
Saturday 4 April 2020

Stampendous P107

Morning Peeps, it's Saturday and time for a new challenge at Allsorts, it's a two week challenge to take us over the Easter period, I would normally say holiday period but this year nothing is normal and Easter will not be the same. No option to go to Church, normally there would be the stripping of the Alter on Maundy Thursday, the Good Friday service and then the service of celebration on Sunday. Such sad times in so many ways, not least the horrendous death toll across the whole World.

Kath's is our host and her these is 'Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue', but you will need to check out her post to know exactly what she is hoping to see. This weeks winner will receive some lovely Woodware stamps from Craft Stash.

I'm afraid my mojo remains is self isolation and I'm shamed to admit I've created nothing in two weeks, I did have a go last week but it all ended up in the bin. I have however spent hours washing woodwork, door handles and so on, it's a daily ritual and hubby is convinced the whole house will need repainting as I'll wash away all the pain.

So my shares today were all made some weeks ago, my top card a bit of Fairy indulgence using some new Lavinia stamps along with some older ones, and an oxide background.

And it stands to reason that the contenders for 'Old' were Penny Black or Stampendous P107, or a combination as both are some of my oldest stamps and Agapanthus Cluster just happens to be my all time favourite. Those who have ever attended one of my workshops will be familiar with this stamp as it features regularly. Both of mine (yes I have two) are really old wood mounted ones, but I believe it is now available unmounted.

So I blew watery Brusho's down the page, then simply stamped the Agapanthus several times, some second generation and then stamped the PB sentiment, finally some stencilling across the top.

Stay safe and well everyone.
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  1. Fabulous cards again, loved the first one.
    Sunny greetings;-))m

  2. Two wonderful cards. Love the first one with all the lovely details. I have this stamp as well (second card). Hope you find your mojo again. Hugs Anesha

  3. Stunning cards Brenda - my favourite one is the second in the greens and yellows.
    It's taken me a bit to get my mojo up and running... but birthdays don't wait...
    I know what you are saying about no Easter services - and also no family gatherings... so sad, but better that than more spread of the virus.
    Stay safe

  4. Two gorgeous cards Brenda, I love them both. I have managed to make some card and do some other crafting but my Mojo keeps going walk about. As well as cleaning I made a cake this week, something I never normally have time to do. Hubby rubbed his eye a couple of times to make sure he was seeing alright.

    Take care
    Sue xx

  5. Two lovely cards Brenda. I understand what you mean about mojo. Mine seems to have returned this week, albeit in bits and bats, so I've just gone with the flow. I spent a whole day cleaning and sorting out my craft room this week, so at least I feel like I've achieved something. Crafty hugs, Sandra xx

  6. Two stunning cards Brenda...and your right Easter won't be the same..


  7. Gorgeous makes, Brenda, no matter when you made them! I hadn't seen that new fairy stamp = drat! You're such a temptress.

    I wouldn't worry too much about the paintwork - just keep washing your hands, lol - you may lose a bit of skin (mine is definitely thinning - fingers bleed whenever I touch dies!) but you'll stay healthy. A nice bit of ink splashing and paintiness is what the doctor recommends for now, lol - my opinion, anyway. It's a great time to let your feelings lose on some paper in a journal!
    Life may not be the same but it's still good and we're still just as blessed - by your art this morning, for example. Thank God he doesn't need outward symbols and frippery (newest fave word) - he's only interested in our hearts and our thankfulness. Sorry, got carried away there...
    Hope you find some time to just play and enjoy some colour and fun!
    God bless you and keep you safe!
    Cath x

  8. Two lovely cards the verse on the first one..on my wish list for the next available go ahead show to visit!...something to look forward to.The sentiment is so true on the second one too. Beautiful colours and inking and I think my mojo has jiggered off with yours and a lot of others for a naughty bi get together somewhere!! xx

  9. Two beautiful cards Brenda, the colours and images on the first are gorgeous and the Agapanthus stamp on the second is lovely. I can’t seem to get enthusiastic about crafting at the moment, lots of time but no inclination to do it. Enjoy the sunshine when it arrives and stay safe.

    Pat xx

  10. Two lovely cards for the Kath's theme.

    Sorry to hear your mojo has done a runner . . . mine disappeared for a little while, but has now returned, thankfully.

    Sending good wishes your way.

    Hugs, Sarn xxx

  11. Lovely cards Brenda, the blown Brushos on the second is really effective and looks just like the sunny rays of today!! Yes, Easter is certainly going to be very different this year, apart from missing the usual festivities I will be working. We have been asked to man the telephones, in the surgery, as Public Health England anticipate NHS 111 will be inundated as the peak hits us. I am planning to take lots of images to colour, it may be a long weekend xx

  12. Two beauties Brenda. As always you've created such a magical fairy scene on your first. I love the colours and wonderful Agapanthus and sentiment stamps on your second. Stay safe xx

  13. Two lovely cards Brenda, love the little fairy scene, the colours are quite magical. Love the Agapanthus, I've got this stamp and it's a bit neglected - thanks for the prompt.
    Have a great weekend and stay safe.
    Hugs, Avril xx

  14. Such beautiful creations Brenda, loving your fairy card with those pretty colors and I really should get me some of these rabbits!
    Gorgeous floral creation as well, the yellow flower centers are such a nice touch!
    Hope you and your loved ones are all well and continue to keep safe!

  15. Two gorgeous cards Brenda. I love the scenes you create.
    I seem to have a thing about cleaning door handles too.
    Stay safe and sending hugs
    Lorraine x

  16. Two fabulous creations, as always. Great images and fantastic choice of colours, especially the first card.
    The subtle sentiment, on the first and the deep and lighter shade on the images on the second card are just amaising. Thank you.

    Kath x

  17. these are so wodnerful cards!

  18. Two beauty today Brenda.
    I don't even have the inclination to do any cleaning, just watching tv and knitting or crocheting, at least the prem baby units in UK will do well out of all this when it is over, I have a carrier bag full already and I suspect we have a good few more weeks to go as we have just been told until 26th April here in Spain and they are a hell/ of alot stricter than UK. Xxxx

  19. It is so sad that you haven't been able to make any cards for weeks now, I do hope that changes soon. I know we are all struggling with our mojos but when you get down to it you always feel better when a card starts to come together, even if it takes a while. These 2 are great. I love the colours on the first one and the sentiment on the second one xx

  20. Both beautiful cards Brends love the agapanthuus stamp and mine is not a wooden stamp-great brushos background too
    Carol x

  21. These are so beautiful Brenda, love the background colours, so pretty. Of course I adore your Lavinia and your PB stamps are gorgeous.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  22. I love how you used the purple on the first and the hearts of the flowers on your second; as always a pleasure to come look here! Hugs, Gerrina
