
Saturday 27 February 2021

Flowers, exciting news (for me anyhow) and a new stamp set to be won

Morning Peeps, have some exciting news to share, going to be a Great Granny in on earth did that happen as I can't be old enough yet. But as eldest daughter pointed out I did start very young so it was bound to happen before long.

And on top of that my first set of stamps are being released on Hochanda by Chocolate Baroque on Friday 5th March at 1pm (Lesley also has a 9am show with different stamps). Although I can't draw to save my life I do enjoy playing with words and often computer generate for my work. So when Lesley asked if I would like them made into stamps I was chuffed to bits. This is the first set and more in the pipeline 😊 

Lesley was really keen to give away a set of my stamps so just head over to Allsorts and join in Ellie's 'Feminine' theme for a chance of winning them, plus a second prize of a pretty Butterfly die from Tonic.

So a couple of sneak peeps with the sentiments in action on two of my samples for the shows, the top one also uses Harlequin Bouquet which is in the same show and below with Crackling Rose, again in the show.

Have a lovely weekend and thanks as always for your visit.
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  1. Both are so adorable and I love the delicacy on first with pink hues, so so beautiful. And love how u added a magnifying object to showcase so beautifully, love the sentiments!

  2. Big congrats on the exciting news Brenda. We expect ower 5ste grandchild this week, and this wil be the first boy. Greetings Elly

  3. Woo hoo... double congratulations in order! Great news Brenda, with a bit of luck you will be able to welcome the new family member in person and sans mask too!
    Love today's cards, great finishing touches on both too! Have a great weekend x

  4. Beautiful cards Brenda and wonderful news stamps and a baby who could ask for more! x

  5. Congratulations all round then!

  6. Both of your cards are beautiful.
    Hugs Ilonka

  7. Two stunning cards Brenda and double congratulations to you. First on the great news on becoming a great grandmother and second on your wonderful stamp set, I was just looking at it on the allsorts blog and thinking I need that for my collection.

    Sue xx

  8. Two beautiful cards Brenda and congrats on your baby news and also on the stamp set. There are some great sentiments on there x

  9. Wow, congratultioins Brenda, so happy for you. Love these two cards they are wonderful. Sending lots of love. Anesha

  10. Wonderful cards!
    Im so happy for you Brenda!

  11. Congratulations on your exciting news! How wonderful for your family!
    Also congrats on getting your sentiments made into traditional stamps with CB!
    Both are such beautiful cards, love the pretty oval frame on the first one and a beautifully designed card with the rose and butterfly!

  12. Huge congrats on both occasions !
    Lovely sentiments and fabulous cards;-))m

  13. What extremely exciting news Brenda, absolutely thrilled for you and the arrival of your sentiment stamps and an exciting time ahead for you and your family waiting for another new arrival in the summer. Beautiful cards showcasing these sentiments, I shall look forward to seeing them on the telly box xx

  14. Congratulations on the new little one! and on your stamp set.
    Two beautiful creations, I do like how you placed the butterflies on the first one.
    L x

  15. Double congratulations to you and wow a great granny!Both gorgeous cards love the stamps and great sentiments-beautiful fonts too
    Carol x

  16. How exciting to have your very own stamp sets and what a great accolade for you, well done. Congrats too on the new pregnancy in the family, that is a milestone and I am sure many more will follow. 2 great cards too, I think we can all relate to the sentiment on the first one and I just love that rose on the second xx

  17. Congratulations on your wonderful news, Brenda, and your stamp set would be a great addition to anyone's craft stash!

  18. Looks like you have got a double celebration, Brenda. Congratulations! Two wonderful cards. xx

  19. Oh wow how amazing, 2 lots of amazing news. I'm so pleased for you. Well done on the stamps Hun. Shall be watching the shows. 2 beautiful cards that are so feminine and classy. Take care. Hugs xxx

  20. That’s fabulous news Congratulations xx

  21. Huge CONGRATULATIONS Brenda, how exciting for you and Eddy of course. Two really lovely creations, great images and choices of colours, and as always great design.
    Congratulations too on having your sentiments made into stamps, the samples look great.

    Kath x

  22. Congrats on your imminent grand-hood/ship/status. Lovely words. Congrats on your first stamp set. Take care. HUgz

  23. Wonderful news B, so lovely to read, congrats also on your lovely stamp set..xx

  24. Blogger just ate my comment! (Just in case you get two through).

    Your cards are beautiful Brenda! Congratulations on your fabulous news. How wonderful to hear you are to become a great grandmother, August will be here before you know it. Your new stamp set is brilliant, I especially love the lipstick sentiment. Clare x

  25. Oh wow Brenda, many congratulations, how wonderful! A lovely card to share your brilliant news, hugs xx

  26. What exciting new Brenda and congratulations... two more beautiful cards


  27. wow beautiful cards Brenda
    and offcourse Congratulations to be a grandmother

    and all of that fantastic news that your stamps are coming our a huge Congratulations for that too.

    all such fabulous news Brenda you deserve it.

    Gr Karin

  28. Oh both sets of news are fantastic Brenda - and I'm glad to think that (at least) one of your bottles of bubbles will have been popped this weekend! So pleased for you. Both cards showcasing the new sentiment stamps are wonderful but I especially like the story-telling of the first card. Vicky x

  29. A great big double congratulations Brenda. Gorgeous cards too, xxx

  30. That's fantastic news, Congratulations Brenda - a new life to look forward to.
    And more congratulations on your new stamps - how exciting!
    Your cards are gorgeous too!
    Lorraine x

  31. Notizie sensazionali Brenda!!! Congratulazioni doppie!!! Bisnonna!! Wow! :) Auguri!! Agosto arriverà in un attimo! :)
    Lesley ha fatto molto bene a trasformare in timbri i tuoi bellissimi sentiments!! E quelli che mostri nelle card sono super! Stupende!!

  32. Oh WOW Brenda a big congratulations on your news you must be over the moon, Brenda your cards are both outstanding those flowers are magnificent
    lorraine x

  33. Oh, I had no idea they were your design, how wonderful!!!

  34. Congratulations and the cards are beautiful xx

  35. Congratulations on both counts - Great Granny and having your stamp designs created, what an exciting time ahead.
    Fabulous card creations here again.

  36. Exciting news indeed Brenda - I have had that distinction 4 times now, (they are from DH's side of our patchwork family)
    Loving your cards and those wonderful sentiments - congratulations on having them made into stamps
    Stay safe

  37. Congratulations Brenda. It sounds lovely to be a Great Granny. Our first Grandchild was born in January and we are so thrilled to be Grandparents.
    Your cards are beautiful as allways. Marlies

  38. Beautiful cards Brenda, how lovely to be going to be a Great Granny, and congratulations on your new stamps will have to look out for the show on Friday.

    Pat xx

  39. Fabulous sentiments Brenda with two deserving cards, they look great and how you have featured your sentiments really make the cards.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  40. Hi Brenda, just on a quick catch up - Congratulations - babies are just the best.
    And Congratulations on the new stamp set, I'll watch the show on catch up tomorrow as my little visitors are due soon. The two samples are gorgeous and wonderful quotes.
    Have a great weekend, Avril xx

  41. Hello Brenda, trying desparately to catch up after being missing for so long on the blogging front mainly due to helping to care for my increasingly frail 95 year old father in law.
    That along with my DT stuff and part time work for Andy's business has meant cutting short the time I have to do social media etc.
    Many congratulations on your very exciting stamp designing news and will have to look and see what you've done.
    Wishing you all the best, Fliss xx

  42. Wow you are having a good month Brenda!! Congratulation on the great Granny news (and yes you are way too young lol)! And secondly on getting your first ever stamps! That's amazing and the card is absolutely beautiful!!

  43. Huge congrats, Brenda! Lovely cards!

  44. Gorgeous cards. And WOW so much exciting news, great grandma - no way but thinking about it l started young too and my eldest grandaughter is 18 but l know that will definately will not be happening with Caitlin much to my daughters disappointment.
    Your stamp set is lovely too x Susan x

  45. How totally exciting for you a grand baby - so wonderful. And your own stamp set design - you are amazing.
