
Saturday 1 August 2020

Be Peaceful and Stay Strong

Morning Peeps, it's Saturday and time for a new challenge at Allsorts, our host this week is Tracy who would like to see "Masculine' cards suitable for men and boys. 

Our sponsor is Chocolate Baroque who will be showcasing some exciting new stamps on Hochanda TV on Tuesday 4th August at 10am and 3pm. Lesley will also be on our screens on Sunday 16th August with a new Craftalong, the kit for that show is available to purchase with a £5 discount from Hochanda here.

This is one of my samples from the July shows on Hochanda which showcased a new collection of Native American stamps. A tri-fold card with an Oxide and stencilled background and various elements from Catching DreamsDo Right Always and Hold On as well as the Beautiful Russian Princess Katya stamped without her headdress and an Indian bandana added so she has becomes Haiwatha. She evokes memories of the very old and tatty book Hiawatha which captivated me as a child, contrary to what many believe she was in fact female but you have to go back almost 100 years before Henry Wadsworth Longfellow wrote his poem about Chief Hiawatha and his fictional wife Minihaha.

Can I thank you for so many kind messages over the last three weeks whilst I was poorly. It's many years, if ever, that I was confined to bed for over a week totally drained of strength. A raging temperature (negative COVID test done as a precaution although I had no other symptoms) and a migraine which did't let up for over a fortnight. Lots of test were inconclusive and it's one of those that will in all probability be put down to the medics favourite word when they don't have a clue "a virus". Pleased to say I am now feeling much stronger and venturing back into blogland.
Those leaving a comment on any post on this blog do so in the knowledge that their name and blog link are visible to all who visit this blog.


  1. Absolutely wonderful tri-fold card and I am glad you are on the mend. Its sound like you had a rough time indeed! Take care and stay safe! xxx

  2. Ciao cara Brenda, sono molto felice che tu adesso stia meglio, bene abbastanza da poter tornare in blogland!!! La febbre è solo un segnale che il corpo reagisce e si difende. Purtroppo le mascherine che portiamo causano spesso problemi, perché respiriamo troppa anidride carbonica e poco ossigeno... e perchè tutti i batteri e i virus che normalmente vivono dentro di noi, senza darci problemi, si depositano all'interno di essa e ritornano dentro il nostro corpo più forti di prima... Tantissimi medici le sconsigliano, specialmente quando le persone hanno una salute delicata. La causa potrebbe magari essere stata quella?
    La tua tri-fold card per CB è stupenda!!! Io amo moltissimo i Nativi Americani, e mi dispiace che la loro straordinaria cultura sia stata distrutta da noi occidentali e dall'America stessa nel corso dei secoli. Avevano un rapporto con la natura meraviglioso, pieno di rispetto, e grandi leggi morali. Non conoscevo questo grande capo irochese, quindi non sapevo nemmeno che fosse una donna! :D
    Hai usato Katia in modo molto creativo! Le immagini dimensionate e gli sfondi a stencils sono dolci e aggiungono molto interesse e poi amo molto i proverbi tradizionali irochesi che hai aggiunto!!
    Un grande abbraccio, abbi cura di te

  3. Oh you have been really poorly Brenda, thank goodness the covid test proved negative.
    I hope you are on the mend now and feeling better, you'll just have to take things easy and rest as much as you can.
    Your sample card is beautiful, lovely images and wonderful colours, super design too, take care of yourself Kate x x

  4. Love this fold and what a charming card, absolutely beautiful...xx

  5. A beautiful card Brenda. I'm so glad to read that you are beginning to feel better, also glad that your Covid test was nagative too. Hope you continue to improve and will soon be back to normal.

    Sue xx

  6. These stamps look so lovely put together like this and Katya looks great too.

  7. So happy you hear you are feeling stronger again, Brenda, and that the COVID test came back negative. Your card turned out so pretty. Love that you managed to keep the colours light with all the inking and blending.
    Marianne x

  8. So pleased to read that you're feeling better Brenda. It must have been a terrible couple of weeks for you, so please that you're on the mend. Your card is lovely. I like this sort of card that tells a story, great backgrounds too xx

  9. Brenda relieved for you that you are finally feeling a lot better and that the dreaded Covid tests came back negative .i love this very different card design and great stamps take it steady and look after yourself Sending Love an£ hugs Carole x

  10. Beautiful Tri fold card Brenda...pleased you are feeling better... take care


  11. Such beautiful stamps Brenda and loving the tri-fold design! So glad you are feeling better!

  12. Fabulous tri-fold card Brenda, love all the fantastic images and colours. So glad that you are feeling much better take care and have a lovely weekend.

    Pat xx

  13. 4 cards in one, brilliant. Love the images and colours with gorgeous backgrounds, as ever. So glad you are starting to feel better although after something like that it is likely to take a while to get your full strength back. Take care of yourself xx

  14. Good to see you back and hear you are feeling better -sounds like a not very nice two weeks although glad the covid test was negative and as you say will be "a virus" LOve the tri-fold card and beautiful stamps something different
    Carol x

  15. Wonderful ceation. So glad you are feeling better. Sending hugs.

  16. A really great shape of card, love the back base colour really sets off the super colours of the backgrounds.
    Some great images and again a lovely choice of colours for those, great sentiments too.

    Kath x

  17. Gorgeous design with the new stamps, lovely makes;-))m

  18. Such a lovely fold and beutiful stamps!

  19. WOW just stunning. So much detail x

    I am glad to hear you are better, This covid-19 is a very worrying time for all

    hugs sally x

  20. This is amazing, wonderful backgrounds on the panels, beautifully coloured images, a real feast for the eyes.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  21. No fun that you were so sick for such a long time! Glad you are better and a beautiful sample! The images are not ones that have my attention much, but "an sich" they are great! Hugs, Gerrina

  22. Beautiful project, so much detail to look at. Emma

  23. Scary to be so sick during this pandemic, but glad your test was negative & that you've improved, Brenda! Thanks for the Hiawatha lesson--what we don't know! Unique, creative & beautiful project!
