
Saturday 27 April 2019

Artisan Design funky flowers for Allsorts

Morning Peeps, Saturday again so time for our new Allsorts challenge and this week Mervi is our host and as it's Mothers Day in many parts of the World she would like to see 'Feminine creations'. We have two lovely Woodware stamps for this weeks lucky winner. It's also my turn to post over at the Chocolate Baroque blog today and you can see my creation further down.

My thanks to all for their enquiries as to how my treatment went at hospital last week. I have to say it wasn't as bad as I thought, 32 injections in your head and face can never be pleasant but it was over quickly. If the treatment works then I should see some benefit in a few weeks although it could be longer, in other words not an instant fix! And if it does, then whilst it won't get rid of my migraines completely, to have half the month free of them would be wonderful and I'll happily go back every twelve weeks for the same.

My top card is another of the recent Hochanda TV samples I created for Pete Simpson on Artisan Design using the Funky Flowers, I confess I'm not sure which if the sets these come from as the eight came to me direct from pressing and ended up getting them all rather muddled and am yet to organise them into the appropriate sets. And keep a look out in May as Pete has some more beautiful stamps on their way.

After colouring oddments of card with Distress Oxides I stamped with sentiments from the sets using a slightly darker ink, dried and then stamped the flowers with Versamark and heat embossed with detail white EP and cut out. Using Pan Pastels I created a background and placed behind a die cut frame and placed the flower over the frame onto 'stems' made of coiled up jewellers wire. Finally again using Versamark and white EP I stamped and cut our some leaves from the sets, placed across the bottom and added a shrink plastic Butterfly which is Chocolate Baroque.

This one is a Chocolate Baroque make also for Hochanda TV, the beauty about working with such wonderful quality stamps (and Pete's are also manufactured by CB) is that the ideas just keep flowing with the result I always end up with far more samples that I need for the Chocolate Baroque blog.

After distressing the tag with inks and stencils I stamped the dressmakers mannequin with Versamark black, masked across the bottom and added a stand from another of the stamps in the same show to extend it down the tag. Next I gathered up some pale blue tulle and fixed on the skirt with a bow, a button cut out from another stamp set in the show and a little dress hanger embellishment which I seem to have had for years, seam binding and a Little Birdie Rose.

And now for my Chocolate Baroque creations from our recent shows on Hochanda TV, full details of the stamps and techniques I used can be found on the blog here.

Happy weekend all.
Those leaving a comment on any post on this blog do so in the knowledge that their name and blog link are visible to all who visit this blog.


  1. Gorgeous cards Brenda! Have obviously missed a few posts so have caught up. Glad the treatment wasn't TOO awful, and hope it does the trick. sending lots of love. the lads did great last night again.. just have to hope city slip up somewhere!

  2. Absolutely love the colours you used in the AS card, Brenda - fab flowers - I really like them. Lots of fussy cutting there.
    Love the tag; the SP butterfly is so pretty. I have loads of that stuff lying around and really ought to use it at some point...thank you for the reminder. Lovely samples - especially the one with all the butterflies hidden in the background - I don't know if you've stamped them all or if it's a background, but it looks wonderful. I'll go check later.
    As for your treatment - eeek! I can imagine you'll do anything to be rid of the pain, but that is a LOT to go through. I really hope it shows some - vast - improvement. I'm in awe of the fact that you're still able to create - and to leave lovely comments - while in all that pain! Migraine can be so debilitating. I remember when I was plagued with them for a while, just needing to go hide my head under the duvet to eliminate as much light as possible until it passed. I was so relieved to discover medication that actually worked.
    Off to check out the challenge. I do enjoy AS challenges.
    Cath x

  3. WOW, wunderschöne Arbeiten,Gefällt mir ist wunderschön gestaltet
    glg Gertrude

  4. Beautiful cards Brenda.I hope you feel better sone.Blessings, Elly

  5. Gorgeous cards Brenda, love them all but especially the flowers on the first one and the beautiful tag. Glad the treatment wasn’t as bad as anticipated and hope that it works sooner rather than later. Have a good weekend.

    Pat xx

  6. All very beautiful Brenda but I think my fave has got to be the Dreams sentiment one, xxx

  7. Amazing creations! Love the depth you create with different textures

  8. wow gorgeous cards and tag Brenda you always have some fab designs.
    Gr Karin

  9. these are so very nice projects!

  10. Wonderful array of cards, Brenda! Each one so unique and beautiful with lots of color, texture and shapes. I hope the new medical protocol provides relief, Brenda. You are truly an inspiration in forging forward and accomplishing beaucoup projects and kindnesses. May you feel better soon. love, de

  11. I am pleased to hear that the treatment wasn't too awful and hope that it will give you some relief Brenda. Your cards, as always, are wonderful. The colour palette on those stylised flowers is so pretty and I had to smile at the perfectly coordinated wire stems, only a crafter would be able to find something perfect on their stash!! I am really drawn to the dress form tag and the diddy hanger was a lovely addition too xx

  12. Hope that you feel the relief of the injections sooner, dear Brenda!!
    This is a wonderful array of creations, and your creativity is always at top! The first one is a stunner, those funky flowers pop so well out of the frame!
    The samples for CB look amazing, love especially the big amber card with the orange butterfly and that AWESOME background! It's just a dream! The tag with that mannequin dressed with the tulle is a delight, as well all those dimensional hearts with the bow of string!
    Have a lovely weekend in your Heaven corner!

  13. A gorgeous selection of cards Brenda. I have to say that top card is beautiful. I love it.
    I'm glad the treatment wasn't as bad as you were expecting and I have everything crossed that it works for you.
    Sending hugs
    Lorraine x

  14. I love this card Brenda, the colours looks superb together and great fun stems and the cutting out makes the flowers really stand out. Love the frame and the subtle background.

    Kath x

  15. Lovely cards Brenda, glad the treatment wasn't as bad as you were expecting x

  16. Oh my gosh Brenda, so many beautiful makes here. I must admit, I'd forgotten all about the coiling of jewellery wire, haven't done that for years and years, I remember coiling it around a pencil! - this is something I must do again, isn't it strange and somehow rather sad how some techniques over the years get forgotten and taken over by new ones! - this is exactly why I love blogging, when a blast from the past suddenly comes right back to you. I'm so glad that your hospital procedure wasn't too bad and yes, lets hope that you get some relief from these migraines in the not too distant future. xxxx

  17. All very beautiful cards Brenda. All fantastic work. You are so talented and I realy do admire how you allways make so many different kinds of cards. I hope you treatment will help you. Marlies

  18. A beautiful serie for CB again! Favorite is the first; love all the stamps together! But...your card for Allsorts is super! So different and beautiful! Hope you make yourself a good sunday inspite of the wet weather! Hugs, Gerrina

  19. Such a wonderful collection of beautiful cards Brenda. my fingers are crossed for your improved health, at least that will make having all of those injections worth it in the end.

    Sue xx

  20. Stunning creations Brenda. Your stamping skills are something I aspire to, I have lots of stamps that I've bought because I love them but then just haven't used as I'm unsure of how to create with them. Guess I should just ink them up, be brave and see where they take me?

  21. Really hope the treatment works for you. Sending healing prayers. Your cards are wonderful as ever. Hope you and your fur babies have a great Sunday. Our two sends purrs. Anesha x

  22. What an amazing selection of artwork Brenda, you really do spoil us all! The stems on the first flowers are terrific and very different. The tag is so pretty and honey coloured CB piece is really beautiful. Great job! xx

  23. Your treatment at the hospital sounds very unpleasant, so I do hope it works for your migraines.
    Gorgeous cards Brenda and I love your idea of using the wire stems for those quirky flowers, they works so well with your design. Love they pretty tag with the tulle skirt and the gorgeous butterfly on the CB sample too.
    Avril xx

  24. Wow Brenda...I don't know where to start ...these are all fabulous, all so different so hard to pick a favourite but I like the first one with the funky flowers on springs, lovely colour palette. i do hope those injections work for so deserve some respite. Hugs xx

  25. These are all so wonderful Brenda. Loving all the inking and artistic stamps. Love the use of wire, I can't find mine, as I had recently planned on using some with a butterfly, but it's totally misplaced. The multicolored rays look so amazing! It's definitely not easy to choose a favorite one this time!
    Good to hear your treatment wasn't as painful as imagined!

  26. Love those little wire stems! All wonderful as always and as you will guess my fave is that little blue tulle tag - love it.

  27. Fabulous selection Brenda-don't know how you do it and hope you get some relief soon with the new treatment.Really love the orange butterfly and one directly underneath
    Carol x

  28. Fabulous and beautiful cards all, wow!
    Hope the treatment works;-))m

  29. So good to hear that the treatment was not too bad - here's praying that it gives you good relief!
    Love your cards Brenda - you really make these stamps 'sing' - I love your style of stamping and the resulting cards

  30. Such beautiful work thanks for sharing!!!

  31. Oh Brenda your works are so beautiful, I love the first one.

    All the best for you !!!


  32. What fabulous cards, they are all gorgeous. Just love that chocolate Boroque heart. The rays of muted colours look great.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  33. Wow what an amazing selection of cards Brenda I love each one of them well done I do hope that your treatment works for you although it sounds horrendous all those injections I think you are such a wonderful person
    Lorraine x

  34. What an amazing collection you have here Brenda, but I totlly fell in love with the beautiful stamps and delicate colours of the first. Glad to hear the treatment wasn't too bad and fingers crossed it helps xx

  35. Wow, those are such nice cards and tag. I like everything very much.
    Hugs Carola

  36. Lots of beauties, Brenda! Glad you "survived" the treatment & hope it's successful!
