
Saturday 16 January 2021

Groovy blooms and another video

Morning Peeps, I hope everyone is keeping safe well........and sane, the latter seems to be a real challenge lately with us all being plunged back into lockdown and uncertainty, not that I've ever really come out of lockdown and shielding since last March. Our youngest son who went down with COVID just before Christmas is on the mend, scary that he's the young fit athlete of the family and it really knocked him for six. My MS is still having a hissy fit so commenting remains short and sweet, it's usually a few weeks before improvement when it sets in.

As it's Saturday it means it's time for a new challenge at Allsorts where our host is Helene and her theme is 'Something New'. Our winner this week will receive a super girly die set from Tattered Lace

My 'new' comes in the form of a recently released floral stamp from Stamp Addicts called Groovy Blooms and is one of my samples for Hochanda TV. Sarah and Vicky have another TV show on Tuesday with some super new Judikins stamps, below is a sneak peek of a couple of the stamps coming up in the show along with the grunge alphabet.

So my top card, after creating an Oxide, acrylic paint and stencilled background, I stamped the blooms and leaves onto some old book pages, cut out and decoupaged, for the stems I used a fine liner to draw them onto the same paper keeping it all a bit random to blend with the style of the blooms. A few pieces of washi tape down the sides and a sentiment stamped into a piece of Aida fixed into place with a small clip.

I also have a post today over at the Chocolate Baroque blog, it features this card which is not unlike one I shared a few weeks ago but this time it has an acrylic background applied with a palette knife to obtain a different look. Also a YouTube video here, I know one of two had already seen it as I inadvertently published the video before scheduling it for the correct date......I was still trying to get to grips with the YouTube system!

These are the fun Judikins Cats which are one of the new stamps featuring in the upcoming Stamp Addicts show, as are the dotty lines and letters.

Happy weekend all and as always, many thanks for your kind visit.
Those leaving a comment on any post on this blog do so in the knowledge that their name and blog link are visible to all who visit this blog.


  1. Wow they are absolutely stunning cards x

  2. Good to hear your son is improving. Great cards, love the images in the top one! I hadn't realised Judikins where still going, have lots (ahem) from early days and used to love them.
    Hope we come through against the Mancs tomorrow, though our form isn't great..... take care and stay safe. xx Helen

  3. Fabulous cards, my fave is the second, gorgeous colours.
    It's freezing cold here, but the sun is shining;-))m

  4. beautiful cards Brenda that last one is fun and cute
    Gr Karin

  5. Stunning cards Brenda all so different.....hope your son is on the mend soon, our eldest daughter is also suffering and has been isolating in her bedroom..not fun when you have young children


  6. Wonderful creations Brenda. You know i love the cat one. I have those stamps but never thought of using them in a row, great idea. Hope you keep getting better. Sending hugs Anesha

  7. Another trio of brilliant cards. so sorry to hear your health is still suffering this week. I do look forward to seeing your Saturday post. Love those flowers stamped on book pages, it is so effective xx

  8. Beautiful set of cards Brenda, I love the flowers stamped onto book pages they look so good, lovely colours on the second card and a cute image on the last one. I hope you have a good weekend and that you are soon feeling much better.

    Pat xx

  9. What a lovely gallery of cards Brenda! The kitsch blue cats card is a real stand-out! Vicky x

  10. Lovely projects. Hope you're doing well and staying safe.

  11. These are all beautiful, Brenda! The cats caught my eye, of course, but I went to watch your video, which was awesome, and now I would like to try this type of grunge stamping. Thank you for inspiring!

  12. Brenda these cards are so very bautiful!

  13. Ciao Brenda, spero che piano piano tu ti senta meglio. Mi piacciono sempre molto le timbrate sulla carta di vecchi libri e i tuoi fiori spiccano così bene sullo sfondo luminoso! Lo sfondo colorato con acrilico è davvero interessante, credo che siano necessari gli Archival Inks, vado subito a guardare il tuo video. La card con i gatti è molto particolare con il blu e il giallo e il grande sentiment! Bello anche il particolare dei pallini con le righe.
    Un abbraccio

  14. Love those 'Groovy Blooms' along with a great background in a super colour. Another great background and I keep telling myself I should use turquoise more often. Great blue cats and a great use of those dotty borders.

    Kath x

  15. Glad to hear that your son is improving Brenda, these certainly are scary times.
    A lovely selection of cards once again, love the inky backgrounds, I've been having a play making some backgrounds myself, it remains to be seen whether they ever end up as a card or not :) - need a bit more practice.

  16. Glad your son is improving Brenda. Your creations are beautiful. I like the effect of stamping on bookpages and stamping a sentiment on aida is a very good idea, I must try and remember that. Take care. Marlies x

  17. Stunning post with gorgeous cards. Love the colours and images used. off to watch the video, thanks ♥

  18. Wonderful card Brenda, my favourite is the Mixed Me flower card, such gorgeous colours and energy coming from it! I will catch the video ASAP.
    Hope you get a break soon (from MS), at least your son vanquished the dreaded virus. x

  19. A wonderful collection of cards today Brenda. I love the groovy flowers stamp. Thank you for your kind words that you left on my blog and I'm so glad to read that your son is doing better. There is so much to do now and we are trying to do as much as we can over the phone or internet, Somethings just need to be done face to face though.

    Sue xx

  20. Love the first card, those new stamps are super and they look great on the book pages. Love the colours and all the detailing on your second make and the cats are so sweet.

  21. So glad to hear your son is on the mend but sorry you are still struggling with the flair ups!

    Each one of your cards is so beautifully done with great choices of colors and details! Love the use of book pages! Will be sure to watch your video soon! I always enjoy them!

  22. The new floral stamps look fabulous on the book pages and I'm getting tempted by that CB flower, it's a stunner.
    Glad to hear your son is recovering well now.
    Avril xx

  23. Good to hear your son is recovering and hope you feel better soon.Fabulous cards and backgrounds -love the stamps and texture
    Carol x

  24. Super selection of inkiness!

  25. Oooh beautiful cards Brenda. The PB orchid card is absolutely stunning. Love it.
    Lorraine x

  26. Beautiful cards, as always, Brenda.
    Thank you for another great video. Using fabric for the sentiment is an excellent idea. Kisses!!!

  27. Such beautiful florals Brenda and sweet pussy cats too!! The book pages look fabulous. I hope your Son is soon fully recovered Brenda xx

  28. Your backgrounds are fantastic, the stamped florals look gorgeous on the book pages, I hoped you checked them first LOL! Gorgeous creations as always Brenda.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x
