
Wednesday 18 March 2020

Love and thoughts to the world of crafters

Good morning, for my mid month post I am merely copying what I have written on the challenge blogs at Stamping Sensations and Penny Black and More, it's self explanatory....................

"I hope everyone is keeping safe and well during these unprecedented troubled times, it's all quite surreal and the daily news bulletins from all around the World suggest we are going to have to weather some stormy times before it improves. 

Amidst all that's going on posting a mid month reminder seems futile, but I know craft has helped many through difficult times in the past and perhaps now more than ever we will be grateful of our hobby to help us through and keep us sane. We as a team send our love and thoughts to everyone".

Those leaving a comment on any post on this blog do so in the knowledge that their name and blog link are visible to all who visit this blog.


  1. Staying safe here Down Under - although the number of cases here doubled in 24 hours! I will be sticking close to home from now on! (All cases are travel related to date)
    Loving your cards Brenda, especially the tulip one

  2. oooh love these Brenda but especially that beautiful lavendar blue one! xxxx

  3. Love the cards Brenda, thank you for the good wishes hope you and yours stay safe and well xx

  4. Beautiful cards Brenda, especially the gorgeous colour of the first one x

  5. Two beautiful cards Brenda and I love the blue ink that you've used on the first one. Your words are very fitting at this time. Stay safe my friend xx

  6. Hope you are keeping safe. Hope the furry babies are doing better. Saw your project on telly yesterday!!!! love these two cards very pretty. Got that painting completed today and has now been submitted. Only 9 more paintings to go. Have a good week. Hugs ANesha

  7. Both are very Spring-like and cheerful cards in this time of gloomy news and prospects of isolation. Hope you are staying safe at home.

  8. Stunning cards B, love the inspiration..
    I am so far behind in my comments..xx

  9. Two beautiful cards to cheer us up Brenda. Hope you are all keeping safe and well xx

  10. Couldn’t have expressed it better. Worrying times indeed for all of us World wide. Thank goodness for crafting. The Doc and I are staying safe indoors . There won’t be any weeds in my garden this year that’s for sure. Stay safe and well.
    Love your first card very much. Virtual hugs Mrs A.

  11. Love how you have made the flower become the frame on your first card and what wonderful tulips on your second card. Great backgrounds too. I think we are all a bit incredulous about what is happening, it is so strange. Do keep yourself safe and well xx

  12. Beautiful inspirational cards Brenda, I think we will all be crafting more during these worrying times as you crafting has been such a help to lots of us with problems..take care


  13. Two beautiful cards Brends and words that speak volumes. I hope you are keeping safe as we all strive to come through these turbulent times. Hugs xxx

  14. Such beautiful spring creations Brenda. Loving the florals and pretty colors!

  15. Beautiful cards Brenda and lovely words too, hope you and your family keep safe and well.

    Pat xx

  16. Thank you Brenda, and you keep safe yourself. Your cards are so beautiful Kate x

  17. Super pretty cards Brenda. I am struggling to concentrate on my crafting at the minute, but hopefully will settle again soon. Take care and keep well.

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  19. Two beautiful cards Brenda, beautiful images and lovely shades of blue, unusual for you to use blue but looks great with the subtle yellow background. A really super tulip creation too.

    Kath x

  20. Clever use of a frame on the first pretty card and the second card I can almost see those tulips swaying in the breeze.

  21. what beautiful cards you have made Brenda
    Gr Karin

  22. I love the clever way your frame has turned into the flowers in the first card Brenda, and those bright tulips with their arty background are just stunning.

    Thank you for those words. I feel that the world has become so small now and everyone is going through the same troubles. I have never been so grateful for crafting.

    I enjoyed your comment about Eva on my blog! You must miss your lovely Buffy. Hugs, Vicky x

  23. Two beautiful cards Brenda but really love the tulips-hope you are well and stay safe
    Carol x

  24. Lovely words Brenda and two beautiful cards. Both very pretty, I cannot choose which I prefer. Stay safe! Marlies x

  25. Both are enchanting, Brenda. The first one has my preference because of the shade blue you used but that's just me! Strange and difficult times, but maintaining the routines we can safely maintain is good for our sanity, so yes our crafting and blogging is important after all! Take care, x.

  26. Thank you for your kind words and I hope you are safe and well.
    I love your floral cards.
    hugs xx

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  28. So grateful for my cardmaking during this time & for my friends around the world because of that hobby! Gorgeous floral cards, Brenda--just keep staring at the tulip make!

  29. Wow, they're both beautiful. I like them very much.
    Hugs Carola

  30. Beautiful spring florals, brenda, that brighten the day! Stay safe.

  31. So very beautiful cards!
    this is hard time but will not last forever..
    take care and stay safe

  32. Both cards are so elegant and delicate and beautiful! Favorite is the 2nd; love the depth! Hugs, Gerrina

  33. Stunning cards dearie. Take care now. Big hugs xx

  34. Fabulous cards Brenda, love the designs on both, great colour combo on the Tulip card.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x
