
Saturday 16 November 2019

Christmas Flowers

Before I tell you about this weeks Allsorts theme, I must sent a huge thank you for all you kind comments and so many e.mails following my post last week, each one was really appreciated. Hubby is doing OK and waiting for some more tests, we're rather lucky that Papworth is a local hospital. I am still a little in denial about my news, but coming to terms with it slowly.

OK, now on to our new challenge at Allsorts where our host is Mervi who would like to see 'Christmas Flowers'. We welcome back The Paperbox as our sponsor.

Some of you may remember when the Paperbox last sponsored us I wrote a review of some of their products which I had been sent to used, since then I have purchased quite a few things from them not least a large quantity of their A4 Pearlescent card to make Anysia's wedding stationery which is work in progress. We decided on the lavender to coordinate with the blush colour theme........and I was thrilled to find a company who make envelopes to order lined with the same colour.

I'm totally sold on their A4 Bright White Card 260gsm card for things such as Gelli Plate printing as it works so well with inks and paint, likewise it's perfect with Distress Oxides and takes on both ink and water without warping. One might say why use card for Gelli Plate printing but I can't abide floppy paper when it's all damp and far prefer to end up with a nice firm base to stamp onto and when you can buy 100 sheets for £13.00 it makes no sense to compromise your finished project.

So I will start with my card at the top which was a Stamp Addicts sample for Hochanda TV using the Paperbox A4 White Silk Card for the square mat, die cut aperture frame and base card, it's 350gsm so a superb weight for sturdy card bases. This card is an 8x8 so as I  often do I used two sheets, scored one and made the join adjacent to the score line and you need to look very closely to know it's not one piece. Then their A4 Bright White Card again for the flowers which I sprayed with Glimmer Mist before stamping and cutting out, as with DI's etc., it takes on the sprays very well.

I had been itching to try our their A4 Silver Glitter Card, they call it non shed and it really is what it says on the box, in fact I've never before come across a glitter card that feels totally smooth to the touch. I used their  A4 White Linen card for the top angled layer, cut the snowflake from the glitter card and used their White Hammer Card for the 5x7 base card. The sentiment is Inkylicious.

In addition to the products mentioned here, I have also purchased their envelopes for wedding rsvp's and white linen paper, at less than £11 for a box of 100 it's made beautiful inserts for Christmas cards and I will be ordering some more to print the wedding Order of Service inserts. 

So all in all I have been extremely happy with the products I have used thus far from our sponsor and hope you have gathered from my post I totally recommend them, not to mention their extremely quick and efficient dispatch and delivery of orders.

Have a good weekend everyone.
Those leaving a comment on any post on this blog do so in the knowledge that their name and blog link are visible to all who visit this blog.


  1. The first card is divine with gorgeous flowers in vivid colours. The sentiment is totally fabulous, why not!
    Another card is beautiful and lovely too.
    Hope you are having one relaxing weekend after all happenings;-))m

  2. Both cards are so beautiful Brenda! Love the fun sentiment of the first too... The non shed glitter card looks interesting, I hate glitter shedding and some of the ones I tried are too thick to die-cut cleanly. I hope you and hubby get a restful weekend. xx

  3. Oh my dear Brenda I have just caught up on your recent blogs..I am so sorry that I am a poor blogger at the mo but life just gets in the way! I am so sorry to read about your eyes and your Hb. I hardly know what to say. You are such a positive lady but this is devastating. All I can do is send my very best wishes to you and a huge crafting hug. You cards are always so inspiring. Take care xxx

  4. Two very beautiful cards Brenda. Love the fresh feel in the first one. Thinking of you both always Brenda xxx

  5. Lovely cards, B! I am in love with the pretty paper and sketch used for your 2nd card - it's quite remarkable and so festive! Your gorgeous poinsettias framing that fun sentiment are also amazing, and so Christmasy! Wonderful cards! hugs, de

  6. I am so sorry to hear about both your eyesight and your husband.
    I pray you get delivered some good news xx

  7. I know a few I could use that verse on, love the cards and thanks for the hands up on the card. I've saved this post so can refer back to it x

  8. gorgeous cards Brenda and great designs

    gr karin

  9. Wonderful cards Brenda with a festive theme. I love the fun sentiment on the first one too.
    Thanks for the info regarding The Paperbox products, it's always great to get first-hand recommendations on core basics which we all use.

  10. Brenda, they are so gorgeous. Xxx

  11. Such pretty makes, Brenda. I am totally loving your second card and think I may be borrowing your design. I have a die for cutting a panel at an angle and it's been a while since I've used it.
    I have missed last week's post, so will take a look now to catch up. In the meantime I'm sending positive vibes your way!
    Marianne x

  12. Ha ha great sentiment on the first card - although I prefer rose lol! Love the look of the white card, I think I might go and order some, it looks really bright. Great layout on the second card the angled layer looks really good.

    BTW - my hellebore's aren't out! the pic is from last year ;)

  13. Your cards are so beautiful Brenda and so perfect for our theme! Loving your Christmas flowers and what a fun sentiment on the first card!
    Good to hear your husband is doing ok. All the best to both of you!

  14. Lovely cards Brenda, the sparkly poinsettias look very pretty. The sentiment made me smile too!! Thank you for your thoughts on those paper products, I am off to have a look!! xx

  15. Brenda these are truly gorgeous cards. Beautiful work.
    hugs June x

  16. Two stunning cards Brenda and fabulous colours on the first card of the poinsettias an the lovely subtle greenery, great design too.
    Second card, gorgeous papers and love the lovely white space for the sentiment and dies.

    Kath x

  17. A couple of beautiful cards your poinsettias and the off set design on your 2nd card with that lovely snowflake. Hugs xx

  18. Ciao Brenda, spero che tutti i prossimi esami di tuo marito siano positivi e che lui torni presto a casa! Cerca intanto di riposare e passare il tempo meglio che puoi, hai bisogno di energia e di pensieri positivi...
    I prodotti di The PaperBox sono davvero ottimi, e le tue card sono entrambe stupende!! Il sentiment nella prima mi fa sorridere (e io amo il vino rosso, così se non c'è il bianco a me va benissimo! LOL) I fiori di poinsettia sono favolosi con il glimmer, che spettacolo!! L'edera è bellissima e il cerchio scallop che circonda l'apertura aggiunge molto interesse ala card!
    Quel fiocco di neve glitterato nella seconda card è molto elegante con quel bottone al centro e le foglie di agrifoglio hanno una bella texture! Un design molto raffinato!
    Ti mando tanti abbracci, abbi un weekend di pace!!

  19. Two stunningly beautiful cards, Brenda. I love them. Lovely to chat with you the other day. Any time you want to talk I am at the end of the phone. The antibiotics are finished and we have liberated the biscuits and chocolate so he can snack again

  20. Your first card is stunning Brenda, I love the subtle shimmer on the poinsettia.
    Love the design of the second one and it's such a beautiful snowflake.
    Glad to hear hubby is doing OK.
    Hugs, Avril xx

  21. Two beautiful card Brenda and I love the non shed glitter card..pleased to hear hubby is doing well..


  22. Hi Brenda, Hope things are now more settled with you and hubby. Both of your cards are stunners, I love the sparkle on the poinsettias of the top card and the gorgeous glitter snowflake of the second.

    Keep well.
    Sue xx

  23. Two stunning cards Brenda. I love the beautiful Poinsettias and ivy with that super sentiment on the first and the fabulous snowflake on the second.
    So glad to hear Hubby is improving and I'm certain you will stay positive about your own health. Take care xx

  24. Hello Brenda, thankyou for your kind comment. Youmay well be right about the rose name. I was sat here yesterday trying to rack my brains over all the roses Dad had but Albertine does sound familiar and it did have a lovely scent. Your two cards are beautiful as ever and I did have a chuckle over the verse on the the first one. Hugs Mrs A.

  25. Two fabulous Christmas cards Brenda, such beautiful colours on your poinsettias and ivy. So pleased that hubby is doing OK, take care.

    Pat xx

  26. Glad to hear your hubby is doing OK, Brenda & will continue to send positive thoughts your way. These are some of my favorite cards--love them both!

  27. Stunning cards B, love the poinsettia colours.x

  28. Well of course Santa exists. Who else sends that wretched Elf to me year in year out otherwise!! Lovely selection of cards and keeping you very much in my thoughts. Hugs Mrs A.

  29. What a beautiful collection of makes Brenda, that red PB one is absolutely gorgeous and so sweet - lovely to see you doing cute!!!! xxxxxx

  30. Two fabulous Christmas cards, Brenda. My favourite is the first one, the poinsettias are beautiful. xx

  31. Your poinsetta cards are so beautiful! The first is my favorite...
    Hope the testresults of your hubby bring peace... Wouldn't know how to come to terms with the news you had...This is so big and on top of all... Think the deniel is a good thing to take some distance and really find out how that can even fit in your life... Sending some positive energy to help you with all of this! Hugs, Gerrina

  32. There's my reply - just goes to show how long it is since I was here. So pleased he's getting better. I doubt you'll ever come to terms with your own prognosis, especially given your love of crafts, but I'm sure you'll adapt... but I'm still praying for you!
    More beautiful your poinsettias.
    Take care.
    Cath x
