
Tuesday 18 February 2020

To hear the Angels

Good morning Peeps, hope your week is going well.

I only just remembered my mid month shares for Stamping Sensations and Penny Black and More challenges which is ludicrous given that I did both the challenge posts yesterday, also my work from my post here over at the Chocolate Baroque blog.

I'm struggling somewhat with typing and screen work because as I mentioned the other day my close vision is poor and glasses can't be sorted until four weeks after the last op, so posts and comments are short and sweet I'm afraid.

My top card uses a Bee Crafty sentiment and stencil along with Heartfelt Creations flowers.

I used a number of Penny Black stamps on this one to build up he scene over an oxide background.

And my Chocolate Baroque shares using the beautiful Blueprint stamps designed by Lesley............

Those leaving a comment on any post on this blog do so in the knowledge that their name and blog link are visible to all who visit this blog.


  1. Wow, I love these cards. Some great background in this collection. Hope the new glasses will help. Hugs Anesha x

  2. Another superb set of cards here again today Brenda. Lovely inky backgrounds and some great stamping too. I hope you you are feeling much better and that those glasses help relieve the strain on your eyes.

  3. Beautiful makes Brenda and your PB make took me in to a very peaceful scene, I could imagine stillness and calm this lovely piece with the beautiful bird in a Spring hedgerow xxxxx

  4. I love all of these gorgeous cards Brenda. It's been a while since Chocolate Baroque have bought out something different and I really love these new stamps.

    Sue xx

  5. Gorgeous set of cards Brenda, the flowers on the first one are beautiful and the Chocolate Baroque images are lovely.

    Pat xx

  6. Che meravigliosa card per iniziare il tuo post, Brenda!! Adoro quel sentiment e i tuoi fiori Heartfelt Creations!!Il bordo aggiunge delicatezza e attira benissimo l'attenzione!! Mi piace molto anche la card con l'uccellino sul ramo fiorito, che splendida composizione!! Io non sono molto brava a mascherare e quindi a sovrapporre più timbri. Hai creato una scena dolcissima, mi sembra quasi di sentire i suoni della campagna!
    Ho ammirato i tuoi esempi per CB sul loro sito e mi piace l'effetto dei colori che hai usato, fanno davvero risaltare i disegni dei timbri!
    Grazie per i bei commenti che mi lasci sempre, so quanta fatica ti costano adesso... e spero che tu trovi di nuovo i tuoi occhiali!!! Io senza occhiali non sono capace di fare nulla... Ho solo quattro decimi da un occhio da quando ero rgazzina e con l'età sono diventata miope e anche un po' presbite, quindi è difficile fare cose sia da vicino che da lontano. Senza occhiali sono persa!
    Un grande abbraccio

  7. wow so gorgeous and great designs Brenda.
    hope you make someday when you can a tutorial.
    my favorite card is on the top.

    Gr Karin

  8. All your cards are every so beautiful Brenda just love the colours you have gone with lovely feel of spring, but your first card with those beautiful hand made flowers and that lovely sentiment is just gorgeous my favourite of them all. Hope your coming alone nicely .
    Babs x

  9. Lovely collection of cards Brenda, you have been a busy B as always x Susan x

  10. Hi B. Chuckled at ability to recall from one day to next issues, tis same here, also I find it’s more than normal after surgery which you’ve just had, the anaesthetic seems to exacerbate it. Since I’ve read of eyes issues, I’ve been praying re sight for long duration all your life, no harm in asking big, we have a big God. You’re on my list daily anyway so not much more that quick addition as pray.

    My favourite is first card, I adore those flowers and think they maybe stamped on vellum. You’re definitely on a yellow them today and those stamps are very innovative.
    Thanks for sharing, had both cataracts done so know re waiting for glasses! I’ve also optic atrophy since early teens, back then I lost about half in both eyes, but wonderfully merciful of Lord, they are lost in way that the left eye visual field fills in for right, and vica versa so it sorts itself out.
    It’s merciful indeed of LORD that it’s pretty stable for decades now and no more loss I’m praying long may it continue. I was told otherwise, in late 1970s, but they were wrong re going blind before end of my 30’s, so praying same for you!
    Thanks for Sharing, God bless,
    hugs Shaz in Oz.x

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  11. Gorgeous cards Brenda, and I love the Blueprint stamping in the background with the floral stamps.
    Hope it's not too long till you get your new glasses.
    Avril xx

  12. All so gorgeous Brenda, I thought they were Groovi flowers on the first one. Xxxx

  13. Just so beautiful Brenda, the designs are fabulous and great colouring too Kate x x

  14. Beautiful elegant and stylish cards Brenda. Lovely backgrounds and design for all the flowers. I like them all easpecially the PB one with the bird on the branch. You realy made a beautiful scenery. Marlies x

  15. So many gorgeous cards Brenda but the first one had me when I saw those beautiful flowers!!

  16. Gosh Brenda, I really don't know where to start, there are some brilliant creations and colours, not to mention the super images, most of them seem to have a touch of yellow or orange, funnily enough I have decided to try to use those two colours more ofter this year. I just love those flowers on the first card, they are stunning.

    Kath x

  17. Really pretty cards Brenda and you sure have been busy. Love them all. Also love the gorgeous card on your last post.
    Fliss xx

  18. A lovely Spring feel to your cards. Adore the top one, those flowers are stunning

  19. Beautiful cards. Stunning backgrounds, beautiful stamps and areal showcase of your talent! Hugs xx

  20. Lovely cards, Brenda! The flowers on the first card are so beautiful!

  21. Fabulous work as ever Brenda - loving the cards with the steampunk type of background stamping with flowers superimposed - a fabulous juxtaposition

  22. B, your cards are sheer Heaven to view...take care with those eyes...xx

  23. Gorgeous and beautiful cards.
    Greetings from the holiday and sun;-))m

  24. These are all so beautiful brenda! I’m surprised you are on the computer at all but sounds like all went well so that’s good.

  25. All so fabulous as usual but something about that first card just took my breath away - gorgeous.

  26. Wow your first card is my favorite; those vellum flowers look super on that beautiful card! Love the little bird scene and the way you let the flowers pop on most of the new stamps-examples! Hugs, Gerrina

  27. Lots of lovely things to look at and admire Brenda. The first is my favourite, the colours, pretty flowers, lovely sentiment and the delicate border xx

  28. Amazing cards as always just love the flowers on your first design Sorry not been around just lots of other things getting in the way at present I hope that you are doing OK sending love Carole x

  29. Love the Blueprint stamps collection! You've had great design ideas with them too, these cards are gorgeous Brenda! x

  30. Wow, what a stunning collection of cards Brenda. They are all amazing but I especially love the first one xx

  31. OMG absolutely stunning cards Brenda love all the fabulous backgrounds and beautiful stamps -gorgeous flowers on the first one-well your eyesight is definitely not holding you back -amazing!!!
    Carol x

  32. Fabulous collection of cards Brenda x
