
Saturday 10 October 2020

Winter Scenes and Snow

Morning Peeps, it's Saturday and time for a new challenge at Allsorts, our host this week is Tracy who has chosen the theme of 'Winter Scenes and Snow', we have a lovely animal Clarity stamp set for this weeks winner.

I also have a couple of shares from my post here over at he Chocolate Baroque blog, details of what I used to make my cards can be found on the post there.

Two Allsorts cards for me as I adore making scenes.........ask hubby about that one! The first a simple scene created with a mixture of stamps from Inkylicious, Stampscapes and Clarity all stamped with Versafine Toffee, colouring added with Distress Markers, Pan Pastels for he sky and Judikins snow glitter.

My second share used Chocolate Baroque worker stamps to create a frame, then a scene stamped inside using a mixture of Inkylicious, Clarity and Card-i-o stamps, Distress and Versafine inks and finito.

And here are my Chocolate Baroque shares which are using the new Blueprint stamps feature on Hochanda recently.

Happy weekend all.
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  1. gorgeous scenery cards Brenda and beautiful flower cards
    Gr Karin

  2. Gorgeous cards and stunning colours. x

  3. A fantastic collection of cards Brenda, especially the christmas scenes.

    Sue xx

  4. A lovely selection of cards Brenda. Your floral cards are always so pretty and I love the winter scenes on the top two.
    Hope you are well
    Lorraine x

  5. Beautiful cards, especially love your scene cards xx

  6. Wonderful cards, love the scenes you created. Hugs Anesha

  7. Your scenic cards are beautiful as always're the 'Queen of scene'..your floral cards are a bit different and I like that....stay safe
    enjoy the rest of your weekend


  8. Your scenes are always a joy to see Brenda. These are no different! Simply beautiful! Loving your Chocolate Baroque makes too, such pretty flowers with the artistic backgrounds!

  9. What stunning cards Brenda, your scenic cards are gorgeous, I love what you've incorporated into the scenes. The floral cards are so beautifully designed and coloured, Kate x

  10. Gorgeous selection of cards Brenda love the Wintry scenes and the new Chocolate Baroque stamps
    Carol x

  11. Two fabulous scenic creations, both with great images and lovely designs. Lovely CB creations too.

    Kath x

  12. Amo sempre le tue card sceniche, Brenda, e queste sono così piene di pace! Due perfetti paesaggi invernali con i cervi, animali che amo molto. Bellissima la ghirlanda nella seconda card!
    Ottimi lavori con i nuovi timbri di CB, sono così vibranti!!! Due splendide ispirazioni per Hochanda!

  13. I adore the Winter scenes, both so beautiful

  14. Stunning winter scene cards and pretty flower ones;-))m

  15. Gorgeous cards Brenda, your two scenes are fabulous and the flowers are beautiful.

    Pat xx

  16. What beautiful Christmas scenes - I feel like I could step right into them. Love your arty bright cards too.

  17. I'm going to have to get myself in gear for the Allsorts challenge, scenes are my favourite stamping theme and I can't miss it! Yours scenes are lovely , well coloured and I love the stamped frame. x

  18. These all look wonderful brenda,

  19. I love the winter scene on the first card Brenda with it's vintage colours and sepia tones. Gorgeous cards all round.

  20. Brenda these are stunning, I always love your scenic cards! x

  21. Love those Christmasy scenes with the sparkle, I am hopeless at doing scenes. You are clearly a real pro at it, love the soft blended sky on the first one and the wreath frame on the second. The texture and interest on the backgrounds of your second two cards work really well, great colours too xx

  22. Your scenes are just beautiful, B! I am especially enamored with that traditionally colored wreath around the 2nd card. SO GORGEOUS! I almost feel somewhat cooled off from our heat here in Florida! LOL Love cards - all of them! hugs, de

  23. Stunning scenes Brenda, I love them, they are so serene. Fabulous Choc Baroque too, love the style.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  24. Another feast for sore eyes. These are all lovely and so different. Just had my Sainsbury’s delivery this afternoon. Finding it harder to get slots again and items (that you can’t think why people would be stocking up on them ) not available. Managing to stay safe and away from the maddening crowd. Next outing will be In Nov ember at the dentist to see how much of my bone has grown over and see if there is enough to tske the implant screw. All fun and games. Thank goodness to masks! Hugs Mrs A.

  25. I could just about manage to take up residence in one of those little chalets Brenda, they look most inviting...however, back in the real world, maybe not!! Lovely winter scenes and your florals, as ever, are very pretty. Hope you are doing ok xx

  26. Just fabulous Brenda! I particularly like your winter scenes. It's interesting how the different colours create very different moods. Vicky x

  27. Can't stop looking at both your scene cards, Brenda! Not something I'm good at, but clearly you're a master at it! Can't pick a favorite--both should be framed!

  28. such beautiful scenes, wow and I like your card with a wreath, I was also inspired by your card.
    hugs xx

  29. Oooh, the scenes are adorable 😍
