
Sunday 18 October 2020

New stamps, old stamps

Morning everyone, before I share my cards for our mid month inspiration posts at We Love Chocolate Baroque and Stamping Sensations, I would like to thank you all for your kind comments and mailed messages following the loss of our Gorgeous George, you're very kind.

Details of stamps and images used can be found on the respective blogs, but very briefly my top card uses one of the new Chocolate Baroque stamps stamps released on Hochanda last week called Canary Bird Rose whilst the above one uses some really old but still current stamps from Stamp Addicts called Hunting Gent. Like it or not, the image is one that is part of life when you are raised on a farm and every time I use it I think the Gent could be my Dad......with the exception of the Spaniel as he always had Labs.

And this is one of Dora's images, yep another attempt at colouring for me.

Have a good Sunday.
Those leaving a comment on any post on this blog do so in the knowledge that their name and blog link are visible to all who visit this blog.


  1. hadn't caught up with yesterday's post , I am sorry to hear about George, he was indeed gorgeous!
    Amazing cards (today and yesterday) as ever. VAR; eh? grrr....

  2. Another fabulous set of inspirational cards Brenda


  3. beautiful, gorgeous and gorgeous cards Brenda
    Gr Karin

  4. Beautiful cards, lovely flower stamp, but still my fave is the hunting card;-))m

  5. I like the Hunting gent and its multi-coloured frame. He does remind me also of the hunters I saw growing up in the countryside! Lovely cards, Brenda! x

  6. Lovely creations Brenda, I love the orange against that green on your WLCB make xxxx

  7. Really lovely cards Brenda. Sending hugs. x

  8. Fabulous collection and just love that new Chocolate Baroque stamp gorgeous love and hugs Carole x

  9. Gorgeous cards today Brenda! Xxx

  10. Just catching up and I'm so sorry to read about your darling George, it's so hard when you loose a beloved pet.
    Lovely cards Brenda and I do like the new CB flower, so pretty.
    Avril x

  11. Beautiful cards and your colouring is just so gorgeous Brenda. I am so sorry to read about Gorgeous George. What a sad time and such a great loss. Thinking about you all. It's a day we all dread for our pets. xx

  12. Three great cards, love the colour and sentiment on the first one, the framing on the second and your lovely colouring on the third xx

  13. A selection of beautiful cards Brenda, lovely images and so beautifully designed, Kate x

  14. Blogger si è mangiato il mio commento. Server error 500 :(
    Lo scrivo di nuovo, sperando che stavolta mi faccia passare.
    Immagino quanti ricordi suscita in te quel timbro del cacciatore. La ghirlanda di foglie con la tecnica del timbro spruzzato di acqua che mi piace tanto è bellissima!
    La prima card così vibrante nei suoi colori fa davvero emergere la bella rosa selvatica e la tua coloritura nella terza card è fatta molto bene!
    Ti mando un forte abbraccio

  15. Oh Brenda my heart is breaking for you on the loss of George I know how traumatic it is saying goodbye to a member of the family, I still miss my Polo after over 8 years he is in my heart daily as I know George will be in yours. Brenda I love these beautiful selection of cards the image and colouring are superb as always, take care, stay safe
    lorraine x

  16. Three super creations Brenda, some great images and fabulous colours and colouring.

    Kath x

  17. All beautiful cards and stamps Brenda-hope you are keeping well
    Carol x

  18. Lovely selection of cards covering such a wide range of techniques and subjects.

  19. love your card,so beautiful.

  20. Beautiful work as always Brenda lots of lovely inkiness!

  21. I love the Canary Rose, very pretty, Hunting may not be a thing now Brenda but you can't wipe history and it was a way for people to get food. Fabulous cards.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  22. Beautiful designs here B...hope you are well. x

  23. Beautiful cards as always Brenda. So sorry to read about George he was a beautiful looking dog. Take care.

    Pat xx

  24. I hope the Gorgeous George shaped hole in your household is getting easier to bear Brenda x What lovely cards these are, I particularly like the Hunting Gent, very seasonal with lovely colours. Martin used to shoot a lot when we were first married and we had a lovely spaniel pup (whose Dad was FT Champion many times over) that turned out to be gun shy and became a house dog!! xx

  25. So sorry to hear of your loss.they always leave such large paw prints on our hearts. I do like your second card. It reminds me of a photo I have of my great great grandfather stood outside the door of the public house he ran in Somerset, shot gun in hand and faithful dog by his side. Managed to get an Ocada shop today with only one substitute which I declined. Hugs Mrs A.

  26. Beautiful cards, Brenda! I really love the flower on your first card!

  27. Your cards are beautiful Brenda, as always. The background on the first showcases the flower beautifully; the leafy wreath effect on the second is a fabulous touch; and the colouring on the third is very pretty. Have been thinking of you - hope you are soldiering on. Vicky x
