
Tuesday 19 May 2020

Running late with DT posts

Morning Peeps, a quick post as I should have posted my mind month shares for Penny Black and More and Stamping Sensations yesterday. I had scheduled the posts for the challenge blogs but was sure in my head the 18th was Tuesday so I could do it early this morning, it's this permanent Groundhog Day scenario and I just don't know what day of the week it is.

Likewise I had a post over on the Chocolate Baroque DT blog so had better share those cards as well.

My thanks for your visit and words of encouragement, they are always appreciated.
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  1. WOW, these are all wonderful creations Brenda. You were too busy creating to post! Your coloring is amazing.

  2. I know what you mean about Groundhog Day Brenda same old same old.. , Iam going to clean my windows today , hubby will do outside as I don’t like spiders . Your cards are beautiful Lovely colours stamps and shape , so pleased to see you getting inky again. Have a good week stay safe.
    Babs x

  3. Beautiful CB makes Brenda and your PB creation looks so very peaceful - I want to be there!!!!! xxxx

  4. wow, what a wonderful selection of cards. Love the colours and styles. Keep well. Hugs Anesha

  5. What a stunning series of cards Brenda - these are magnificent!! Loving them all, especially the red poppies and the triptych.
    Stay safe

  6. I love you're inspiration cards Brenda and your CB cards are always stunning.

    Sue xx

  7. Beautiful cards today love the trifold design Glad I’m not the only one who has forgotten days and dates it’s so easy when each day is much the same Take care Love and hugs Carole x

  8. They are all very beautiful Brenda, you are the queen of flowers and stamping in my eyes. xxx

  9. You're not alone with the confusion of what day it is Brenda so take heart in that :) Each day is much the same as the last and the only thing to look forward to or to mark the day is what meal we are having, lol.
    Gorgeous selection of cards once again, beautiful stamping, lovely scenes and bright, cheerful colours. Hope you are keeping well?

  10. I wondered where they, I think many of us are the same, Brenda. I keep forgetting what day it is, too and spent most of Friday convinced it was Saturday :-(

    Good to see some lovely inky work :-)
    I wouldn't have had a clue what to do with the geometric images - you did well. LOVE the scenic card - it's beautiful. And I love those fresh blues and greens you used. Looks like Blueprint sketch, which I love more and more the more I use it. I loved your poppy shading - it looks beautiful.
    All gorgeous.
    Stay safe!
    Cath x

  11. What lovely makes Brenda, I particularly like the edges of the tri fold card, something a bit different. Hope all is well xx

  12. This is like buses Brenda - none for ages and then five come at once! And all so different too. I especially like the last one - am always attracted to citrus colours, love the textured background circle and those amazing flowers. But all are just fabulous.
    You are definitely not the only one getting the days wrong! I tried to put the bins out on Sunday night instead of Monday this week!
    Vicky x

  13. Wow, what a stunning collection of cards Brenda. As always your floral cards are wonderful, and your first card is such a fabulous scene... do wish I could magically walk into it and enjoy the beauty you've created. Totally lost with days here too xx

  14. beautiful and gorgeous card Brenda

    have my flower card finished for the ch comes up friday yehhhhhh
    Gr Karin

  15. Wonderful cards Brenda, all so different, but all fabulous creations. Take care and stay safe xx

  16. what day is it?....we are all the same i Love all your cards Brenda but i am especially drawn to the poppies! Fabulous colouring of the whole always xx

  17. All such gorgeous cards Brenda. I thought I had a committee meeting tonight, turns out it's tomorrow night and here was me all geared up for it, early meal, make up on so that I don't look too locked down lol. The days just merge into each other, Keep safe, Kate x

  18. It's ages since I used the stamp on your first card, may need to get it out as it looks so serene on your card. Lovely inkiness as always on all your fab cards.

  19. What a collection! Love the PB scene, of course... which reminds me I have a beach scene I haven't made into a card yet! Also like the triptych with die-cut edge, very original.
    P.S I don't really know the day of the week either...

  20. Good grief Brenda, what a stunning collection, some super images and gorgeous colour combinations.

    Kath x

  21. Wow Brenda these are stunning, really a lovely selection x

  22. Lovely cards Brenda, gorgeous scene - wish I was there!
    My favourite has to be the freesia, love the inky background with this beautiful image.
    I think we're all in the same boat as far as all the days just blending together - can't believe we're nearing the end of May!
    Avril xx

  23. I know just how you feel it's live one never ending run of Sundays!!!Fabulous selection of cards Brenda but really lov eht estamps and colours on the criss cross card
    Carol x

  24. What a SUPER collection of cards, Brenda. I just can't stop looking at them and admiring! You are so talented, my friend. Kisses!

  25. Worth the wait--beautiful cards, Brenda! I really love the scene you created for the first card!

  26. Your river scene is so serene and beautiful, I love all your floral cards too, they are so pretty.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  27. Hi. Re da, Fabulous set of cards, all so beautiful yet all so different, I especially love the scene on the first one.

    Pat xx

  28. Fabulous creations Brenda particularly love your boat scene card I could just imagine sitting by the river listening to the water rippling...


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  30. Quite a set of very different but very impressive cards xx

  31. As always, a lovely variety of creations, brenda! I especially like the triple fold panel card and I’m so glad you showed how to decorate the front panel.

  32. I do love all the flower cards, but that scene is my favorite! Always a fest for the eyes to see so much inspiration in one post! Hugs, Gerrina
