my Spring Sentiments set.

My thanks as always for your kind visits and words of encouragement.
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  1. Gorgeous cards and fabulous paper piecing;-))m

  2. Both great cards with more than a hint of Spring!
    I hope everything is OK your end (2 legged and 4 legged members of the family)
    P.S Have had my first jab! The organisation was (is) superb, like a military operation but with a light-hearted atmosphere, very impressed...

  3. Two beautiful cards Brenda. Sending hugs. Anesha x

  4. Two fabulous cards Brenda, such a pretty image. When the daffodils show themselves in the garden it brings a smaile to my face as I know that the warmer days are on their way.

    Sue xx

  5. Both beautiful card love the Spring coloured papers and paper pieced Daffodils
    Carol x

  6. Beautiful cards both of them, B, daffodils are so very cheery aren’t they? and I’m imagining you’ll all be anxious for spring over there as it has been cold in some laces I’ve heard. Pray you’re keeping okay all things considered, dear B. Pray so daily
    Thanks for Sharing, God bless and keep you safe, and all those you love, hugs Shaz in Oz.x

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  7. Two lovely spring cards. i love the zingy yellow and green in the first one and the way you have framed it. Lovely paper piecing too! xx

  8. Love how you used the stripe paper - it looks really good. Great paper piecing too. Such pretty and bright cards.

  9. Very pretty and Spring-like!

    Hugs, Sarn xxx

  10. Love how you've paper pieced your daffs Brenda. Lovely cards x

  11. So nicely done Brenda with the pretty spring themed sentiments and wonderful paper piecing!

  12. Two wonderful cards Brenda I do so love Spring with all the new life emerging, the birds are so busy, I recently purchased a PB wooden stamp from Ebay and it just happens to be Daffodils so I must try and have a go , I hope that I will be able to created something near as beautiful as these, superb work.
    lorraine x

  13. Paper piecing those gorgeous daffodils creates a lovely detail on the petals, tow beautiful cards Brenda.

  14. You have just got to love spring, let's hope we start getting the warmer weather soon. I love the simplicity of that daffodil stamp and you have really jazzed it up with the paper piecing. 2 lovely spring cards xx

  15. PS Love your new watermark, great to see a photo xx

  16. Lovely cards Brenda, Love the paper piecing, it makes those daffodils look so cheerful.
    Avril xx

  17. Two really lovely creations anti looks like this image was very popular with the team. Great paper pieced and love the papers your have used. Love your little photo too.

    Kath x

  18. Two beautiful spring cards Brenda. A lovely effect paperpiecing the daffodils. Take care, Marlies x

  19. Ciao Brenda, hai usato molto bene questi narcisi, le due card sono così luminose e primaverili!
    Non penso mai al paper pieging, eppure è una tecnica che mi piace molto. Grazie per l'ispirazione.
    Qui c'è il sole ma fa di nuovo freddo. Spero che ci sia il sole anche da te. Spero che il freddo non rovini i boccioli dei fiori. Tutti gli alberi da frutta stanno germogliando ed è ora di seminare e piantare per l'estate.
    Un abbraccio

  20. Beautiful cards Brenda, love the colours x

  21. what very beautiful and cheerful cards Brenda
    Gr Karin

  22. Two gorgeous cards Brenda, I absolutely love Daffodils one of my favourite flowers and these images of them are really delightful.

    Pat xx

  23. They are wonderful Brenda, I really like these daffs, xxx

  24. Two very pretty cards, the paper piecing works so well on them too.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  25. Love these happy daffodil cards Brenda xx

  26. Hi B, your spring card is adorable, love the daffodils as they pop up with their magnificent colours as shown on your cards. xxxx

  27. Both beautiful, but I especially love the first card with the yellow & green combo!

  28. These are beautiful Brenda. I am enjoying seeing all the daffodils around at the moment, I love spring. x
