
Saturday 2 February 2019

Love is in the air

Morning Peeps, time for our new Allsorts challenge and this week Helene is preparing for Valentines Day with the theme of 'Love', we have a gorgeous Indigo Blu stamp for this weeks winner.

Apols I've not been visiting too much this week, I was doing fine with the increased meds at night but Monday when the extra morning ones started was I spaced out or what, so it's been slow going for a few days but all going to plan some crafty activity over the weekend.

Not new makes, if fact both were made for Chocolate Baroque TV shows some time back and never blogged so now seems the perfect time. My cards at the top is pretty simple, two two die cut hearts using TL dies, Distress Oxide inks for the backgrounds and hears and Chocolate Baroque stamps.

And I'm super excited because Alex our youngest son who's on his European road trip with partner Zoe following their athletic race calendar is flying home home Monday for a few days to visit. And he had a fab marathon in La Palma Gran Cranaria last Sunday with a PB (Personal Best) of 2hr36mins so was well pleased with that, but being a true athlete told me he could have shaved another minute  if he'd done better in the last two miles.

My second card also uses Chocolate Baroque stamps, these ones from the Mackintosh collection and again TL dies.
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  1. Two fab cards Brenda and both so different. One inky and a little grungy and the other so formal and pretty. I have to admit that I love the splash of colour on the first one. I’m really pleased to read that you are slowly on the mend and that the good days are now outnumbering the’s not before time. Great news too about Alex coming home for a few days, I know that will cheer you up. Take care and have a lovely weekend. Crafty hugs, Sandra x

  2. Morning Brenda! Two lovely Valentine cards, you know me, Im drawn to the first inky one but I do love anything Macintosh! I know you'll love seeing Alex and that is something to look forward to. Have a lovely weekend and look after yourself xxxx

  3. beautiful Valentines cards Brenda

    gr karin

  4. Both so different but both so beautiful!
    xxx Margreet

  5. Two fabulous cards Brenda. Well done to your son, as a non runner I think 2hrs36mins is an amazing time. Enjoy your crafting weekend.

    Sue xx

  6. They are both gorgeous Brenda. Xxx

  7. Hope you feel better in yourself. Love the cards. Have a great week and stay warm. Hugs Anesha

  8. Lovely Brenda, more beautiful work x

  9. The hearts layers on the Mackintosh card produce a striking effect, almost pulsating (which of course is perfect for a heart!), but my favourite is the more whimsy first card. The stamping and the splatters dit it for me! Enjoy the family reunion, Brenda. xx

  10. Two gorgeous cards Brenda, lovely colours on the first and the Mackintosh image and sentiment are lovely.
    Enjoy your Son's visit next week, no doubt there'll be lot of catching up to do.
    Hugs, Avril xx

  11. Two beautifull creations Brenda, loving all the inkyness and stamped heart and the second one is such a perfect CAS creation!
    How nice that you get to spend some time with your son!

  12. Two lo9vely Valentine card Brenda...sorry to hear you are still feeling unwell..hope things improve soon for you


  13. Two lovely cards Brenda, I love the second one, Mackintosh roses are always so gorgeous. Glad the meds are working for you, enjoy your crafting and time with Alex, well done to him in his race.

    Pat xx

  14. Two great makes Brenda - sorry to hear you are struggling with your meds - you are still producing amazing work though! Big hugs lovely lady xx

  15. Hi Brenda what gorgeous cards, I love the designs and colours. Pleased to hear that you are feeling better..even if you're a bit spaced out.
    How lovely your son is coming home for a bit, that will cheer you up, Kate x

  16. Hi Brenda! I'm very happy to hear that you are going fine with the new medicines! Surely you must have still some patience... but it seems that all is under control now!
    I can image how you are excited knowing that your son is flying home to visit you and that he had a Personal Best! :) Big congrats to him! Enjoy your time together!
    Your hearts cards are both wonderful,I'm impressed especially by the first one, such amazing heart with the CB stamp inside and the inked background, fabulous colours!!!
    Big hugs!

  17. Two fabulous card Brenda, super mixture of lovely colours on the first card and the CAS design on the second. Both cards have lovely hearts and super flowers.

    Kath x

  18. Two fabulous cards, lovely stamps.
    Enjoy your sons visit;-))m

  19. Both fabulous cards and beautiful stamps-enjoy the time with your son
    Carol x

  20. Both cards fit so good with valentine on the way... Love the first; great background! And beautiful grungy!! Hope you can do all the things you have planned this weekend! Hugs, Gerrina

  21. loving the different styles, my fave has to be the inky one, such a gorgeous colour mix and design.

  22. Well after poppies my go to is CRM - love those stamps and I need to get them out more, just love how you used them. Nice inky first card, great inspiration to do something a little different.

    Enjoy your visit from Alex and congrats to him on his PB.

  23. Wow, I love your first card with the gorgeous colours and wonderful heart design, and the second is so pretty with those lovely flowers xx

  24. These are so beautiful! I really LOVE the second one with the sweet flowers inside the hearts!
