
Thursday 18 July 2019

Newly hatched chicks, new Artisan designs and mid month shares

This was 'hatch day' on Thursday 4th July, three eggs produced three perfectly hatched chicks (see further down post for the update)

It's mid month inspiration time at Penny Black and More and Stamping Sensations challenges where our themes are 'Summer colours and 'The Earth Laughs in Flowers'.

I have indulged again with my PB's this time from the just released 'Dreaming' range of stamps and dies, there are quite a few scenic images so I couldn't resist and they arrived from John across the pond a few days ago.

This one is called Paradise and isn't it just, I could while away my time there quite easily, in my head it's the Caribbean as that's just how I always remember the sunsets on our visits. A simple to create card, stamped the image with Versafine Clair, placed a circle mask for the sun and added colour with Pan Pastels. Finally a some birds and leaves which are also PB.

This is one of my samples for Pete's Artisan Designs shows on Hochanda on Sunday 21st July, this release of stamps is a little bit different and were a delight to work with,  the shows are at 10am and 2pm so please do make a note to tune in. 

My Stamping Sensations uses an image from Crafty Individual our sponsor, stamped onto an Oxide background and coloured in, I them created the frame using the same colour Oxides and stamped CI Dragonflies, cut a circle in the centre and mounted onto the base card. The sentiment is computer generated.

We have loads of birds nesting around the gardens, Pigeon's in the pergola and top paddock, Wrens and countless Sparrows in the courtyard, Bullfinches and Robins in the back shrubbery along with several families of Great Tits, Green Woodpeckers with two young, Swifts in one of the stables, two pairs of Jay's in the front hedges, Magpies in the tall conifers, Moorhen's in the pond as well as several pairs of Blackbirds, numerous Starlings and a pair of Honey Buzzards with one youngster. And probably a few species I've forgotten but gives you an idea of the abundance of birds we have.

But try and I may I can never get decent photos as my hands are too shaky, but one pair of Blackbirds played right into my hands with this precariously positioned nest in the top of a shrub just below one of the bedroom windows.

And just eleven days later on Monday 15th July,  still three of them although only two are visible, the other is underneath but all three beaks soon appear when Mum or Dad bring the food. And as I write this post on 17th I can confirm they have had their maiden flights and left the nest.

Isn't Nature wonderful and we feel so privileged to witness so much wildlife in our own back garden, there is a healthy population of most of the usual garden four legged wildlife, Rabbits apleny much to hubby's annoyance as they plunder the veggie gardens, Red and Muntjak Deer venture out of the thicket into the orchard when they are feeling brave and of course there is the Fox. Sadly the latter has taken to daytime visits with his young teaching them the ropes and our chicken and duck population has suffered in recent weeks, but they are free range (shut up at night of course) and you can't warn hens about the dangers of going too far! 
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  1. Beautiful cards Brenda - I could do with some summer here :) - but if it was, we would be complaining about lack of water, so I console myself that all this rain has a purpose....
    Loving your bird photos - I have a starling house in my back yard, as well as the usual blackbirds, thrushes, sparrows, finches etc all year around, and our native tui, and also fantails, during winter and spring.

  2. Gorgeous cards Brenda, all so very clever, I wouldn't know where to start with a scene like your first one.
    Love your bird photos too, such a vast variety of birds, it's years since I've seen a Bullfinch and they are so pretty. We did have a couple of blackbird nests, but I'm afraid the crows took the eggs . Have a good weekend x

  3. beautiful bird pictures and the sun/beach card is gorgeous the flower cards are beautiful Brenda
    Gr Karin

  4. What a lovely post. I adore your cards and lovely stamps.
    The wildlife in your garden sounds amazing - I can imagine sitting watching that all day long :)
    We only have a small garden but the birds know they will be well fed here and come looking for us for special treats :)
    Gill x

  5. Tre meravigliose creazioni, Brenda!! E tutte e tre molto dolci e piene di pace! Una bellissima spiaggia tropicale, una promessa di amore incondizionato luminosa e allegra e la mia preferita, la terza card, che mi ricorda un giardino pieno di sole al mattino presto! Bellissimo lo sfondo sfumato con le libellule e i dolci colori!!!
    Ho letto con meraviglia e gioia di tutti gli uccelli ospiti del tuo giardino, che bello sapere che ce ne sono così tanti, e tante varietà!!! La biodiversità è sintomo di natura incontaminata e mi fa molto sapere che da te è così!!!
    Da noi ci sono moltissime gazze, che si mangiano tutte le uova e i nidiacei delle altre razze di uccelli. Sono terribili, mangiano anche tutta la frutta degli alberi. Mi dispiace molto per la tua gallina e per l'anatra :(
    ...Però anche i cuccioli di volpe hanno bisogno di mangiare, la natura è così... e c'è sempre meno natura e sempre più cemento nel mondo...
    Non potete proteggere il pollaio? Ho sentito di sistemi come reti per pollai che sottoterra fanno una "L", così che la volpe trova sempre rete anche se scava più in profondità e alla fine rinuncia...
    Ieri ho portato una delle nostre galline dal veterinario specialista in aviaria :) Ha una gravissima carenza di Calcio, perché nell'allevamento dove è nata non l'hanno alimentata correttamente. Gli allevamenti intensivi sono terribili e le nostre galline sono fortunate a poter razzolare nella terra! Così adesso devo dare il Carbonato di Calcio nel becco... Non è facile dare le medicine ad una gallina :D
    Un abbraccio e goditi tutti i tuoi animali, domestici e selvatici, loro sono un dono del Creato!

  6. Such wonderful cards Brenda. Those new PB stamps caught my eye too but haven't had a chance yet to look through and pick some new ones out.

    Cute baby bird pictures. Nature is such a wonderful thing! Lots of birds here in my backyard too, especially cardinals (our state bird), robins, woodpeckers, bluejays and of course sparrows. This spring I noticed a mockingbird. Had a few hummingbirds this spring as well but they must have went further north as I haven't seen one in a while. And it's so nice having a family of squirrels living on our oak tree. The cats always chase them but they always outsmart them. I agree it's so nice to be surrounded by nature. We live in a small city but lots of trees all around the neighourhoods which keeps these wonderful creatures here.

  7. Gorgeous cards Brenda, I so wish I could stamp like you and ink too.
    Love the chick pics, xxxx

  8. You are very lucky to get to close to the birds. Love your cards,they are wonderful.

  9. Gorgeous cards Brenda, lovely pictures of the chicks. We see lots more birds since we haven't had a cat and also lost a few chickens to the foxes.

  10. Beautiful makes Brenda and so lovely to watch nature in your garden (I love the garden birds) xxxx

  11. That Penny Black scene... I have fallen in love with the scenic stamps from the latest release! All your cards are gorgeous though! Good luck with the chicken...

  12. A fabulous collection of super cards, all with brilliant backgrounds and images.
    The bird photo's are fab too.

    Kath x

  13. Loved your post Brenda beautiful bird pictures and stunning cards


  14. Beautiful cards, Brenda. Thanks for sharing the photos of the birds. How wonderful to have so much wildlife on your doorstep! xx

  15. So fun to see the nest pictures, Brenda! Wow--you do have a lot of wildlife--like living at a resort! Lovely cards, as always! I really like the beachy scene you created & do admire your use of Pan Pastels--mine still unused.

  16. Beautiful cards! I love them all,you are soooooo talented! Wonderful photos of the birds, your garden sounds amazing with all that fab wildlife. xxx

  17. What a pleasure to see so many little birds hatch and fly of their nests...
    Love the cards you made; all 3 so different but the delicate flowers from the CI-stamp have a bit more for me.... Hugs, Gerrina

  18. We feel the same way, Brenda, about living with Nature - "privileged". I think of all the people who live in big cities and marvel that they don't really understand where their food comes from, or be able to watch the leaves in a tree lazily flutter in the breeze, or the way the sun sparkles on the leaf tops of certain plants. Today I was watching some damsel flies playing in my water fountain for wild birds. Sorry to hear about the chicken loss.

    Your cards are beautiful. I especially like the trail in your beach scene with the dangling leaves on top, as though you are peeking out from the forest canopy to the open expanse of beach. The use of oxides is especially breathtaking. There is one product I could never afford that I would have loved to use, and that was the Pan Pastels. I recall when you were using them, and thought their softness was glorious in the detail you could achieve.

    Wishing you a great week-end! hugs, de

  19. Crikey you are all kept busy with the various animals invading your ground Brenda! Hope the chicks survive. Your cards are beautiful and the beach one had me walking along that path. So beautiful!!

  20. Just playing catch up as I've been away for a few days. I love your gorgeous cards, especially the beach scene. I can feel the heat from the sun now. I love the photos of the birds, how lovely it must be to watch them grow and then fledge.

    Sue xx

  21. Beautiful cards Brenda, I could quite happily wander along that sandy beach, or better still gallop!! We are also blessed with many feathered friends, the latest to fledge were three robins whose parents picked one of our planters to build their nest. I discovered it one morning while watering!! However all was well and the babies are now on the lawn most days. Sadly the house martin babies were tossed out of the nest in our garage but the residents in the barn are all well and regularly using Surprise as target practice!! x

  22. You really have a wonderful garden!!

  23. What a fantastic scene you've created, I feel like I could walk right into it. Love the bird pictures - you are so lucky to witness this first hand.

  24. You are so good at creating scenes, all these cards are great but the last one is my favourite xx

  25. Beautiful cards, brenda, and love the bird pics.
