
Saturday 2 January 2021

Dream it.......

Morning Peeps, time flies it seems as it's our first challenge of the New Year at Allsorts. Our host this week is Ellie and to get things going we have a nice and simple Anything Goes theme. This weeks winner will receive a lovely stamp from Chocolate Baroque who have a One Day Special on Hochanda TV on Monday, the first show is at 6pm. All stamps in the show are new ones (I'll have a sneak preview tomorrow)

My card at the top used several CB stamp sets including Silhouette Grasses, and Wisteria Lane and background of Pan Pastels.

My second card uses CB Wild Cornflower Blueprint, inked direct to stamp with Distress Markers and some stencilled circles.

Have a good weekend.
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  1. Two gorgeous cards Brenda, wonderful designs as usual. xx

  2. These are beautiful, a promise of the gardens flowering again

  3. Hope that 2021 bring lots of good health and joy. Love these two cards. Have a great week. Hugs Anesha

  4. Happy New Year! Fabulous and beautiful cards 🌟

  5. Nice to see a bit of spring! looking out the winter it's defo winter here! Two lovely cards Brenda as always. xx

  6. Happy new Year to you and what gorgeous cards to start it off. I love the clean freshness of your first card with that lovely soft cloudy blue sky, it really fits the sentiment perfectly. Love the colours on you second card too xx

  7. Ciao Brenda, hai creato due card molto fresche e delicate! Un bellissimo sentiment per cominciare l'anno nella prima, e il paesaggio mi ricorda i fuochi d'artificio (io in realtà li odio, come gli animali LOL ;D ma questi fiori sono silenziosi, non puzzando e non scuotono il sistema nervoso, anzi, danno un senso di allegria!)
    La seconda card è stupenda con quei cerchi viola che danno risalto al bellissimo timbro!
    Spero che l'anno nuovo sia iniziato decentemente da te. Qui fa molto freddo e piove proprio dalla mezzanotte del 31... e c'è aria di neve. Insolito in questo periodo.
    Un abbraccio

  8. They are gorgeous Brenda, loving the lilac one, xx

  9. Just beautiful Brenda. Loving the gorgeous floral scene on the first card and really inspiring sentiment, and beautiful CAS creation with the cornflower stamp and stenciling!
    Wishing you a happy and healthy New Year!!

  10. Such beautiful cards Brenda love the florals and colour, with a lovely sentiment. Snowing all day today.. hope your fur babies are doing good
    Babs x

  11. Two lovely cards Brenda, love the image in the second one.
    Avril xx

  12. Both cards are lovely Brenda, I can't choose a favourite!

  13. A Happy New Year Brenda, wishing you good health throughout 2021.
    Two lovely cards both with beautiful stamping as always and great designs.

  14. Two really super creations Brenda, fabulous images and really brilliant designs. Gorgeous colours too.

    Kath x

  15. Your cards are stunning as usual. Wishing you a Happy New Year!

  16. Love the meadow card, the clouds look so real, a summer's day... The Blueprint card is beautiful, I will have a go at using markers on that stamp too!
    Happy New Year Brenda, I hope you had a decent Christmas despite the circumstances. x

  17. I just love the delicate colours and clouds on the first card. Beautiful colours on the second one two and such a pretty stamp.

  18. Both beautiful cards Brenda. I love the super scene you created on the first and the lovely colours on the second xx

  19. Stunnign cards!
    Happy New year!
    lots of hugs and love

  20. Both these are superbly done and ever so pretty.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x
