
Tuesday 2 June 2020

New Blogger, grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Well, I bit the bullet and changed to the new blogger format, don't much like it but as it's going to be with us whether we like it or no by the end of June decided I had better get used to it.

It wasn't until this morning that I got as far as checking out my reading list (been a bad blogger the last few days) and discovered this message when I click to visit someones blog:

The page you were on is trying to send you to (example link)

If you do not want to visit that page, you can return to the previous page.

Is anyone else getting this and if so have you found a way to eliminate it? Yes you can get to blogs but it it just adds another process which seems totally unnecessary process and the 'return to the previous page' doesn't even work.

It wasn't even broken so why the heck did they have to try and fix it and impose change.

 Those leaving a comment on any post on this blog do so in the knowledge that their name and blog link are visible to all who visit this blog.


  1. Oh no!!! You just get used to one system and then they change it. Will have to look into it myself. Good luck!!

  2. I'm with you Brenda why play with it when it works perfectly well.....I've not been that brave yet waiting to see how others get on... it's frustration we can do without at the moment.


  3. sofar I know Brenda you must click twice I get this message too.

    hope when it's official it's gone [ I Hope ].

    Gr Karin

  4. Have to admit I didn't realise there was a new version - took long enough to learn the old version, had better stock up on coffee and chocolate before trying the new one!

  5. I'm with you, why mess with something while it's working fine and doing the job. I believe it's to make it more compatible with mobiles etc. I've been using it for a couple of weeks now but much prefer the old version where I think the icons are more self explanatory. Yesterday however it wouldn't upload any photo's from my computer to the post I was writing so I had to revert to the old version where it did it without a problem. As you say we are stuck with it whether we like it or not so we'll just have to grit our teeth and put up with it, it's nice to have a moan though isn't it? :o)

  6. I only just found out about this, have been such a bad blogger, as you may have noticed. I was just trying to get back into it again, and now this grrrrrr indeed. I just had a quick look, and could not even figure out how to create a new post, let alone edit and do all the other things that make blogger so time consuming anyway. Have not heard from anyone who likes it so far, every blogger I have heard off, has hated it....

  7. Hi Brenda, I still have not tried the new Blogger but I will do it when I find some free time. I read your message on my blog saying that you are coming to Athens next week. Send me an email to, I will give you my mobile and we will meet to have a coffee! I am excited you are coming in my place. Kisses, my dear friend.

  8. Yes Brenda...i too get this message and have to click on the link to get to the blog. I have not come across away to avoid it and it happens every time, not just the first time you visit that particular blog!! if we haven't enough to cope with!!xx

  9. I have been brave enough to try the new Blogger, but I guess I ought to give it a try. Seems there are a few problems with it, which hopefully will be sorted out. xx

  10. Oh cricky that does not sound good. I'm getting used to it and a sure that over time. I've not had any problems like yours hope you have reported it to google. As for why well my guess is that there are these bright young things fresh out of university who are given programming toys and a lot of money because heaven forbid they should have to do a real job! Take care hun soon be poppy time. x

  11. Oh cricky that does not sound good. I'm getting used to it and a sure that over time. I've not had any problems like yours hope you have reported it to google. As for why well my guess is that there are these bright young things fresh out of university who are given programming toys and a lot of money because heaven forbid they should have to do a real job! Take care hun soon be poppy time. x

  12. Don't mind it B, had no probs as yet.x

  13. I'm waiting until the inevitable happens, and hope they iron out the glitches in the meantime :)
    Stay safe, and sane

  14. What a shame Brenda, I Hope you ' lo hey AN answer from Google Sión, anda they solve this problema 😭😭 For Now I Cross my fingers.
    Have a nice day, and big hugs

  15. Hi Brenda, just to let you know that Greece is a safe place. We have 1-2 new cases with virus every day and this number tends to be zero. I've heard that people from UK can come to Greece since June 15. Anyway, WHENEVER you come to Athens, I will be very glad to meet you and have a coffee with you. Hugs, my dear friend.

  16. Hello Brenda, I know what you mean, why change when nothing is broken. However, I've changed over and managing okay, takes a wee bit of getting used to, and there are one or two steps that seem unnecessary, but just take your time and you'll get used to it, Kate x

  17. Oh bum its not broken, I haven't changed yet!

  18. I am watching you girls with bated breath!! I have not had the courage to give it a go yet Brenda.

  19. I did the same, Brenda but it's so limiting I decided to revert to the old one. Apparently, there will be an option to stay with classic blogger - thankfully. I agree. If it ain't broke, don't try to 'fix' it. It's far less intuitive and there are even more clicks to achieve something - plus fewer options on images, etc.
    Change is never easy, but it's worthwhile if we can see a benefit - I can't see a single one here, though I'm sure it would be easier for mobile bloggers :-( Go back to classic. AND make a complaint! I gave them feedback and explained why...
    Cath x

  20. oh no!
    I also hate new blogger.

  21. I haven't plucked up the courage to try it yet and after reading all the comments I don't really want to so will maybe wait until later in the month, why they have to change things I really don't know.

    Pat xx

  22. Hi Brenda, yes I get the same message and have to click twice. I have been using the new blogger as I reckoned that they would be doing away with the old one sooner or later. Some things better some things worse. Still getting used to it xx

  23. I get the same message.
    On every blog I've clicked on in my reading list!
    Not sure why it doesn't just take us straight there!?

  24. Itried it and like you Brenda encountered problems particularly linking with challenges . I decided to revert back for now and noticed there was a comment saying it will be possible to link to the old version . I hope so . Perhaps the feedback they asked for was critical . Why change it ????
