
Saturday 30 March 2019

Bright and sunny yellow

Morning Peeps, time for our new Allsorts challenge and this week Lynn is our host and would like to see Yellow on our creations, very fitting as we head into Spring. We have a lovely stamp set from Woodware and a stencil for this weeks lucky winner. 

Further down you will also find my Chocolate Baroque shares from my post on the DT blog here.

My first card at the top is one of my recent samples for Pete Simpson's latest Hochanda TV shows which featured beautiful funky flowers and inspirational sentiments, I count myself very fortunate to design for Pete and get to work with his wonderful artwork. His stamps are available to purchase from his company Artisan Designs here.

The base of my card is a piece of 600gsm Fabriano brayered with three colours of acrylic paint, then one of the sentiments stamped vertically in the centre. Next the flower was stamped and then paper pieced. The same sentiment is stamped again and placed over the base of the flower and some twine wrapped round. I covered three chipboard discs with the same acrylic pain, stamped the centres of another of the flowers from the release and heat embossed with clear EP and fixed onto the piece and mounted onto a black base card.

The lovely yellow Rose is by Penny Black, stamped in black Versafine and embossed with detail clear EP and coloured in with glitter pens, then some stencilling added to the background with Distress Inks. Some punched corners added, yellow ribbon and mounted onto some coordinating DP and a black base card.

As mentioned earlier, my Chocolate Baroque shares, details of how I made them all can be found here.

Do pop over to the Allsorts challenge blog and see all the inspiration my teamies have to share and we are looking forward to seeing all your bright and sunny creations this week.
Those leaving a comment on any post on this blog do so in the knowledge that their name and blog link are visible to all who visit this blog.


  1. Fabulous set of more and more pretty cards, loved them all!
    Well finally the spring is here too, snow is smelting;-))m

  2. Great cards Brenda, from the classic rose to the delicate shop window. I love the texture and Zentangle-like stamping on the butterfly card. Doubt I will be entering Allsorts this week though, Yellow is NOT my colour! xx

  3. More beauties here, Brenda - I particularly like the last card, with its striking contrast, especially with the pretty butterfly addition, but they are all beautiful. Love the design of the first - great way to use text - and the subtle stencilling of the second adds just enough interest - lovely.
    Hope you're feeling much better at the moment and enjoying the lovely Spring sunshine.
    Cath x

  4. beautiful cards you have made Brenda

    gr karin

  5. Fabulous set of of beautiful cards Brenda


  6. A fabulous collection of cards Brenda, plenty of yellow going on with these cards.

    Sue xx

  7. Lovely lovely lovely cards, Brenda!!!!!!!

  8. I can see you have no problem using yellow! All lovely sunshine makes. I of course love the shop with the mannequins - wonderful!

  9. More delightful ad beautiful cards from you Brenda...I love the rose! You are definitely spreading sunshine. xx

  10. Wow lot of creations to see. Beautiful made

  11. Such wonderful creations Brenda! I can see you've been busy in the craft room and really loving that yellow rose, but all cards are so creative and beautiful!

  12. Some fabulous designs Brenda, must say I love the Penny Black rose it’s gorgeous. Have a good weekend.

    Pat xx

  13. Your designs are stunning Brenda, I love the images and colours and the window with the mannequins is gorgeous, my favourite, so clever a design, Kate x

  14. Wow, all so striking Brenda. Xxxx

  15. These are lovely cards Brenda, the sunshine yellow is really striking xx

  16. A lot of fabulous cards, Brenda! You have been so busy! I have already admired your CB samples on their blog and love so much all them, especially those with butterfly theme, Wow!
    Also the first two cards are so lovely, the folk one is just striking with the paperpiecing and that fabulous sentiment! The penny Black one remember me a playing card, I don't know why :D and looks very feminine! I have never thought that yellow and black could be so feminine and elegant! Your talent always shine! :)
    Hope you are having a fabulous time with your loved son! Enjoy him!

  17. Two fabulous yellow creations, super images, backgrounds, love the sentiment on the first card.
    Some lovely CB creations too but I just love the white images on the purple background.

    Kath x

  18. Fabulous cards and love the colour schemes on all of them
    Kim x

  19. Stunning and bright yellows here B, loving each card indeed..xx

  20. Beautiful cards. Back from holiday so will catch up soon. Kitties have been delayed to later in April. Anesha x

  21. All so different and gorgeous Brenda. Hope the weather is agreeing with you x

  22. Fabulous selection Brenda love all the stamps and gorgeous rose
    Carol x

  23. Beautiful cards, B! I especially love the yellow theme you have going on. Lovely! hugs, de

  24. Beautiful cards Brenda. All beautiful made. A good idea of the shopwindow one.

  25. OOhh Brenda , your cards are absolutely Gorgeous !! Love love them, all of them, they are very happy, love the colours and the so beautiful designs you have created. Congratulations!
    I wish you a very nice new weel,
    Big hugs, Caty

  26. Hard not to like those bright yellow cards Brenda! Love the mannequin and butterfly cards too.

  27. Beautiful cards Brenda!! Love those yellow cards!! So so pretty.

  28. Like the yellow; it looks so sunny! The butterfly cards are my favorites, the yellow one with all the details most... Hope you have sunshine every day just as we have here... Hugs, Gerrina

  29. What gorgeous cards you have created, Brenda. You obviously have a talent for design and color. I can't decide which one I like best. They are all amazing. xo Nancy

  30. these are so nice cards!

  31. As always a stunning selection of cards and amazing stamping Brenda.... especially those two beautiful butterfly cards. Hope you're keeping well xx

  32. Wonderful colors that complement the new season!
