
Saturday 9 May 2020

The Lady of Shalott and afternoon tea

Morning Peeps, it's Saturday and time for a new challenge at Allsorts.

We had been planning a special fortnight with lots of prizes to celebrate our 11th Birthday. However, given the current Global situation we really feel that isn't appropriate plus posting several prizes off at the moment is not practically possible. So we are saving the prizes for now and hope to do something special later in the year when the World situation improves. It will still be a two week challenge as that was planned into our schedule and the theme will be simply 'Anything Goes'.

I love poetry and Tennyson has been a favourite since school days and especially The Lady of Shallot which was one of my O Level pieces........yes I go back that far!! I have a couple of old poetry books sourced from a charity shop so I often used pages to stamp onto as I have done here. I used some DI's to tone down the page then stamped the Penny Black Poppies using Distress Markers direct to stamp and framed onto the base card.

And a second one, again made back in February when I had some new Lavinia stamps used here along with Distress Oxides. I think these along with some Two Jays stamps are the last crafty things I bought and the latter remain in their packing and long overdue for their first inking.

And as it was such a beautiful day yesterday and Sainsbury's delivered............and there was flour, two whole bags of it............I got baking and we had an impromptu afternoon tea across the courtyard and garden, Hubby, Alex and I one side, Joy, Azaria and Jordan the other side.

I do hope that despite us deciding it wasn't appropriate to offer all the Birthday prizes at the moment, that you will still join in just for fun..........there will be a Top 10 this time and there may even be a few 'special mentions' of entries that pop out at us.
Those leaving a comment on any post on this blog do so in the knowledge that their name and blog link are visible to all who visit this blog.


  1. ful cards Brenda and delicious photo's.

    Gr Karin

  2. Brenda both of your cards are just stunning. You make such awesome Lavinia cards. Great photos and now you are making so HUNGRY!

  3. Totally love The Lady of Shalott card it's so beautiful and inspiring using the book page. I love how you make the blue and yellow on your Lavinia card work together, I always struggle with those two colours. Gorgeous card and sentiment.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  4. P.S. Meant to say your afternoon tea looked delicious
    Tracy xxx

  5. Loving these two cards Brenda - the Lady of Shallot in particular.
    Your afternoon tea looks delightful - so glad you could share it, albeit on opposite sides of the courtyard!
    Stay safe

  6. Beautiful card, and the tea looks fabulous

  7. Beautiful cards, as always Brenda, the afternoon tea look super too. Have a lovely day.

    Pat xx

  8. Gorgeous cards!
    Lovely afternoon party with delicious bakings.
    So much baking, I don't fit my trousers anymore;-))m

  9. Oh my, look at all those yummies. Now I got hungry... lol Seriously, everything looks delicious.
    Both of your cards are very beautiful, however I have to admit that I'm more drawn to the first on.e The poem is very nice and I just love how you stamped flowers over it. Great idea! I can totally imagine that being a picture on the wall. Great work! xx

  10. Glad you managed to enjoy that scrummy tea and company B.
    Lovely cards as always. x

  11. Everything looks wonderful Brenda, yummy food. I can't understand why flour is short.
    Your first card is amazing and what a great idea to use pages to stamp on.
    Clever. Xxxx

  12. Stunning, eye-catching cards Brenda and a delicious looking spread you have there too :)

  13. Two beautiful creations. Those cakes looks so good! Have a good weekend. Hugs Anesha

  14. so beautiful cards!
    oh thats so nice!
    lovely photos!

  15. Two stunning cards Brenda and what an afternoon spread all looks so delicious


  16. Two fantastic cards Brenda and an afternoon tea that looks amazing. I'm sure you all enjoyed it along with each others company.

    Sue xx

  17. The flower card is beautiful, eyes were drawn to the lavinia-card; love the colourcombination and the's my favorite...
    We did a bit semilar yesterday; my parents came to congratulate our daughter with passing all her exams (all a bit different tested as 'normal' this year) for VWO so she will start her propedeuse Biology this summer at the University in Wageningen. We all sat at distance in the garden and it was great to see them again! A special day for all of us (see the pics in one of my posts) Hope you have a good weekend!

  18. What gorgeous card Brenda, I love them both. It's a favourite poem of mine too and I love that you've stamped on the page, lovely design.
    Your fairy card is stunning, gorgeous images and colours.
    My you certainly were busy with all that baking, I've just been showing Alistair all those yummy goodies, and wishing he was too. What a spread you laid out, keep safe, Kate x

  19. Fabulous cards and what a great idea using an old poetry page! Your afternoon tea looks scrummy too, especially those cakes. I have resisted baking during lockdown as I'm the one that eats them most and the pounds soon pile on :( xx

  20. What a great idea to use pages out of a poetry book! The card looks gorgeous! I too love poetry and look for them when visiting thrift stores (I miss those days!!) Your lavinia card looks just as beautiful with those gorgeous colors!
    How nice that you got meet across the yard and your foods look delicious!

  21. Both great cards but love the stamping on the poetry page-your after-noon tea looks delicious I was quite made up this morning to finally get some icing sugar lol
    Carol x

  22. Two gorgeous cards Brenda. I love the first one with the poetry on, very stylish and a wonderful idea. A beautiful card with the lavinia stamps on too, I love fairies. Your afternoon tea looks realy delicious.
    Take care, Marlies x

  23. What a super spread... it's making me feel very hungry and those scones look especially delicious.

    As always two stunning cards. I love how you stamped those super PB poppies onto the poetry page, and your fairy scene is so magical. Take care xx

  24. Lovely cards Brenda...I really like the Lady of Shallot and how you used the page and framed with the poppies. Pretty Lavinia fairies...always a hit.Fabulous impromtu tea Brenda...your baking looks scrummy.xx

  25. Don't know which I like the best, the cards or the Afternoon tea! Now your first card is gorgeous, love the colours and images and the subtle background. Unfortunately the the poem was part of my one of my worst nightmares, English Literary O-level exam. Fantastic colour combo on your second card, super design and images.

    Kath x

  26. Two wonderful cards and some very tasty photos too! Looks like you baked up a storm! I've been baking today - a chocolate cake for my sensei (I'm going to play knock on door, run tomorrow, as he lives just round the corner and it is his birthday) and a banana, honey and walnut loaf for us.
    I have quite a lot of things I haven't blogged yet, so I will do my best to pop something on for Allsorts and Penny black this week xxx

  27. I love that poem too, beautiful cards and the tea looks yummy

  28. How lovely to be able to have a garden party - and what a treat that looks! I've been baking, too, though mostly for neighbours...until I made a ginger cake yesterday. I made the fatal mistake of tasting it and realised why I remembered it was a brilliant recipe - oh-oh!

    Lovely cards, Brenda. Love your 'Lady of Shallott' card. I haven't read much Tennyson. I did 'O' levels, too - oh how that dates us ;-) But we studied war poems but I wasn't the slightest bit interested at the time - such a shame because I would've loved them in later years. The flowers illustrate it beautifully.

    Your Lavinia card is delightful. Pretty foliage and lovely colours. Love the tree dwelling. So pretty. So pleased you are stamping again, too - even if not as much as you'd like. You'll soon be inspired again. It will take one little image - or maybe a new DI colour, lol? Meantime, there's nothing wrong with creativity in other areas, such as your baking - and your lovely photos.

    Happy Sunday!
    Cath x

  29. Gorgeous cards Brenda, Love the poem too.
    Your baking looks tummy is rumbling now and I'm trying to 'social distance' from cake!!
    Hope you are well
    Lorraine x

  30. Stunning cards today loving them both What a gorgeous afternoon tea your baking just looks delicious stay safe love and hugs Carole x

  31. Prachtige kaarten
    Het eten zie er ook lekker uit
    Groetjes Gerrie

  32. Two beautiful cards Brenda and your tea looks fabulous. I can't wait to see my children and grandchildren again. We will sit at the opposite side of the garden but just to see the children playing will feel like heaven! xx

  33. Both cards are lovely, seriously they are... but they are quite eclipsed by this gorgeous Bristish tea spread! Glad you found a way to share it with your family! x

  34. Beautiful cards Brenda and a lovely poem, of course in my minds eye Lancelot looks like richard Gere did in First Knight!! You made great use of your delivery of flour and I understand that on such occasions baked goods are calorie free so win, win!! xx

  35. Love the stamped image over the poem Brenda, such a beautiful card and the fairy cards looks so magical and it's a great little quote.
    Your VE Day afternoon tea looks fabulous and all the better for being able to share it with family and still stay safe.
    Avril xx

  36. Your cards are Amazing Brenda !! Love the fabulous stamps, quotes and colours. And your goodies are... so yummy !! Sure you spent a very nice day!
    I wish you a happy new week, stay safe and
    Big hugs,

  37. I love the stamping over the poem, it looks really different and unique. Love the bright colours and inking on your second card. As for afternoon tea - yum!

  38. I love how you stamped on the book page, Brenda--beautiful card! Now that's a tea party I would have liked! So glad you could enjoy some family time. Take care, Greta

  39. Hello Brenda, first thank you for your comment. I was out on the bike the other day cycling past fields of rape which made me think of you and one of your recent posts. As you know we are semi rural here but sadly no live stock in cycling distance just a poor horse covered hoof to ear and tail in summer blanket. What ever happened to the sturdy family horse living out and at this time of year shedding a winter coat which the birds loved for their nests? Hay Ho perhaps the horse I saw is a condition that requires protection.

    Your tea party looks very grand very garden party/village fate did you all dress up?

    Love your cards especially the first, I still cannot bring myself to use book pages but you have treated this one with so much respect and the stamp is delightful.

    Keep well, stay safe & HAVE FUN

  40. Beautiful works of art and what a lovely feast!

  41. Two beautiful cards Brenda, the afternoon tea looks so yummy!

  42. Thank you for lovely comment on my blog Brenda once I get a bit more 'organised' I will start entering some challenges, lol. Brenda your cards are beautiful such wonderful colours and design, my eye was caught by that lovely spread of food it reminds me that I should go have something to eat.
    Keep Safe
    Lorraine x

  43. What a lovely post Brenda! First of all these beautiful cards: I am so excited by the first - what a great idea to embellish a printed poem like this! It makes me want to rush off to the nearest charity shop... oh wait! Don't think those will be opening for a while :/ I love your magical themed card too. Such beautiful colours. What a lovely afternoon tea you made there! I'm having to look quickly through my fingers as I'm finding myself getting peckish at all hours of the day these days. Take care, Vicky x

  44. I love how you used the poetry sheet Brenda, makes for a gorgeous card. I just adore the colours in your fairy card, what a sweet little story it tells. Oh wow to your picnic! So much food and all so tasty looking! We have had a few teas out on the decking this past few weeks. Just me, hubby and daughter though. Our son lives next door but we have a wall and high fence between us lol so he lost out. Good idea to wait with the prizes, just doesn't make sense at the minute.

  45. Lovely cards B and gosh what a lovely feast...delish in my eyes and it's almost dinner time here for me...and the night air has set in ....xx

  46. Both cards are simple stunning Brenda , love the colours and beautiful stamps you have used. Looks like you had a lovely day in the sunshine, we have done the same with my neighbour she lives on her own so did cream tea and she sat in her garden and hubby and I in ours..hope all is well stay safe
    Babs x

  47. Wow, that was some tea party, it all looks delicious. Oh, and the cards are great too! xx
