
Tuesday 18 June 2019

Blooms and Strooms

Morning Peeps, advance warning it's a rather photo heavy post, not only do I have my mid month shares from today's posts over at Stamping Sensations and Penny Black and More challenges, there is also my artwork from my Chocolate Baroque post here.

So starting with the top card which features the lovely Penny Black Summer Dream along with a Visible Image sentiment, very simply made by masking the edges of a die cut frame and using Distress Markers to ink the blossom branch, spritzing with water for the first stamping and gradually building up with colour with repeat stamping.......all using my invaluable Tonic stamping platform.

Using Penny Black 40-330 Pop Pop Poppy, 40-470 Script and 30-229 Special Wishes

The above one was made much the same way but first creating a background with Distress Inks and some script stamping and then layering on Penny Black Pop Pop Poppy and also a PB sentiment.

Here I utilised one of many background pieces...............I tend to have a day making background and masterboard's with various mediums and colours ready for making up into creations. I find doing this is invaluable when there is a rush show on TV as half the work has already been done, plus very often if I am struggling for mojo leafing through the pieces in the draw provide the missing inspiration, either with their colours or the stencilling I may have added.

On this occasion I have used a piece that was randomly brayered with acrylic paints and stamped Penny Blacks Pop Pop Poppy using sparkle pens direct to stamp and again layering up the colour using my stamp platform. A PB sentiment, OB Swirls stamped around the edge in gray and PB Tiny Dragons and a few sequins.

This is a sample again for Hochanda, this time for one of Pete Simpson's Artisan Designs shows. I thought the vivid colours I used on this one were perfect for this month Stamping Sensations theme, I stamped each of the blooms onto pieces of card which I had first sprayed with Pixie Powders, cut them out and arranged over some stamped and coloured leaves from the same stamp release. Finally a sentiment from one of the sets in the show and a few sequins.

Now for my chocolate Baroque shares, I won't go into detail here as I have written up all the information and stamp names over at the Chocolate Baroque blog.

Many thanks for your visit today, it's always much appreciated.
Those leaving a comment on any post on this blog do so in the knowledge that their name and blog link are visible to all who visit this blog.


  1. Wow you have been busy. These cards really live up to your blog’s name, fabulous

  2. Such a beautiful collection of cards and so colourful. I've just returned from a walk Brenda and the sun was shining. Not sure how long it will last though as thunder storms are forecast for later I think. Guess we just have to make the most of it while we can. Enjoy your day xx

  3. Oh Brenda these are all beautiful - you really do a lot of work and all so gorgeous!

  4. Ooh what can I say but Wow, Wow and Wow again! Inspirational cards, thank you! xxx

  5. A gorgeous collection of colourful cards Brenda. I love the top one most of all.

    Sue xx

  6. wouw wat zijn je kaarten allemaal weer schitterend ik zou geen keus kunnen maken welke ik mooier vind
    Groetjes Gerrie

  7. wow what great cards all beautiful and gorgeous ones Brenda

    Gr Karin

  8. Brenda these are all amazing. Love them all. Have a great week. Hugs Anesha

  9. Wonderful creations Brenda, Kate x

  10. OMGosh, Brenda, what a stunning set of cards! x

  11. Well Brenda you are really spoiling us with these super creations. Some really super backgrounds and some fabulous images. The four fold card is just amaizing.

    Kath x

  12. Fabulous selection of cards Brenda beautiful stamps and great backgrounds
    Carol x

  13. What a brilliant selection of cards, Brenda! They are really elegant and beautiful. Oh, I lllllove Penny Black stamps and your amazing backgrounds!!! Hugs, my friend.

  14. Oh my goodness Brenda, such a lot of beautiful makes and your PB one is so delicate and pretty - that's my favourite one this time! xxxx

  15. Awesome collection of cards Brenda such a variety of designs and colours, my favourite is the Chocolate Baroque one with the toadstools in the foreground, it’s a really beautiful scene.

    Pat xx

  16. Oh wow again so many beautiful artwork!
    Favorite are the treecards,, but love the sentiment on the first and one of my favo CB-stamps is theone on the last card! Hugs, Gerrina

  17. wow! so much lovely inkiness - I saw the CB mushroom one on FB and wondered if it was yours as I didn't follow the link. Love the one where you linked the cards together to make the concertina.

  18. Sei inimitabile, Brenda!! :) Quante meravigliose cards floreali!!! Mi è piaciuto leggere che ti prepari gli sfondi per velocizzare il lavoro e trovare le ispirazioni, è un'ottima idea!! Devo provare questo sistema! I tuoi giochi con gli inchiostri e i colori sono sempre perfetti, sembrano quadri!
    In ogni card c'è una bellissima natura! Moltissime tecniche e ispirazioni con qualsiasi brand di timbri tu usi!!! :D
    Ancora pochissimi giorni e poi finalmente per me è vacanza, non vedo l'ora. :) Sono contenta di sapere che stai bene! Spero che tu abbia una buona settimana e che sia finalmente soleggiata! Qui brilla il sole e fa molto caldo, adesso!

  19. Oh you have been busy Brenda, lovely cards. Love the vibrant pink stamping of your first PB share and the bright colours you used on the Pete Simpson designs is fabulous. Love the CB cards and the Mushroom House is a fabulous image.
    Avril xx

  20. Brenda, one NEVER tires of viewing your fabulous work of art and this is the reason why these are all sensational.xx

  21. Wauw Brenda these are all so beautiful. All stylish and recognizable as your work. I cannot say enough that you are so talented in making elegant cards. Marlies x

  22. these are so wonderful cards!

  23. Wow what stunning inspiration and such creativity......Thank you ...I so enjoyed reading your post x.

  24. Well, you have been busy. they are all great cards but I particularly like the Chocolate Baroque ones, brilliant xx

  25. Amazing collection of beautiful cards, can't pick a favourite but I do like the mushroom ones!

    Joan x

  26. So many gorgeous creations Brenda, there is some beautiful backgrounds and some beautiful images.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x
