
Saturday 20 June 2020

Pets on parade

Morning Peeps, it's Saturday and time for a new challenge at Allsorts, our host this week is Ellie who would like to see 'Pets' on our creation. My apologies for the lack of visits this week, a bit of an MS flare up going on so time at my desk and computer is a bit of a no go area, yes I have a phone but far too small to contemplate blogging on.

Two card from me this week, the above one using Penny Black stamps, paper pieced and a fairly........for me.......CAS creation.

Another very plain and simple card stamping the Stamp Addicts new Cat image which I stamped in black and left uncoloured apart from the eyes and a sentiment also from Stamp Addicts.

Finally a share from my post over at the Chocolate Baroque blog here.

Thanks for you visits and hope you have a good weekend.
Those leaving a comment on any post on this blog do so in the knowledge that their name and blog link are visible to all who visit this blog.


  1. Morning Brenda, as always a beautiful selection of cards love the girlie card with her little cute K9 so sweet, love your collage card with your shaving form background, I have never tried this technique but always wanted to give it a go just never got round to it. But my favourite is your CAS cats with this adorable image and I think it looks gorgeous in black and white with just the eyes coloured it’s purr-fect and that lovely big bold saying finishes it of perfect . Sorry to hear your not to good, Hope you feel better soon.
    Babs x

  2. Hi Brenda...just love your collection of and black go so well together so love your young lady...who doesn't love a cat card and I love the saying..and your 3rd card is Fabulous...


  3. love the cat image, hope you soon feel better xxx

  4. Sorry to hear you MS has flared :(. Loving your cards Brenda - the paper piecing is stunning, as are the cats - the final card - what can I say but fabulous!
    Stay safe

  5. All wonderful cards Brenda and I love how you've just coloured the eyes on the cat. A great sentiment too, but would have to be a dog piccy for my hubby. Hope you feel better soon x

  6. Sorry your have not been well, hope it settles down again. Love all these cards. I just LOVE the second one, the sentiment and image is just perfect. Keep safe and well. Hugs Anesha

  7. Hi Brenda, sorry to hear that you've had a flare up, I hope it's not harmed you too much and that you are feeling much better by now.
    I love your fabulous cards, well anything with animals is right up my street, I especially love the one with the cats, what a wonderful image,but all are super, take care of yourself, Kate x

  8. Prachtige kaarten met de poezen die schitterend
    Groetjes Gerrie

  9. Your CAS card is so stylish, the narrow black borders provide just enough contrast to the white and pink. I love the sentiment of the Cat card and the beautiful CB card too. I hope the MS will retreat quickly Brenda! x

  10. Lovely cards matey - 3 tomorrow maybe but it will be a toughie! x

  11. Hope you are feeling a little better now Brenda. What lovely cards, black and pink are so pretty together. The kitten with his Dad is adorable with that perfect sentiment and finally I love teal and brown together, so it's a hat trick today!! xx

  12. Such pretty cards, Brenda and loving the use of gingham on the first one! A really great sketch! And how sweet are those cats!! Love how you kept in in black and white with the colored cat eyes and noses! Great Choc. Baroque make too, loving the ink splatters!

  13. Sorry to hear you are having a bit of a rough time of it recently, but I love these cards, especially the cats. What a perfect fathers day card they make, as long as they like cats of course! Feel better soon xx

  14. Two super CAS card, love the black and pink and the super image, great design too. Super sentiment and the cat looks really great not coloured. Love the floral image and the colours on your CB card.

    Kath x

  15. Three fabulous cards Brenda, I love the black and white cat card with the only colour coming from the cats eyes.

    Sue xx

  16. They are all wonderful cards Brenda, xxxx

  17. Sorry to hear that you have felt poorly this week, hope you feel better soon.
    Fabulous cards too.

  18. I love your girlie birthday card with the fabulous paper piecing. (I hope the lady who has just been shopping has bought herself some stout walking shoes lol!) The cats are adorable and what a lovely sentiment. The Chocolate Baroque card is very pretty too with lots of details to catch the eye. Hope you feel better soon Brenda. Vicky x

  19. Gorgeous creations! I hope you are well and that you have the same lovely summer days that we have here in Sweden.

  20. Beautiful creations Brenda, really like the design on the first one x

  21. Hope you are feeling better Brenda and love all your cards -pretty paper piecing and love the cats-just read your comment on my blog and not sure if blogger having a blip-I have been exactly the same was catching up this morning with people not on my reading list but who I follow and saw them on other peoples blog comments I thought it was maybe something to do with people using the new blogger but obviously not
    Carol x

  22. I love your first fashionista card of course, the pink gingham looks wonderful too. Great CAS card and love those flowers on the third card.
    Sorry to read you've had a bad week, take care.

  23. I live the girlie card and the cats are fabulous

  24. these cards are gorgeous!
    love them

  25. As you know I'm especially partial to cats so your second card really spoke to me. I see it is for Stamp Addicts had to check your post as it put me in mind of PSX cat stamps. x

  26. Your cards are Amazing Brenda !! I loove them all. The first one is funny and so true, and the second one is magnifique !! Your Fabulous card is simply Awesome, great designs !
    I wish you a very nice new week, enjoy and
    Big hugs, Caty

  27. Really gorgeous cards Brenda. Love them all and the Chocolate Baroque one really caught my eye (maybe because it's an F :)
    Sorry about the flare up and hope you feel better soon.
    Fliss xx

  28. Fabulous all three cards!
    Hope you are feeling better;-))m

  29. I forget about doing paper piecing, yours looks lovely on this very chic creation, gorgeous. Love your CAS cats, I'm really into CAS cards at the moment.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  30. Oh goodness Breanda, that second card has stolen my heart. It is purfect. Hugs Mrs A.

  31. Hi Brenda sorry to hear that you are not good again but I have to say as always your selection of cards are beautiful I especially love that top one I hope that you feel better soon
    lorraine x

  32. Gorgeous cards. Rends, the first one is beautiful, I love paper piecing. Sorry you have not been too good, hope you are feeling much better.

    Pat xx

  33. Hi Brenda, sorry to hear you're not so good and hope you feel better again soon. Wonderful selection of cards.... especially those gorgeous cats xx

  34. Hi B, fabulous cards as always. Been putting my programmes onto my new computer so lacking in the comment dept.xx

  35. Such terrific cards, Brenda! I adore the first one with that darling image paper pieced & the last one is so beautiful!

  36. Tre cards molto differenti, ma tutte semplici ed eleganti. Il paper piecing nella prima card è una scelta perfetta, è molto elegante e fa risaltare la ragazza con il cagnolino. La CAS con i gatti e il grande sentiment è qualcosa di diverso dal tuo solito stile, ma è di grande effetto!!! Stupenda.
    Adoro anche l'ultima card in blu e marrone, è una combinazione di colori sempre elegante! Molto bello lo sfondo fatto con la tecnica della schiuma da barba. Durante questo periodo di assenza dal blog ho provato questa tecnica con mia nipote, è stato molto divertente ma abbiamo usato le tempere e così il colore dopo veniva che profumo! :)
    Un abbraccio
